News Briefs – 09/17/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Facebook will start fact-checking memes. They are going to censor your memes based on whether they deem them “truthful.” We’ve had two Americas for a while now, composed of a growing coterie of those who know and see where it has been going, and those who continued to wander along only seeing the mirage of the old myth. I can’t blame those who didn’t see it, because it makes no sense. If I was elite intel leadership, I would clamp down control over my people, force all my minions into the shadows, drop coverage on everyone who is meaningless, stop the blatant attempts at censorship, and stop allowing so much public exposure of these stabs at seizing total control. Having everyone see all of this Soviet-esque control of the populace is not conducive to continued operations in a nation as ornery and well armed as America. But instead, somebody has taken control, and they are very publicly pissing in the punch bowl and ruining everything for everyone in the intel world. Just when I think it can’t go any farther and be run any dumber, and they couldn’t possibly expose it and destroy it more effectively if they tried, they find a new way to expose what is going on and piss off the citizenry even more. I almost wonder if it is somebody who got in at the top, and is dedicated to freedom and bent on destroying it all, by taking it to such extremes that exposure is unavoidable and it all ends up having to come down. It is either that, or they thought they were going to make it to full, Soviet-esque control of the population, and thus they didn’t care if it was exposed, because it was all going to be public at some point.

Facebook is developing AI to automatically identify racist and “untruhtful” memes.

Three Democrat Congressmen attended a secret private meeting with the Iranian President. What is so important about Iran – unless they are some sort of Cabal-service provider.

They are finding more evidence of drilling on the anti-meteorite paneling on the ISS. Q said Cabal’s plan was to control the outcome of the next World War by denying space to all but the Cabal-approved winner, which was implied to be China. It is possible Cabal is like a shit-testing female. The West has proven too soft, so they placed their bets on China’s ruthless drive for victory at any cost, and then turned around and tried to make sure their bet would pay off by sabotaging the west as much as they could in the run up to the competition. They just never bet on the will of America’s warriors.

For unknown reasons, natural gas pressures being piped into houses spiked suddenly and triggered 60 fires and explosions in Massachusetts. It could have been some mistake by the utility, but you have to wonder if all of those pressures are controlled by computer, and somebody hacked into the system to test out a great way to trigger anarchy and destruction. It is getting to the point that a full on Dresden result can be just a mouse click away these days. Ad nobody would ever admit it if it happened that way.

Jeff Flake tries to stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation by insisting everything stop and the high-school groping accuser be questioned in public hearings. Q said Cabal’s plan was to install Cabal judges on the Court as the final firewall for Hillary and her superiors in Cabal. Now we have a Cabal Republican, who isn’t running for re-election, and has no reason to stop this confirmation, going out of his way and acting the fool in public, to stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation. It makes me think Trump picked a real winner with Kavanaugh, and has a way of knowing who is Cabal and who is not.

Accuser’s legal advisor is a big time Democrat donor and resistor who thinks Trump’s people are miscreants.

Accuser is a resister who marched against Trump while wearing a “Pussy Hat” knitted to look like a brain.

Kavanaugh accuser also is a resister who signed a letter opposing Trump’s border policy. Translation – Cabal associate member confirmed.

Adult Syrian refugee accused of killing 13 year old Canadian girl.

Anne Hathaway calls for the destruction of the myth of whiteness. Increasingly I think a lot of leftism is the fear of facing the hordes alone. When she did this, she was reinforcing a feeling of being ensconced in a group who would protect her and allow her to avoid having to face conflict herself. Which at mean the force driving her is a perception that she is in danger if she is not ensconced. It feels like there is a lever in there for manipulating the left’s psychology if it is analyzed enough.

LGBT group at University of London tweets out on the benefits of sending those who they disagree with to Gulags for forced re-education.

Joe Biden calls Trump supporters the Dregs of Society. Until the hordes are at the gates, when he will begin kissing ass in hopes they would save him.

Pope meets with Bishops, but no word on any Apostolic Visitation to investigate diligently into the child abuse scandal. Every day it grows clearer – the control, the affirmative support for evil, the conspiracy, collusion, and coordination, and the protection they afford each other.

U.S. Marshals, the FBI and the U.S. Secret Service searching for 27-year-old Shawn Christy of McAdoo, last seen in northeast Pennsylvania. Has threatened to kill officials, Law Enforcement, and President Trump:

Head of Organization of American States backs Trump, threatens military response in Venezuela.

US closes all Palestinian Authority bank accounts in the US. No idea the significance. Could be a Cabal financing given that you know all the aid we send there gets skimmed for Cabal. Or it could have been the price to get Netanyahu on board with the Storm.

Italy’s Salvini says, “We Need to Help Italians Have More Children, Not Bring Africans to Replace the Children We’re Not Having.”

Lisa Page was back testifying that despite the FBI using every underhanded tool at their disposal, including informants, spies, and full FISA surveillance of Trump, his associates, and many of their associates, there was no proof of collusion found. McCabe assumed there was no collusion when Mueller was appointed, and didn’t want to join Mueller because he saw it as a waste of time. Yet despite all that Mueller was appointed anyway.

House Intel Committee to release witness interview transcripts from their Russia probe. No telling what little gems might be in there.

US Authorities investigating Danske Bank over allegations of Money laundering. You do not launder money in today’s highly monitored environment, unless you are protected by the elite Intel. And under Trump, now that protection must not be enough anymore.

Nellie Ohr to testify before Congress in the Fusion GPS probe. According to Q, she and Bruce turned to save themselves, and her in particular due to how deep she was in the mess.

16 more MS-13 indicted in Fresno.

Q posts that this Thursday Trump will test his military comms, presumably to see if they have successfully rooted out the issues Reagan had with issuing orders to the military, like the two bombings of Iran, which were somehow cut off before they were executed, and never carried out:

TEST [Thursday] by DoD to confirm ‘free-flow’ of direct comms.
POTUS SPEC AUTH REQ [think ‘the football’].
NSA monitoring for any attempts to disrupt and/or term access.
CENTRAL Command.

Along those lines, an anon on Q’s board posted these two photos of Mike Flynn autographs of his book “The Field of Fight.”

JP Morgan Chief who used to attack Trump admits Trump has done pretty good with the economy.

New York Post points out the one question Republicans need to ask is, “Are you better off today than you were two years ago.” They should follow it up with, “Do you want to see how far that can go?”

Spread r/K Theory, because the coming attractions are almost over.

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5 years ago

Your commentary on the Facebook meme checks is why I visit your site every day. You’ve got an excellent, jaundiced, real-world, Machiavellian eye to how DC works, how unseen forces influence politicians, and the resolve of the average American.

“Ornery and well-armed”…I couldn’t have thought of that data point any better myself, AC.

It may be that plant is at the top of the Cabal, and realizes today, 2018, is the real take-down phase, and pushed the gas pedal to the floor. If so, we can all expect even more absurdities to pop up between now and Election Day.

– + –

Flake and now Corker–anyone surprised it’s these two Cabal clowns?–are now hindering the Kavanaugh confirmation, but it won’t matter. Grassley will hold the vote on Thursday; he’s too ornery to let the Judiciary Dems do anything other than stew and bitch. He and his committee staff can’t stand them.

After Kavanaugh passes Judiciary, it’ll be McConnell and his staff’s problem for Senate floor confirmation. In order to not completely motivate the Dems three weeks before the 6 Nov election with a successful SCOTUS vote, that final Senate vote may wait until after the election. Timing on this will will illustrate a lot of hidden maneuvers.

There will be a lame duck session because of the December continuing resolution deadline. So McConnell has that legislative time already scheduled.

– + –

Fascinating that LTG Flynn used the WWG1WGA at least twice in his book signings. Only the Internet could aggregate that kind of obscure information. When you do these kinds of public relations tours, you get used to performing the same kind of greeting over and over. And choosing this one is fraught with messages. More Q proofs, I suppose.

5 years ago

Th o.o re two pictures of Shawn mccresty are not the same person.

Look at the lines under the eyes that parallel the naso labial lines below.

5 years ago

Also of note with Kavenaugh’s accuser:

She was a research psychologist for Stanford. She still has credentials at Stanford. Her husband attended Stanford and now works as a senior director at a pharma company.

All of that screams MK ULTRA at me. Stanford was a huge MK ULTRA stronghold, specifically the psychology and pharama research departments. The thing is, if they are using their assets to make the accusations without using cutouts, that suggests that they are out of options and are eating their seed corn.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

I saw a twitter feed for one of those “rate your professors” things with scathing comments from students regarding Kavenaugh’s accuser. Some of the comments were that she appeared mentally unhinged in class, and one student said she was afraid of her.

5 years ago

On Facebook censoring memes. Liberals have No commonsense. They are not chess players and they don’t live in reality. The censoring of memes is not a clever ploy but just the natural inclination of the liberal. They are idiots—but evil, conniving slime balls. They are at the event horizon. They don’t care—they are pushing ahead.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

On the gas line pressure. Maybe there are digital controlled lines but I would think they would only monitor them digitally. Gas pressure regulators are a mechanical device based on different sized pistons separated by a bladder. The outside pressure has one size piston with atmospheric pressure pushing on it and the other side of the bladder has a different sized piston to regulate the gas pressure. I can’t see any improvement to controlling it digitally. Maybe monitoring but not controlling. Could be though they stick computers on everything now.

5 years ago

Relevant, regarding the planned comms tests.

comment image

5 years ago

What is so important about Iran? Het another of many commonalities between islam and the left. All muslims believe in the end times, which are a mirror image of Biblical eschatology (their savior is the Beast, basically), but Iran (shiites) are especially fevored about the 12th imam. They believe they can cause him to return by creating global chaos, ushering in paradise on Earth. The globalists believe they can bring global chaos, ushering in a socialist paradise on Earth.

As for your first link commentary, if Trump didn’t do a single other good thing, it’s worth it for getting these people to drop their masks. How many ‘respectable ‘ people were able to convince most that they were sane? Now, they absolutely lose their shite , causing people to wake up to what we face. Again, totally worth the trip if this were the only thing Trump ever accomplishedr.

5 years ago

For at least 1000 years the Church has known what the problem was and the solution:

After Vatican II, the American bishops turn to psychiatrists for advice in order to be modern.

5 years ago

A/C — re: your theory that no one gets published/promoted unless they are part of Cabal:

A non-selling “best seller”. A Huma Abedin/MB connection. An iconic bit of American pop culture flushed down the drain.