Q-anon’s Posts – 09/26/2020

Headline Brief is here.

Twitter Brief is here.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub




We don’t really know how big the secret Cabal members know is. They know that people in your neighborhood are listening to you fuck your wife, and probably recording it for your file. They know if you are a good looking couple, your neighborhood team may have entered your house and installed cameras to watch while you were out at work, including in your bathroom, because most of the time they have nothing better to do, and they can do that with literally zero risk, and call it training operations. They know this is true throughout the country, because every sizable neighborhood gets a team, and everyone in the neighborhood is a target to that team. They know it is running kids against your kids in the schools, gathering intel to begin their files early. They know it is so big it is on every corner in some form, as I have shown you on Google Streetview. They know serial killers are not unknown to this machine, because sooner or later they get noticed when everyone is sitting around with nothing to do, and suddenly a killing is happening. So neighborhood teams have probably been watching when serial killers were operational, amped up their coverage, and nobody does anything about any of the victims. The Machine may even blackmail those serial killers, and use them to eliminate threats. They know when Mara Salvatrucha drags a crying 13 year old girl into the woods and tortures her to death before dumping her in a shallow grave, because they are usually listening, and let it happen. They know many mass shootings, including of cops, are the product of this thing, which spins up the shooters, convinces them it is cops doing it, and then places the shooters in position to take out specific cops, like Miosotis Familia. There may be even more, like the Happyface killings, or Pat Tillman, or Antonin Scalia that will come out. They know 9/11 was at least allowed, because nothing like that would get by this thing, and it may have been an actual operation of this thing, to get it more power and authority. And they may know a lot more than that, if they are getting called in to run covert perimeter coverage at child molester parties, and drug drops, and other sensitive things Cabal does not want party-crashers interrupting. And these are just the ground-level watchers, who are halfway intelligent, of which there may be millions. Those are a huge fucking bunch of secrets that the nation will not take nicely to if we are declassifying. What do the people who were compromised enough to become congresspeople, or leaders, or billionaire money-handlers know? We don’t know just what is going to come out.




This article is an extraordinary hackjob. What even is a fake code? If Q were communicating in a fake code, wouldn’t he be communicating with no code? You can see the desperation in how they go overboard. Somebody has some big secrets they are desperate to hide.


Spread r/K Theory, because nothing can go on forever.

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M in the 517
M in the 517
3 years ago

Oh look, it’s another Ben Collins piece of textual excrement. Act surprised.

3 years ago

On “Done in 30” not only will I take the over, I will predict the meaning changes from months to years to decades to generations. The way it morphed from days to weeks already. Flynn has already been bankrupted, rendered ineffective and prevented from helping GEOTUS. Even if Flynn is cleared and gets a big settlement… An entire administration has been hamstrung.

Q is a civnat election prop to keep any effective nationalist group coalescing and resisting the powers of this world. It is there to give people hope they don’t have to do the hard things that need doing.