News Briefs – 09/26/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q’s Posts are here.

Twitter Brief is here.


From 4Chan, a completely unverified rumor of what happened at the Standard Hotel with Adam Schiff.

‘Colleagues pay tribute to British police sergeant who was shot dead at station after career including protecting Princess Diana and the Queen Mother.


Man in California allegedly found thousands of unopened ballots in a garbage dumpster, and workers quickly try to cover them up.

Durham has the crosshairs of his probe centered on McCabe and other senior FBI leaders.

FBI whistleblower says, Mueller and Weissman were only out to “get Trump.”

FBI was cut out of the loop in targeting Antifa as DHS intel and US Marshals were the ones called upon.

CIA’s Brennan overruled dissenting analysts who concluded Russia favored Hillary.

Archbishop Viganò says the Deep State has now teamed up with the Deep Church to overthrow Trump, and usher in the New World Order.

White House sources say Trump to nominate Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court.

Ginsburg apparently didn’t want to hire black law clerks.

Facebook suppresses Tucker Carlson’s page for ‘repeated sharing of false news.’

Trump plans to go for the jugular in first debate and taunt Biden about his son Hunter, as Democrats fear Joe is ‘training for a knife fight’ when his opponent is bringing ‘an Uzi.’

Rush predicts an interesting outcome. He thinks Biden will be unable to debate, such as due to a last minute stomach virus, and the campaign will offer Kamala as a replacement debater on short notice. This is possible. My Narcissist would get sick when critical, important events he didn’t want to do were about to transpire when he was Biden’s age, and he would simply be unable to make them. I suspected Biden might have that happen, and need to declare a lid day on debate day. If it doesn’t happen with the first debate, and President Trump murders him, then it will happen on the second and third debates. I did not see the Kamala as a last minute replacement though. Trump should have staff do at least a preliminary prep against Kamala, but I would also try to refuse Kamala, and insist on Joe, giving him time to get better, while being as magnanimous as possible. Force Joe to either show up, or not. Don’t give him an out, and let it appear normal.

Nap time for sleepy Joe – Biden campaign calls a lid after attending the Ginsburg memorial.

Biden’s “low-key” (sleepy) campaign style worries some Democrats.

Joe Biden tells military members, “Clap you stupid bastards!,” after they ignore his applause line.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is the odds-on favorite to win the U.S. election against President Donald Trump, according to an average of 7 different forecast models released on Thursday. I think our problem is we are still projecting – assuming they are like us. We would not lie so blatantly, so we have a natural tendency to think, they couldn’t be lying so blatantly, and surely so many of them could not be lying so blatantly together. But they are lying completely blatantly, there are that many of them, and they are doing it knowingly, because they are nothing like us. Hopefully as they do it this clearly, it will prepare us to dehumanize them the way they will need to be dehumanized for what is to come.

The Department of Justice directed the Pennsylvania county where discarded ballots were found to change its practices before the upcoming election. It is pretty clear somebody was opening mail-in ballots, and disposing of the ones which voted for Trump. The motivation, to break the law like that, comes from more than just ideological differences. More and more I think although there may be crazy liberals, many of those cases we see put before us are engineered to create the crazy liberal meme, so when we see conspirators doing crazy things, we think “crazy liberal,” and not “massive conspiracy.”

5% rejection rate for Black mail-in ballots in NC. More than race, this will play along IQ lines, which will disfavor Democrat votes, which is why now Democrats have begun to sound unsure about whether their voters should do vote by mail, which was really only supposed to be for their fraud operations.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy forced everyone into voting by mail, limiting polling locations, with no voting machines, except for voters with disabilities.

CNN dismisses the military ballots for Trump found in a dumpster.

In Virginia, 1,000+ voters receive two absentee ballots.

Pennsylvania is discussing simply having the Republican legislature appoint a slate of Trump electors, if the democrats tie up the apportionment of electoral votes with legal wrangling, or leave the state without a clear winner through fraud.

Obama and Brennan’s CIA wasted $1.5 billion in Syria. Article says Brennan basically destroyed the CIA’s operational wing, forcing the Agency to rely on foreign partners to run operations, while the Agency focused on technical support. I wonder if he was shifting the Agency from intelligence gathering to surveillance (technical intelligence gathering operators), and then running the surveillance domestically as “training operations.” That would have been a clever way to shift CIA’s resources from spying overseas to monitoring the US citizenry, under some quasi-legal explanation.

If the Democrats take over the Senate, they could admit 5 new states and pack the Supreme Court with 6 new judges and take control forever.

Portland mayor warns ‘far-right groups’ to stay away from the city even as he openly allows leftist violence to dominate.

Andrew Cuomo’s New York to parole the 17th cop-killer in the last three years. A Black Liberation Army member, who in 1971 lured two cops to a housing project and executed them in cold blood. It is either an extraordinary coincidence, that as they were preparing bail reform and dumping the jails, they were also releasing cop-killers, or these cop killers were being let out as a part of the current coordinated plan for maximum anarchy. Either they are hoping these guys will kill more cops, or they are saying to the protesters, if you kill a cop in cold blood, you can still be out walking the streets and enjoying the world, in hopes they can get protesters killing cops now. This is the Democrat’s reelection strategy, and everyone who dies, and everyone whose life is ruined, it is just an acceptable loss.

New York AG suggests the NYPD get rid of traffic stops to prevent deadly force incidents.

Over 300 people facing federal charges for crimes committed during nationwide demonstrations.

Pro-Antifa DA drops attempted murder and arson charges for terrorist who hurled massive molotov cocktail at Police.

Nancy Pelosi doubles down that Biden shouldn’t debate Trump.

Department of State about to give a huge giveaway to 400,000 Visa holders, if the President doesn’t hear about it, according to an immigration lawyer.

ABC caught disguising leftists as undecided voters in the Trump Town Hall.

Meghan Markle reportedly has serious ambitions to run for President.

The new Ring Always Home Cam is an autonomous drone that can fly around inside your home to give you a perspective of any room you want when you’re not home.

Gucci is selling a $2,600 dress for men. What I can’t believe is I am so numb to this world that I almost glossed over the men in dresses thing when I saw the dress, and was even more shocked at how unfashionable the dress is for $2600.

A Soros/Gates organization is proposing a “Climate lockdown” as being necessary to save the lives which will be lost to climate change.

A Maryland man was sentenced Friday to a year in prison for hosting two parties in defiance of the state’s coronavirus orders barring large gatherings.

Spotify employees threaten to strike if Joe Rogan podcasts aren’t edited or removed.

New Jersey governor Chris Christie once threatened to sit on Mike Bloomberg.

Window shot out at GOP office in Lancaster County, SC. Article says it was a .40 cal round, but it was found on the floor, which doesn’t sound right. A squib is too small a probability, unless you have a handloader loading subsonic rounds for reduced report. Some airguns are .40 cal, and if you were shooting out a window you might lower the air pressure to lower the report. Little peculiar.

California Judge orders Census to keep counting, and not stop.

Three wounded in Paris stabbing attack near Charlie Hebdo offices.

Serbia and Kosovo agree to name disputed lake on their border ‘Lake Trump.’

Support for BLM demonstrations falls to 39% from 54% in three months amid fresh unrest over Breonna Taylor ruling.

Charles Barkley and Shaquille O’Neal push back on narratives in Breonna Taylor case.

Ron Paul is doing well and recovering after suffering a Transient Ischemic Attack on his livestream show.

Meet John Cummings, retired NYPD  Police Officer taking on AOC in NY District 14.

Chinese Virus deaths are 75% lower in nations using hydroxychloroquine.

New research shows, Hydroxychloroquine poses no risk to heart rhythms.

DeSantis lifts statewide restrictions on bars and restaurants as Florida moves to phase 3.

The Sacramento Bee will leave its 2100 Q Street headquarters next summer, a move that is intended to help offset a decline in ad revenue.

Trump pledges to make Juneteenth a federal holiday in a bid for black voters.

Trump’s new $500B Black America plan designates the KKK and Antifa as ‘terrorist organizations.’

Over 187,000 supporters attend Trump rallies since Labor Day to Joe Biden’s 84.

Spread r/K Theory, because we don’t call lid days here.

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REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

Schiff can’t take the easy way out. He has to be arrested, imprisoned and made an example of.

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

“Department of State about to give a huge giveaway to 400,000 Visa holders, if the President doesn’t hear about it, according to an immigration lawyer.”

Criminal charges, since they are deliberately exposing people to Coronavirus. The low levels have to feel pain every time they do this, or they’ll just keep doing it.

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

“FBI was cut out of the loop in targeting Antifa as DHS intel and US Marshals were the ones called upon.”

The USMS has the most selective screening process for it’s agents of any Federal agency, possibly even the entire planet. They are the Delta Force of US Law.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

and thank GOD they are

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

“Archbishop Viganò says the Deep State has now teamed up with the Deep Church to overthrow Trump, and usher in the New World Order.”

Iluminati confirmed? Anyways, he had better watch out with statements like that, else some Opus Dei or Vatican Jesuit assassin gets him. Gmen can get protection, but men of the cloth are on their own, saving divine intervention.

Also, what are the odds of another Catholic Schism? They seem to regularly happen about every 500 years or so.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

It’s not if, but when for the next schism

Reply to  M in the 517
3 years ago

I’ve been expecting one for years now, I don’t know why it hasn’t happened yet.

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

“Man in California allegedly found thousands of unopened ballots in a garbage dumpster, and workers quickly try to cover them up.”

California 2020 Presidential Election results:
Biden-Harris: 39,510,000
Trump-Pence: 0

California Population 2020 US Census:

FBI Dic. Wray: “Nothing to see here folks!”

Mainstream Media: “Biden won da popular vote! Abolish the Electoral College!”

Also Mainstream Media: “When we get in we’re abolishing the Electoral College- It’s unconstitutional !”

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

If Trump loses NC it’ll be primarily because of traitorous pieces of shit like this.

“We wuz lied to about our vote to extend the mail-in vote to 9 days. We’ll resign now in protest.”

And of course the NC GOP leadership howls in indignation even though they probably floated up the offer to these two scumbags themselves.

“Why we’ll replace these two dumb-asses immediately! You Democrats will never get away with this!”

Crap like this needs to start having meat space consequences. I’m not a violent man so I’ll refrain from making suggestions on what those consequences should be.

3 years ago

> even more shocked at how unfashionable the dress is for $2600.

It’s not clothing, it’s a sign of submission to the Narrative. Just like the “female” clothing that looks like rags fished out of a dumpster. Case in point: the ridiculous outfits that Michelle Obama wore.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

“Case in point: the ridiculous outfits that Michelle Obama wore.”

Michelle Obama had to wear that stuff because Michelle Obama is either a Man or she wears strap on penises. One or the other.

I suspect she doesn’t she wears strap on penises.

3 years ago

As Scripture has it: “thou shalt not sow thy field with diverse seed”.

Well, the Stupid Anglo-Saxon did just that!

“Trump’s new $500B Black America plan designates the KKK and Antifa as ‘terrorist organizations.’”

In the creation of the Jewish state, the Jews created some 5 different Terrorist organizations to attack the British mandate over Palestine and to clear out the Arabs. They conducted massacres and blew up the King David Hotel killing many British.

The first 5 or so Israeli prime ministers and presidents were all leaders in these Terrorist organizations——Yet, we fund Israel. We overlook their attack on the USS Liberty.

Yet, in our OWN Home country, a colony of England—our own self-defense organization the Ku Klux Klan—-is now a “””terrorist””” organization!!!!!

Yea, Jews rule. Jews can run terrorist organizations but to preserve and prevent the Anglo-Saxon genocide—we are now labelled a Terrorist organization.

What did Jesus say, “You can’t serve two masters”. What is Trump doing?????

Pandering to a Low IQ, dysfunctional race that can’t get anything right –and that believes, and makes up lies, like Michael Brown, Hands up Don’t Shoot, St Breona Taylor with dead man in truck rental car, Trayvon Martin shot by White, and fentanyl overdose George Floyd.

The KKK arose to PRESERVE Anglo-Saxon, WASP, culture from the inroads of foreign elements. It was also a defensive mechanism against Yankee Imperialism!!!! Marxists are fond of creating terrorist orgs like the ANC in South Africa to fight Boer Imperialism but the WASP in his own country is not allowed. The abolitionists were Yankee Imperialists, Gnostics, forcing their race-mixing agenda by putting blacks in government positions over whites! And again with De-segregation—White Liberals along with Jewish leadership, started the process of de-segregation which is Genocide. The KKK arose to fight all of that—and they become a Terrorist organization?????

So Trump is pandering to blacks—and shiving whites up the ass!!!!@!!!

Who stands up for us? Who is protecting WASP culture of America???? Who? Not Trump.

Jews can have their terrorist organizations–MOSSAD is now State sponsored Terrorist Org—but us Anglo-Saxons—can’t stand up and defend our people, can we?

We are facing Genocide—-and Trump, the Anglican Church, and the British Monarch are all greasing the wheels of our genocide.

:::We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.:::::

THAT IS A LIE. A total LIE. The Federal Government of America is Genociding the Anglo-Saxon.

Scripture can’t be broken. “Thou Shalt not sow thy field with diverse seed”. What a great Truth!

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Great swimming day at Gun Lake today, FWIW. Pretty much the last outdoor swimming day in Michigan until 2021.

Reply to  M in the 517
3 years ago

M forgot to add the 517″””th”””. AC, you hit the big time. One of our monitors has breached protocol and let his presence be known. One of our military flunkies of our race-mixed Masonic army led by our Critical Race Theory officers!

There is an activated military police unit at the Marxist/commie, soul-killing Battle Creek National Guard base, in the Soviet Republic of Michigan, monitoring all internet/electronic traffic! Thank God they don’t interfere with Antifa or George Soros–they might lose their jobs—but they found you AC.

Our Lebanese Immigrant at Defense cucked Department is making sure not to get the Military involved in the Color revolution going on in America—They are all now Critical Race theory specialists, trained to hunt down those meanie white supremecistssisstss kkk types, ryhmes with nazessss.

Fr. Hardon was right back in the 1970s: ” In the light of what we have just seen, can anyone doubt that the United States has been deeply infected by Marxism. However, I believe we can say even more. Our country is a Marxist nation, Dare I say still more? The United States of America is the most powerful Marxist country in the world.”

Damn tootin’!

250 years later—the Anglo-Saxon is being hunted down by his own government to be exterminated!!!!!

What fun! What lunacy! What Idiocy! The brilliant Protestant Anglo-Saxon—and his only defense–the KKK are being labelled a “Terrorist” organization!!!!

Hey, Stupid cucked Masonic, Diversity Anglo-Saxon—just hurry it up and give your daughters to all the black men—they need more sex!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

> We are facing Genocide

The more I think about the Kalergi plan, the more I think it’s incredibly dumb on all levels. Let’s consider a society in which Europeans (I think this term is more accurate) are encouraged to mate with Africans & Latinos via government incentives, mass propaganda, etc. What will happen?

Well, some fraction of Europeans will simply refuse to do so. That fraction will be, ipso facto, the most resistant to propaganda and government incentives, which will almost certainly mean they are the most intelligent, disciplined, family focused, physically tough, and all around k-selected fraction of Europeans who will increasingly view the rest of humanity as their enemies. There are some 500-750 million Europeans alive today, depending on how you count. Even if the program removed 80% of them, you’d still have a 100 million strong super race (example: if the dumbest 50% die, then the remainder has an average IQ of 108). That hardly seems like a great outcome.

Even if Cabal could somehow overcome that hurdle, they would still lose. I was never into pro sports that much, but have you looked at the athletes recently? Sports are increasingly dominated by mulattoes. Patrick Mahomes. Stephen Curry. Klay Thompson. Blake Griffin. Jayson Tatum. All of these people are genetically probably 80% European, and they happened to get the best genes from both sides. In other words, all of this race mixing is a fantastic opportunity for the best African genes to make the leap back into the European population.

As soon as evolutionary stimulus returns, and it already is, all of the loser combinations (most of them) will be pruned and the remainder will, again, form a super race with mental and physical attributes that exceed the current European model. They may not look like Europeans, but so what? Evolution does not stand still. This is why Rofschild was so adamant that BLOODLINES MUST BE PRUNED. And why their whole ‘slow burn’ campaign was about preventing that pruning by fostering the most r-selected environment the world has seen in a very long time. And while this strategy has successfully increased their political power, I think it is almost guaranteed that all of the physical evolution they have been blocking will occur all very rapidly in one form or another once world population stabilizes and then falls again.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Anonymous wrote “Well, some fraction of Europeans will simply refuse to do so. That fraction will be, ipso facto, the most resistant to propaganda and government incentives, which will almost certainly mean they are the most intelligent, disciplined, family focused, physically tough, and all around k-selected fraction of Europeans who will increasingly view the rest of humanity as their enemies.”

Children/teenagers are naturally rebellious. Once you send them off to college—they will marry some non-white! I’ve lived on a college campus for awhile. Any white chick is a magnet for blacks to seduce immediately; they won’t keep their hands off of them.

You’re not going to survive.

Have you not noticed Obama’s suburb decree where they were going to move Sec 8 into white suburbs??? They have already FORCED school desegregation.

They, the Powers that be, WILL NOT LET A single White homogenous community to exist—A-N-Y-W-H-E-R-E —-PERIOD. Get that thru your head.

Look now, anon, most whites are libertarian–they’re Not going to hang together. What Church is going to give them moral and ethical support? NOT A F**CKING one!

The Plan, The Agenda, is to miscegenate the Whites out of existence. I see it all the time in the Commie/Marxist, soul-killing, city of Battle Creek. I was a taxi driver for awhile. A lot of my fares was picking up white women from their black pimps—or delivering them! The Black Muslim with 15 children here in BC, two of his wives are white—what the hell are you talking about, anon.

All whites are Nazis. They are still calling Trump Hitler, and more are doing so daily—and you think you can survive in this environment. I don’t see in the future anything you describe, anon. Fantasy, yes. Possible reality? No.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Nathan Bedford Forrest who founded the KKK left it and opposed it because it was infiltrated and subverted into a terrorist organization to help demonize whites.

What remains of the KKK is almost all deepstate provocateurs, it needs to die.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Isn’t that what Q said: “Where one goes, we all go”?

Is my loyalty to the Judeo-Masonic-Bolshevist, New World Order or to my kinsmen, the KKK?

Just like in the Vendee, Catholic Loyalists, against the odds stood up against the Satanic Left and were butchered or drowned, every man, woman and child.

I stand with my kinsmen—-the KKK, not the Race-mixed, Mongrel, Critical Race Theory US Army.

Where one goes—we all go. Blood is thicker than water.

Isn’t that right Q?

3 years ago

thru 1876 yes the Klan was that. the two-three later incarnations were/are jew controlled, as are any explicit public Nazis or WN here now. think Spencer.

3 years ago

Trump should have staff do at least a preliminary prep against Kamala,

Kamela isn’t worthy of debating Trump. Have Pence prep for her early, and send him.

Also, don’t tell them. Just let Mike Pence walk out.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

I don’t think Trump would accept her as opponent if they trot her out on stage instead of Biden. Just have Mike Pence on hand and say “Oh, I thought this was a Pres. debate not V.P., but fine. Come on out Mike Pence.”

Trump will probably have planned for this eventuality from having to negotiate with power players such as China who do things like send a lower ranking official at times as a negotiation tactic to provoke reactions or insult/lower esteem of the delegation, etc…

3 years ago

If they do try to send Kamala to the debate instead of Biden, Trump needs to send Pence. It’s beneath him to debate her.

3 years ago

Here is a tweet re: control and surveillance-.

I checked out the link and sure enough there’s a list of addresses for people to watch and report on. Talk about open comms! Normies being invited to join the surveillance party. Covid is the gift that keeps on giving… cabal.

Revelations Goyl


2nd wave lockdowns have begun in Boulder CO

You get a generic letter in the mail informing you that you are on house arrest, then, I kid you not, they post your address online so the snitches can report you if you leave the house or have visitors.

3 years ago

the Biden ‘clap U stupid bastards’ clip would make a fine fine campaign ad.

thusly: Pelosibot, “we will impeach the president!”
“Clap, you stupid bastards”
senior dems: “the president has committed treason”
“Clap, you stupid bastards”
maxine waters: “we should impeach him before he’s inaugurated!”
“Clap, you stupid bastards”
NY, NJ, CA govs: “we have no timetable for re-opening, whether people like that or not!”
“Clap, you stupid bastards”
masked-up antifa: “we gon burn yo neighborhoods down, whitey!”
“Clap, you stupid bastards”
shrill feminist: “donald trump supporters should die!!”
“Clap, you stupid bastards”

lather rinse repeat

Reply to  stingaling
3 years ago

Play each of his gaffes followed by “Clap, you stupid bastards”.

3 years ago

“Meghan Markle reportedly has serious ambitions to run for President”

The English monarchy openly appointing a Viceroy of America.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I wonder if they will try to replace Biden with her.

3 years ago

Trump’s proposed college student visa changes worry international students