Walt Disney Facial Bifurcation

I thought this photo, and the bifurcation from it, was interesting:

Over all, the face appears to be very relaxed and calculating. The right, or consciously-presented side appears as a harmless bumpkin. The left side, or rather the side less consciously controlled and more representative of the true self appears quite aggressive, and almost predatory, as if about to attack. Note the difference in the eyebrows, and the eyes. There is also a touch more disgust in the nasolabial fold on the left side too. It is funny how I see the aggressive and the harmless sides on the same face, and my mind melds them into a perception of calculating deviousness.

I find Disney interesting, given the rumors about almost all stars in Hollywood being sexually abused, and the men getting it worse from the male homosexuals than the women get it from the male heterosexuals. I also find it interesting in light of the assertions that pedophilia is rife throughout the industry’s upper echelons. Also there is the fact that Q implied Hollywood stardom is often a reward to victims of the cabal for staying silent about what they endured as children, so Cabal is ultimately calling the shots on who succeeds there too.

Here you had a man expressly making children’s content during that time frame, who managed a stable of young child actors. He founded one of the biggest empires in media, in a field we now know is rife with sexual degeneracy. He literally made and destroyed stars, and he founded a media empire which today is rife with homosexual themes, leftist/Cabal programming, and is a prominent mouthpiece for the Cabal through it’s various leftist/Cabal news organizations and affiliates. I have no idea if he was a part of it, but he certainly was in the industry at its beginning, and his empire specifically went on to become a hornet’s nest today.

Disney was interesting too, for another reason. I remember reading he served in WWI in a Red Cross Ambulance Corp Unit, and his small unit actually had a whole group who would each go on to great fame and success. Ray Kroc, the McDonald’s baron was one. Another, I think, was someone like Ernest Hemmingway, some writer if I recall. There were a couple of other incredibly big names as well. When I read it, decades ago, in my pre-Cabal years, it immediately struck me as an extraordinarily small possibility that so many people would all begin humbly with nothing, and rise to such immense prominence, and they all crossed paths in one small unit.

I assumed at the time they were friends in the unit, and one must have made it and then used his money to help the others at critical points. That could explain the low probability of all of them succeeding wildly.

But now I wonder if a Red Cross Ambulance could go places that Army units could not, and would not be held up a checkpoints or searched thoroughly. I know Israel is always finding Red Crescent ambulances filled with weapons and bombs, and being used to transport wanted terrorists. Perhaps the precursor to the OSS, or some other intel unit back then which was attached to Cabal had them running guns or performing reconnaissance, or was using their ambulances for something else (Remember Don Johnson being stopped at the Swiss border with $8 billion in bonds?). Maybe Disney and his friends all formed Cabal-relationships back then, got in from there, and those relationships carried over when they came back stateside where they assumed leadership roles in Cabal properties.

It is an interesting time to live in. I thought just seeing the God Emperor take the reins, torture the left, and transform America into a beacon of majesty in the world would be amazing. But seeing the biggest global conspiracy ever, penetrating everything from the intelligence agencies, to the government, to the news organizations, to the media, to local civilian social circles, all broken up and revealed fully, with its most secretive hidden hands at the very top aired out publicly for all to see, is beyond anything I could ever have dreamt possible. What a fascinating mechanism to see dissected.

Hand it to Trump – he thinks, and wins, very bigly.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because where we go one, we go all

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5 years ago

According to Wikipedia, while both Kroc and Disney attended training to be Red Cross ambulance drivers, the war was over shortly after he enlisted.

5 years ago

Also of note is that Disney and Kroc both found themselves crossways with Jewish financiers. Kroc couldn’t get anyone else to invest in his idea, but chafed under their demands, while Disney railed against the Studio System they had set up in Hollywood. Both had reputations as anti-semites in the Jewish community (which could be as simple as they weren’t easily controlled.)

5 years ago

I had never heard of the Don Johnson 2002 bond scandal. No wonder.

Wow, he talked his way through the Swiss and media investigation with the excuse that he needed $8 BILLION to greenlight a film?! You use that kind of money not to seed films, but to buy entire studios! And they let him walk…unbelievable.

Story here, for those others like me who never knew this about Detective Crockett:


5 years ago

Is it feasible to do facial symmetry analysis if the subject is not facing the camera? Walt is turned sideways and seems to be responding to someone to the right of the camera.

5 years ago

godspeed brother