News Briefs – 10/12/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q’s Posts are here.

Twitter Brief is here.


Here is something interesting I noticed. In this tweet, 9News says two people were detained in the shooting of a pro-Police protester – the shooter, and a 9News producer who was later released because he was deemed to not be involved. We saw the shooter arrested, but here is video of presumably the second person detained, which was presumably the 9News producer. He is the same nutjob in the Black Guns Matter shirt who was filmed shouting “Mace me Nigga!” at the victim before he was shot. So if that is all correct, and there were not three people detained, the local affiliate producer was actually filmed twice starting fights with the pro-Police protesters (there is another vid I just saw but lost), in a mentally ill way, as he is backed up by a News Station-supplied, unlicensed, untrained, armed backup, poised to cap anyone who doesn’t back down to the news producer’s unsolicited aggression. As I look at this, I see that video of the local reporter who was apparently gangstalking some random black guy, and saying to control, “You’ll see him now” as he pointed his cell phone camera at where the target was about to walk. I’ve told you, local affiliates are thick with Cabal’s intelligence network, and they don’t just handle propaganda – they are operational as well. If I were the lawyer suing that station, I would subpoena all cell phone data and comms for the producer, the reporter, and geolocate it with the victim going back a couple of years, because it would not surprise me if the reporter and producer were at some point running coverage on the victim for the machine the months prior to the shooting, and therefore would have known him, maybe making this arguably a premeditated conspiracy. Either way, I would bet there is a ton of domestic network shit hidden away in those phones.

This was an interesting interview with a guy who spent time in the middle east as a falconry trainer (which sounds like, if he is telling the truth, he could have been a CIA asset/operative, inserted in that position to gain access to those circles). He claims Brennan and others were running the old Safari Club as a parallel CIA, and through that Bin Ladin was being kept on ice in Iran while we were in Afghanistan through a deal. He sounds untruthful to me so I won’t wait for his intel to pan out, but at 17:15. the father of Ty Woods (of Benghazi fame) tells an interesting story about the downing of SEAL Team Six’s Extortion 17 in Afghanistan being a fake story, and the reality being it was downed by a missile from CIA, and a Ranger who was there thought the whole thing had a funky air about it, possibly lending credence to the idea it was a retaliatory set up, and maybe meaning Biden revealing SEAL Six was who had capped Bin Ladin wasn’t unrelated.

The CIA wrote a highly classified three-page memo to FBI Director James B. Comey and agent Peter Strzok telling them that 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a plan to blame Russian computer hacking on rival Donald Trump, and their Trump/Russia investigation was totally off-base. My impression of CIA is it is run by the absolute worst and most dangerous criminal psychopaths the nation has to offer. But those psychopaths are smart, and will try to neutralize a lot of dangerous patriots by sucking them in and giving them busy work fighting the enemy of the day, just so they never get to take a step back and see the bigger picture. So you will get guys like Mike Johnny Spann, tied up half a world away fighting a CIA/Cabal funded insurgent group that has gotten money from his bosses at some point, like Al Qaida, and doing it all over a terrorist attack like 9/11 which was at least known of, and probably created by the very same bosses he was sending his reports up to. Meanwhile, other corners of their organization are running drugs and doing mind-fucking research on wounded vets, and killing vets who might have seen something like Brian Mancini. But within the organization are regular patriots, totally blinded to the big picture, are sending shit like this out thinking they are actually helping. It will be interesting to see everything come out, if it ever does.

WaPo buries the news a BLM supporter was allegedly tied to the Gov. Whitmer kidnap plot.

Denver shooting victim identified as a pro-cop vet, and was shot in front of his son and family.

City of Denver now says the shooter was not licensed to be a security guard. Article is local CBS affiliate, probably very happy they are not the NBC affiliate who hired this asshole and got him access to the protesters using press credentials. Oddly enough he was hired through Pinkerton, which means Pinkerton hired some no-name Antifa pogue who appears to have been some sort of hippie farmer, to carry a reflex-sighted Glock with a threaded barrel and raised profile open sights, and go into a conflict zone with no training, where he then proceeded to abandon his security work and go around getting into fights with the news producer until he killed some dude in cold blood. There will be more to this one, and some epic lawsuits.

Pinkerton now says the shooter didn’t work for them, but was a contractor hired by another company.

Buzz grows around Cuomo as Biden’s attorney general pick. Note that when New York Governor David Patterson announced he was teaming with a dozen state legislators to try and take down a massive illegal surveillance operation that had been targeting all of them, Cuomo, as state AG, immediately began an investigation of him for corruption, and ultimately drove Patterson from the office of governor, which Cuomo then stepped right into. The current rumor from Q was that all of those in Cabal who engaged in illegality would center their crimes in New York, so while Obama pardoned them for all federal crimes, Cuomo would issue a secret pardon for the state-level crimes, thereby rendering them all un-prosecutable at both levels.

Lindsey Graham challenger, Jaime Harrison, shatters Senate fundraising record with $57M haul. If Graham was owned by Cabal, and then was freed by Trump and turned on his masters, as has been alleged to date, that would explain an unusually aggressive push to make an example and get rid of him by the Cabal.

Whitmer says Michigan votes will not be announced by ‘artificial deadlines’ set by ‘people with political agendas.’

Twitter executives have joined with those at Facebook to institute wide-ranging censorship policies targeting political posts they say “falsely claim a win for any candidate.”

Republican Senate candidate tweets she will push to eliminate all immigration into the US for ten years, and twitter suspends her account for hateful conduct. How the fuck can this be legal?

RNC Chair unloads on debate commission for election interference.

Dozens of black employees said they faced racism at Planned Parenthood, internal audit finds When incidents reported to human resources, ‘no meaningful consequence or accountability for racial harm.’ They will think it was race, but I would bet it was a case of seeing certain doors were always closed to them, and they were outsiders, because those in control of the organization were Secret Society, and they were not. I have suspected one of the reasons Q is so certain all these racial fissures will close up real fast when the truth comes out is there will be a lot of us who were all on the outside for the same reason, and the forces we were all bumping up against were the same single entity trying to screw all of us together.

Couple barred from fostering their 1-year-old great-granddaughter because of they oppose homosexuality and gender transitioning as religious issues. Turns out to get a foster license you have to be LGBTQ friendly, or you do not qualify.

A feminist hotel advertises that it features a portrait of Ruth Bader Ginsberg made fro 20,000 repurposed, hand-painted tampons. Your first response is, wow, those leftists and feminists are insane. But maybe that is a created story turned out by the shrinks who are manipulating our society, so you will not look too closely at anything the Democrats do, because after all, they are all just crazy. A lot of what we see, and especially the really, really weird shit which seems unnatural, is engineered.

The virus responsible for Covid-19 can remain infectious on surfaces such as banknotes, phone screens and stainless steel for 28 days, researchers say. No cause to freak out, but a good reminder to wash your hands to stay clear of all respiratory viruses as we head into the winter.

South Africa sets rules for confiscating land without compensation from white farmers.

The World Health Organisation has backflipped on its original COVID-19 stance after calling for world leaders to stop locking down their countries and economies.

Fmr. Sen. Harry Reid repeats claim UFOs made US nukes unlaunchable; wants an investigation. If another civilization was here, and keeping its presence a secret from the broader populace, a lot of weird possible hidden realities are suddenly on the table.

U.S. box office expected to plunge by 81 percent in 2020.

Republican Navy Vet Joe Collins is getting press for an impressive ad highlighting opponent Maxine Water’s neglect of her district in favor of living outside it in her $6 million dollar mansion.

President Trump considered ripping off his dress shirt to reveal a Superman T-shirt when he was released from the hospital after being treated for the coronavirus, according to a report. That would have triggered epic seething, because the left was desperate to finally think they had won. Seeing him rub yet one more epic loss in their faces with humor would have been agonizing. But his handling of it as it was, was flawless.

Trump receives yet another 2021 Nobel Prize nomination from Finnish right-wing pol.

Iraqi militias agree ‘conditional ceasefire’ in return for timeline for withdrawal of US troops.

Eric Trump shows local news video of how the reporter was confused at how the first Biden Harris joint-rally, had ZERO attendees. A must watch, because it makes you wonder if they forgot to call in the local crisis actor/ground-surveillance brigade to LARP as enthusiastic Biden followers. I mean who actually attends those rallies? And you are going to tell me Biden is 16 points ahead of President Trump in the polls? Everything is a lie, and the whole system is designed for it.

Westpoint Alumni for Trump issue a statement.

Yahoo covers the extensive anti-fraud operation being launched by the President’s campaign.

Wisconsin blocked from accepting mail-in ballots after Election Day.

From here – Among the polls covered was the Zogby poll showing that he has a 51% approval rating. That’s an important metric to hit, as Gallup has observed that historically, “all incumbents with an approval rating of 50% or higher have won reelection, and presidents with approval ratings much lower than 50% have lost.”

Interesting analysis which shows Trump currently should have a floor of 259 Electoral Votes, and only needs ten more, which he could get in a variety of ways, to win.

Epoch Times takes a look at three election models which take environmental factors, and predict a Trump win. The Primary Model says it will be 362 Electoral Votes to 176.

Trump also should win based on how 56% of voters say they are better off under Trump than they were before.

A pretty great twitter thread that goes through the poll results in 2016 in battle ground states in 2016 showing Hillary winning, how much Trump won each state by on election day, and then the polls today showing Biden not doing as well as Hillary. Not decisive since this time we have a desperate Cabal and a massive mail-in-voting fraud scheme, but interesting.

President Trump told Rand Paul he is trying to get all our troops home from Afghanistan by Christmas.

President Trump says he’s ‘strong’ and ‘medication-free’ in first on-camera interview since testing positive for the Chinavirus.

Spread r/K Theory, because nothing can take down the God Emperor.

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3 years ago

> network shit hidden away in those phones

The phone is better than an ankle monitor. Heck, there are at least half a dozen documented cases of perps sawing off their ankle monitors and taking off, only to be recaptured immediately by phone triangulation. Because the smartphone is like air, and they can’t live without it.

I was unhappy way back in the brick-phone days when I found out about cell tower triangulation. If it weren’t for the fact that I get paid to be available to clients during normal working hours, I wouldn’t carry one at all. But I make a hobby of minimizing my phone footprint when I have it on me, and it goes into its steel box at the end of the day, because “off” is just a low-power mode and it’s always running.

3 years ago

> Pinkerton hired some no-name Antifa pogue

Ruh-roh. Pinkerton is a multinational now; they’re owned by Securitas in Sweden, who gobbled up Burns as well.

Securitas has assets of 48 billion dollars and 336,000 employees. They’re the 25th largest company in the world. Being a multinational, their accounting and operations are only known in various local levels; otherwise they operate in the dark.

That’s one hell of a private army. Also note Academi (formerly Xe, formerly Blackwater) is twice as big as Securitas, and also a multinational. They’re about the 7th largest company in the world.

note: I searched for their staffing levels by name; neither company shows up on any of the “largest companies” lists I found on the web. Interesting, that…

3 years ago

> U.S. box office expected to plunge by 81 percent in 2020.

We used to have two theaters in my town; one closed about 1970, the other about 1985. There were several in nearby towns; those also closed years ago. The few that are within an hour’s drive are in or near malls and used as places for parents to park their unruly children; unless you’re a pedophile looking for fresh meat, they’re not really places an adult would go to.

Those “box office” numbers that kept growing and growing always mytified me. It’s not just in my area; for decades I’ve made note of theaters, book stores, and electronic supply houses when traveling, and they’ve been vanishing steadily everywhere.

I suspect “opening night” and “first month” box office numbers are just another form of Hollywood Accounting; ie, essentially imaginary. Unless there are theaters somewhere with patrons sitting in each others’ laps, I don’t see that many seats out there to generate the numbers that get thrown around.

3 years ago

> Lindsey Graham challenger, Jaime Harrison, shatters Senate fundraising record with $57M haul.

I remain unpersuaded that funding has much to do with getting votes. However, I have had cause to look at the funding rules as posted on the Federal Election Commission web site. They are *remarkably* flexible, and A) don’t have to be used for campaign-related expenses and B) within broad limits, they’re “free money” that can be used for all sorts of personal expenses.

The specifically-permitted uses are so liberal you would have to be a complete idiot to get into trouble by violating them. Which is why whenever the media starts talking about candidates getting into trouble with campaign funds, I always wonder “by doing what?” Because other than the accusation, we’re almost never told what the violation might be.

And almost every candidate hires professional management; handling those funds is their *job*, and they’re the ones who would ordinarily have liability for misuse. Yet I never hear about that, either.

There’s this blog I hit every now and then, where the guy keeps saying “It doesn’t work like you think.” Probably some conspiracy-theorist nutter…

3 years ago

> A feminist hotel … hand-painted tampons.

Lackeys of the Patriarchy! Tampons were invented by Dr. Earle Haas in 1933, a person-of-penis, and therefore despicable. Use of tampons was forced onto wymyn to shame their natural cycles… oh, to hell with it. I’m sure no true feminist would be caught dead with a tampon, though.

3 years ago

> Westpoint Alumni for Trump issue a statement.

Nice, but that’s the school that chose to ignore, if not support, “Communism Will Win” Spencer Rapone. You’re talking multi-level fail over years there.

There may be some good cadets coming out of West Point. But West Point is like most schools now, and as far as I’m concerned, a degree from them is like one from Berkeley or MIT; a solid “do not hire.”

Perhaps some of the not-crazies could start filing lawsuits. They, likely their parents, paid small fortunes for those degrees, which are turning from “preferential hire” tickets to “go away kid, you bother me.”

3 years ago

> South Africa sets rules for confiscating land without compensation from white farmers.

Note Putin’s offer of Russian citizenship and land is still open to them. Looks like somewhere between 15 and 20 thousand have emigrated.

Some have gone to the USA instead, but it’s much harder for them to get to the USA, which prefers other types of Africans. At least the Russians *want* them, which is probably a big deal after the mob has torched your family’s farm…

South Africa used to export food. Now they have to import enough to make up for declining production. Which, I suspect, will continue to decline…

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Trump needs to give them first call on whatever refugee slots we still have.

3 years ago

Just saw the President’s speech at the rally in Florida this evening. Holy cow, the man was on fire!

In God We Trust…Winning…The best is yet to come…Make America Great Again. The huge crowd anticipating and responding enthusiastically to all his patented lines. We’re looking at a Trumpslide this election. What will be fascinating will be to watch the ever-more obvious shenanigans of the Cabal, as it tries desperately to deny us a clear perspective on reality.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

Hey AC, OT, but I follow this channel on YT and he essentially just posts short videos every now and then of his exploding rabbits long range from his 60s hot-rod (heh) bench rest. I find it relaxing to watch and I thought you would, too.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

You might change your mind if you ever watched a bovine or equine get put down because of a broken leg from stepping into a grass eater hole.

The flat land hummocks of the Mississippi delta are being destroyed by Nutria (yes,man imported them) or the range, crops and forests destroyed by feral pigs (mostly plant eaters). I could go on but see the world differently.

Reply to  Goose
3 years ago

Gopher holes are especially dangerous for cattle.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Killing off the predators makes perfect sense. Leaves more of the herbivores for you to eat. Not to mention the bigger ones might eat you.

As an aside they ought to have open season on all these massive wolves the FED gov. released into Idaho and Yellowstone. Fuck those wolves they are massive. It’s just a matter of time before they start eating children.

It’s ridiculous to have these things running around in our woods.

comment image

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I respect that, AC. I prefer putting down the predators but I’m fine putting down anything that wrecks my property. Plus, I’ve seen cottontails getting into [essentially] fistfights over the carrots I put out for them so it definitely turns down the aww factor.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I sympathize with grass eaters until they get into my garden, and crush underfoot the things they don’t eat. Met a farmer last Saturday. The reintroduced elk made it impossible for him to put in winter crops; for regular crops he said 15 acres out of 500 were destroyed by the elk.

3 years ago

I wonder how many of these people are leftists? (probably ALL of them)

Elections officials ask voters to stop disinfecting mail-in ballots

The registrar told KCRA 3 they have received at least 100 ballots damaged by disinfectant and alcohol spray. In one case, someone even microwaved their ballot in an attempt to get rid of any germs.

Elections officials say these actions damage your ballot and prevent your vote from being properly counted.

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