News Briefs – 11/04/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


As of about 5Am, the worst case map looks roughly like this, although President Trump lost an elector in Nebraska, and gained at least one in Maine.


Depending on voter fraud, President Trump should get Pennsylvania, which is why counting was suspended there, and he may still get Arizona.

We will probably keep the Senate, and though we will gain seats in the House, we probably have not taken it over.

Trump won again, although there is a lot going on however, and as fraud is probably being perpetrated as this is being written, and as you are reading it, anything could happen going forward.

Roger Stone says Brennan and Comey should be convicted of treason and executed if Trump is reelected.

Someone tried to blow up Gab creator Andrew Torba’s parents by opening up a valve on a propane tank at their house. Neighbor’s smelled the gas and called authorities.

Whitely Bulger’s family sues, saying prison officials had him killed. On OAN, his wife was saying he felt they were trying to kill him.

Voting machine problems continue to plague some pro-Trump districts across the country, with the Daily Caller reporting major issues in one Georgia county that the President won by 24% in 2016.

‘The steal is on’ in Pennsylvania, as poll watchers are denied access, and there is illegal campaigning at polling locations.

1 machine is down, the other is locked in Brooklyn district that voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump in 2016.

Pro-Trump York County is already out of ballots — a full 90 minutes before the polls close.

2 PA Trump strongholds experiencing faulty voting machines.

Twitter censors PA GOP account alleging irregular activity at the polls.

Philadelphia will halt its mail-in vote count for the night. They are going to lock the ballots up, out  of everyone’s sight, and leave them there all night, until they can resume counting tomorrow. And surely nobody will tamper with them before tomorrow.

Ihan Omar won, which isn’t surprising, given the little fraud operation she has running up there. On the other hand she is a good foil, and will now remain so until the Storm sweeps her out.

Joe Biden says “I want you to meet two of my other four children .. come on Maisy.” Except he has no child named Maisy, that is a granddaughter.

Joe Biden introduces his granddaughter by saying, “This is my son, Beau Biden.” … “This is my granddaughter, Natalie. No wait, no wait. We got the wrong one…”

Joe Biden takes aim at second amendment hours before the election, promising a ban on semi-autos.

Cops clash with BLM and Antifa protestors in ugly scenes outside White House – as they vow to stay for weeks.

Stacks of bricks found in cities nationwide ahead of election results.

Google Engineer went out kayaking alone on a frigid Maine lake, overturned his kayak while his two friends watched from shore, and by the time they got out to him, he was under 40 feet of water. Shades of William Colby. If you might be sideways with the machine, you have to accept that when “friends” are being actively sent in, it is entirely possibly you have more friends as plants than you have real friends.

China blocks WHO from investigating the origins of the Coronavirus.

Oregon decriminalizes hard drugs, including meth, cocaine, and heroin, for personal use.

Many Biden voters say their vote is more against Trump than for Biden in exit polls.

Danish newspapers agree to publish political ads with a Mohammed cartoon.

Viganò reveals details – including names – about homosexual lobby in the Vatican. Everybody is feeling the adrenaline in the air, and taking their shots at the same moment.

At least one kind of immunity to the Chinavirus has been shown to last at least six months, a new study finds.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s win in Georgia brings QAnon into Congress and the G.O.P.

There is a federal challenge to restrictive NJ concealed carry ‘regulatory scheme.’

Video of Amish horse and buggy Trump Train goes viral on election day.

Spread r/K Theory, because you have stocked up on ammo, right anon?

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REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

They’ll never call it for Trump. Anyways, we are watching the end of the American Republic- because there will never be another fair election in the United States.

And if you think that’s being pessimistic then you are an obvious fool. Imagine how great it would be to never share a polity with the simians who caused this ever again. I welcome that day.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

>”They’ll never call it for Trump. Anyways, we are watching the end of the American Republic- because there will never be another fair election in the United States.”

Seems like it.
Martin Armstrong has been saying that for YEARS now.
He predicts a lot of violence in the horizon, and it seems like he is right. Trump and his team might be competent and well intentioned, but at what point does it become impossible to deal with this bullshit without taking out the enemy once and for all? And he better get the war criminal Bibi a nice rope around his neck, otherwise his words about strength and respect for the US will turn into pure bullshit, given Bibi’s role in the death and maiming of so many Americans with his ME wars for the benefit of Israel.

Zionism needs to be dealt with as the enemy #1 it is, and no deals and no more pandering and bullshit, the West doesn’t owe shit to the Jews, and Jews will be lucky and better be grateful if they are allowed to stay in the West (the racial Jews that reject Judaism and zionism and Jewish collective power, because all of that shit HAS to be gone if the West is to have sustainable peace, and I don’t care who Trump’s daughter married, nobody owes Jews shit).

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

@Rex 2020, There was NEVER a fair election since the 1965 Immigration Act! All those “amnesties” were about bringing in a NEW Electorate, i.e. Hispanics who vote socialist! They have been engineering our demise for the last 100 years! This is a cabal with long range planning! Every Amnesty is about disenfranchising the Anglo-Saxon!

The Anglo-Saxon built Britain, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Hong Kong—-ALL First World countries! In Mexico–both parties are socialist. We have communists in Cuba, Venezuela. We have the Shining Path in Peru, the Sandinistas in Nicaragua and other radical violent Communist parties throughout South America. Hispanics vote socialist/communist. The Democrat plan was to flood this country with Hispanics. Look at Arizona—going the way of California! They are making this a solid Communist state with Hispanics. That is why Michigan is turning. A bunch of Musloids, Burmese, Hispanics flooding Michigan.

A commentator today on ABC touted the “effect of the minority vote”!!!!!

There has never been a violent communist organization in any Anglo-Saxon country. As they say—-DEMOGRAPHICS IS DESTINY! Yes, America is over, a failed state.

At the end of four years—-NOT a single coup perp has gone to jail!

Immigration was an Act of War. The Jews have been conducting a Race War against us for over 800 years. The Anglo-Saxon so full of error that he is going the way of the 10 Tribes of Israel. They left The Faith—adopted error—so they will disappear like the 10 tribes of Israel. It is the Anglo-Saxon’s fault—they became Protestant and listened to the Jews.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

VD dates modern democrat election-theft to 1960: the infamous chicago cemetery precincts coming in 99% for kennedy.

I’m a little more cynical: “Dewey Defeats Truman OOPS!”

they’ve never once been made to pay a price for this – or for killing kennedy, or for the nixon coup; they all saw how *not one* of the russiagate coup plotters had anything worse happen to them than ‘you’re fired.’ they came at the King and missed, and were left alive to try again another day. that was a grievous mistake.

and now we shall see

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

>”There was NEVER a fair election since the 1965 Immigration Act!”

Very good point fren.

3 years ago

Today is 11.4. Less than 17 hours remaining for the storm to kick off in a very public way.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  A
3 years ago

There ain’t no storm. More like a thick fog making it impossible to see and maneuver.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“gain seats in the House, we probably have not taken it over”

There goes my idea of changing court rules that have been foisted on us. That’s out. It seems that the whole thing will end in violence eventually. Of course there’s still using blackmail to peel off a few Democrats which is entirely moral against a group that wants to enslave you.

They can not let them get away with this fraud. Either Trump wins or it’s all over and even if he does without some serious hangings or shooting after trials then the end of USA is assured,

So may missed opportunities to resolve this and they’ve pissed them away.

The Jews believe they will take us over like Russia or at least that’s the script that’s being followed exactly. I don’t think they can. I think it will end in doom for them.

It’s very sad what my country and the entire west has become.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Jews better pray that their own plans fail and that Trump is able to deal with them and the problems associated to them in the most peaceful and fair way, because if they manage to pull their bullshit, they are going to get targeted by lots of people, and nobody will be able to say they weren’t warned to stop acting as enemies, and nobody will be able to say that all efforts for a peaceful solution were not exhausted. Like Nixon said, Jews seem to have a death wish. They might just get it this time.

3 years ago

Seems like the globohomo 2.0 is about to get le purged:

3 years ago

>”Danish newspapers agree to publish political ads with a Mohammed cartoon.”

Denmark is a most based country:

==’Biggest Crisis Since WWII’: Denmark’s Jews Panicked by Nascent Ban on Circumcision on Minors==


Jewish Society President Henri Goldstein ventured that a possible ban, backed by 86 percent of Danes and several parliamentary parties, would effectively spell an end for Danish Jewry.

The Danish parliament is scheduled to consider a bill proposing a ban on non-medical circumcision of minors.

The bill was submitted last month by former interior minister Simon Emil Ammitzboll-Bille, who leads the newly founded party Forward, a centrist party based on liberal values.

“I don’t think cutting little boys should be legal in connection with an old, religious ritual”, Ammitzboll-Bille wrote on Facebook. “That’s my principled stance. That a person’s body belongs to them and that young men should get to decide whether they want to be circumcised. That’s why I am in favour of introducing an age limit of 18 years for non-medical circumcision”.

While Denmark’s largest parties, the ruling Social Democrats and the opposition liberal-conservative Venstre are yet to make up their minds about circumcision, several parties, including the New Right, the Danish People’s Party, and the Socialist People’s Party, are in favour of a ban. Therefore, it is yet an open question whether there is a majority in favour of a ban.

Henri Goldstein, the president of the Jewish Society in Denmark, suggested that the proposed measure represents “the worst threat since World War II” to the country’s Jewish community, who traditionally circumcise baby boys on their eighth day of life in a ritual known as brit milah.

Henri Goldstein argued that the entire basis for being a Jew in Denmark is at stake. Therefore, he ventured the nascent crisis is even greater than when the Copenhagen synagogue suffered a terrorist attack in 2015, as the change of law “threatens the very existence of a Jewish community”.

“The Jewish community will slowly but surely perish because we cannot practice the religion. Circumcision is not just something used by the very religious Jews. It is employed by pretty much everyone in the Jewish congregation. Religious, non-religious, and cultural Jews. Everyone sticks to circumcision”, Goldstein told Danish Radio.

Whether people would either flee Denmark or assimilate it would still mean dropping Judaism, he concluded.

The Danish People’s Party took the alarming messaging from the Jewish Society calmly.

“I think these are empty threats. I don’t believe that a circumcision ban means leaving one’s religion. There are very many Jews who themselves are uncircumcised and practice their Judaism without being circumcised. A man’s religion cannot be wrested in a circumcised penis”, said Liselott Blixt of the Danish People’s Party.

Circumcision of boys, which is practiced by Muslims, Jews, and even some Christians, has been hotly debated since a number of medical and healthcare companies left a working group under the Danish Agency for Patient Safety, which was to prepare a new guide on ritual circumcision.

The Danish Society for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care has been particularly critical of circumcision, as it was planned that circumcision could be performed under local anaesthesia, as opposed to general anaesthesia.

The proposal to ban the circumcision of minors is backed by 86 percent of Danes, according to TV2.

In 2018, a bill to ban non-medical circumcision of minors was introduced in Iceland, but was scrapped amid an international outcry.

3 years ago

We can finally admit that QAnon is fake.

Podesta was going to be arrested today.

Didn’t happen.

Reply to  Nobody
3 years ago

Still have over 10 hours left! Now that Trump’s tweets are being censored I’m glued to the tv waiting for the feed to abruptly cut to his emergency broadcast service message.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Obviously there is massive fraud, but that is separate from Q’s veracity. To me, Q’s credibility was highly suspect to begin with. The old post about 11.3 and 11.4 proving to be meaningless blabber is the final nail in the coffin. Seeing the reactions this morning of Bannon and Giuliani, men supposed to be dialed into the Storm, they were offguard, grasping at strategies, not seeming at all like people part of a supreme plan. Most likely is that Q was a smartly created pied piper to pacify and distract patriots, while the elites’ agenda marches onward.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  A
3 years ago

At this point I have to agree. Q is/was a psyop. Several different factions were involved.

Bannon, Giuliani and many others seem stunned and unsure what to do next.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

I think Dave, again, that probably the Globalist Military beat out the Military White Hats. It seems they stole a server

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

Remember when Bannon left the White House, called Trump dysfunctional in later interviews, was nicknamed “Sloppy Steve” by Trump? Suddenly he’s back, and he’s in charge of the delicate Biden leak. These guys are much smarter than you think and have pulled several smokescreens to confuse everyone, even their own.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Sorry, but I do not think for one minute this vote manipulation is a trap set by Trump to finally expose cabal.

He knew they would try it, but its obvious he didn’t anticipate the scale of the operation and the degree to which even Fox News would cooperate with cabal.

Trump did not have to appoint Fauci and terrify the whole country into submission… but he did.

He could have called BS early on… but he didn’t.

He could have dropped a truth bomb on the nation anytime in the past 4 years and revealed the truth about JFK/RFK/, 9/11 and many other plots.

Not a peep from him about any of it.

Now you believe this is a grand scheme to finally reveal the truth?

AC, he’s about to get robbed in broad daylight.

He might pull it out and win, but the odds are stacked against him, and us, in the extreme.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”he didn’t anticipate the scale of the operation and the degree to which even Fox News would cooperate with cabal.”

Fren, please.
Q has explicitly told people that mossad controls ALL msm, OFF COURSE they’d know that Jew owned foxnews would be in on the fix.

Read these Q crumbs:

For the visually impaired frens that visit the site, Q’s post number 3666 consists of a family photograph pulled from Adam Schiff’s facebook, where Adam can be seen with his father, his son and his brother on Father’s Day, and his son is wearing a Mossad t-shirt.

Then take into account the on Q’s post number 1871, where he represents the command and control structure of the MSM and Alt-Media plus the US politicians as being directly under the control of an entity he labels as “MOS”, and that at the very start of the post he writes “Ex 1.1″, and if we take a look at the Bible on the passage Exodus 1:1, we can read:

These are the names of the sons of Israel who went to Egypt with Jacob, each with his family

I think it’s pretty obvious that Q is telling everyone that Mossad and Israel are the real controllers of the MSM and US politicians (which is not surprising given the amount of bribes, kickback schemes and pedo blackmail operations the Israelis have been confirmed to be involved in, not only targeting US politicians but all the Western body politic).

Reply to  A
3 years ago

Even if you’re part of the plan, you have to act for the normies.
Remember when Trump said his best wishes to Ghislane Maxwell when she got caught, it an absolute deadpan face?
You don’t think Trump knows exactly who she is and the importance and implications of having her singing now?

Most people are normies, they need to get guided in a very particular way in order to arrive at what we’ve known for years now. If you just go autist on the normies and flood them with info, most of them are either going to zone out or get triggered and freak out.

Name (required)
Name (required)
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It seems extremely unlikely that Trump will ever “give the order,” tell the citizens to arm up and show up. He has never done anything to empower us and dis-empower government, has never done anything to de-legitimize any of the corrupt government institutions, has never stood up for anyone who took to the streets to stand up for him and for America.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Very well said!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

In my own county, we “added” 12,000 more registered voters from 2016. The voter turn out for those “added” registered voters was almost 100%. Bull fucking shit.

The people aren’t ready for the storm yet. They need to be pushed to the brink. Massive voter fraud will be meaningless unless someone gets arrested. Simply discarding the votes won’t do it.

3 years ago

The fix is in for sure.

In 2016: 48000 people voted for Dem/Rep, with a narrow edge to Trump
In 2020: 60000 people voted with Biden with a 3-4 pt lead.

Bull fucking shit. 12000 more people didn’t vote.

3 years ago

“maxine waters wins again, this makes no sense”

hell, that’s not even in the top 10 of my ‘harden my heart/FTS’ list. remember the young black woman from baltimore? the one who had the good ‘what have the democrats ever done for us except get us on to The Wire’ commercials? in the red dress? the one the GOP wet their pants over; gave her a coupla million bucks? the one who would be the tip of the spear in the long-awaited unraveling of the monolithic black democrat vote? the one who was going up against a laughably, stunningly corrupt lifelong pol in a 80-year shithole district that had absolutely _nothing_ left to lose, that *surely* would (finally) vote for some kind, ANY kind of change?


yeah, she lost 73-27.

FUCK these fucking grinning, hooting, shit-eating, suicidal sociopathic parasite clowns. “war”

Reply to  stingaling
3 years ago

B-but muh democracy!

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  stingaling
3 years ago

That is God’s way of telling us, “You can have Black people or the U.S.A., but you can’t have both”. Can’t have both.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

oh yeah, and the lighweight limp-wristed pussies of minnesota, who would rather their beautiful city and gorgeous state be overrun by hooting vote-selling-on-camera affikin intellectual giants, who would rather DIE than be called raciss.

may God’s curse light upon them all

3 years ago

> Oregon decriminalizes hard drugs, including meth, cocaine, and heroin, for personal use.

The usual result of “deciminalization” is a steep increase in car insurance rates as collisions get worse and more frequent. Also public-supported healthcare systems (like “free” clinics) get overwhelmed by seconary addiction issues. And, of course, petty crime shoots through the roof, though it’s often hidden by new policies refusing to log any crime with a police-estimated dollar value below $500 ($950 in the People’s Democratic Republic of California)

BOHICA: “Bend Over, Here It Comes Again”

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

>”Oregon decriminalizes hard drugs, including meth, cocaine, and heroin, for personal use.”

Unless they decriminalize the selling of those drugs, it’s just more stupid shit.
Cartels and organized crime will still be making bank out of it, and will probably even make more money.
It’s retarded shit.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

So while everyone was asleep and after everyone went home, Democrats in Michigan magically found a trove of 138,339 votes, and all 138,339 of those “votes” magically went to Biden? That doesn’t look suspicious at all.

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) November 4, 2020


3 years ago

Fascinating to see this election play out. While a civilized “official” win for the good guys would have been nice, the real world isn’t like that – Evil won’t allow it. So, we have Q/Trump’s plan instead and they are drawing the Dems and their sponsors into the trap. All the Dem voter fraud is recorded and will be fully exposed. It had to happen this way. The endemic voter fraud that has disenfranchised patriotic Americans for generations had to be revealed. Normies are waking up.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

I sincerely hope you are right, but I’m having serious doubts about any of that.

It’s not looking good, even if Trump takes it to the SC and wins, which is very iffy.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

It’s looking fucking awesome. This is exactly what we need.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Ya, I hope you are right. They had to give them enough rope to hang themselves by. Or else the plan completely got fucked. If so, I guess its up to god at that point.

3 years ago
3 years ago

Iceland pushes back against the subversive Jewish mafia that tries to deny everyone free speech:

3 years ago

Slaying the ZOG: The Guide – Version 0.05 (04-11-20)

3 years ago

Remember November 2000? Buckle up kids, because we’ve got a month of lawsuits, recounts, SCOTUS appearances, new words & phrases that will disappear next year(ie HANGING CHAD), and a winner declared that will be viewed as illegitimate no matter who it is. Unfortunately I don’t expect this go around to be anywhere near as entertaining and it might result in actual mass blood shed.

Forget what your TV says – Think Mirror. We were told we would have a Red Mirage where Trump won in a landslide on election day and then lost little by little over the next two weeks as mail-in ballots piled up. What we got is a Blue Mirage where the Democrats need every voter fraud trick they have turned up to twenty in order to just barely cross over the 270 threshold with the help of a fully supportive corporate press. What they are hoping is that you believe whatever your TV says and submit to whatever they have planned. Don’t.

You know all day I’ve had this scene from the film The Perfect Storm in my head, and every time I see Biden’s head on Clooney’s body :

Maybe it’s just wishful thinking.

Reply to  Lowell
3 years ago

Earlier today I admit that I had my doubts, had an internal war going between faith and despair, and anger won. Of all the things that the DNC would do with House, Senate, Oval Office, the one that I kept coming back to was “they are gonna get away with it.” The Clintons, the Epstein crowd, the Cabal, etc, and more than anything that pissed me off. Approximately thirty years with my head in this crap I have seen them walk on every scandal and more than anything the hope I have with DJT in the WH is that justice might finally be served. The US may still balkanize according to VD’s prediction even if Trump does everything right and it doesn’t matter. What matters is justice for all the people they’ve destroyed.

I think the “Q set a voter-fraud trap” is looking much, much, more likely than it did this morning.

Reply to  Lowell
3 years ago

It’s ok fren, we’re all going to make it.
Keep spreading those redpills!

Reply to  Lowell
3 years ago

I can releate brother. I reside with my father and I could see despair and demoralization sink into him. He mainly get MSM news (altough “centrist/right-wing”). I helt the gloom myself, and thus spent the entirety of the fourth scouring the web. Lo and behold, the truth seeps through.

With the info I acquired I was able to lift mine and his spirits luckily. We have a diehard CNN-puppet in our workplace, he’s a good man, but lefty-media resides in his head. He spouts all the usual MSM-talking points. “It’s detestable how he wanted to halt the vote count in PA, SHAME!” And we managed to silence him, and deflect is anti-Trump barrage.

With this I send my thanks to you yet again, AC. The knowledge you have shared on this site, and with your books. Have blessed me with knowledge, faith and now I feel I can share it to my family. Thank you and all you others here.

The future is bright, partly because it is on fire.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I know this is not election related but it sort of is when it comes to the veracity of the people giving us information about…well anything. Here’s another of the “thousand points of gas-lighting and bullshit” the Jews have been feeding us.

Remember not so long ago they told us some ancient Brittan gene test showed that we were Blacks only 8 or 9 thousand years ago? Well I knew this was bullshit and now we have proof.

The Russians have tested a frozen White Cro-Mag 37,000-year-old corpse “Kostenki fossil” DNA and he turns out to be closest relate to Scandinavians.

Of course the Jew caught directly lying says,”…David Reich from Harvard University in the US, concluded that present-day Europeans descends from at least three separate groups.

David Reich acknowledges the importance of the new study, but is not convinced that it changes history very much.

“It’s wonderful to have the Kostenki genome and it’s also important and interesting to find a degree of continuity from the population represented by Kostenki to present-day Europeans,” says Reich and adds:

“On the basis of a statistical test or two, it’s a pretty far-reaching conclusion as to how our history proceeded. However, It’s exciting – if it’s true”.

“…not convinced that it changes history very much…”

Yeah right. They have been hammering us for all our lives that Whites are some recent divergence a few, say, 10,000 years ago from Africa and now we know they have been lying all along. It’s all lies.

So if they lie and say we are Black that’s all you hear for moths but if you find the truth that Whites have been around for a long time, “it’s really not that important”.

The whole Jew world is one big gas-light. One big lie.

It’s hard not to conclude just on the face of the evidence plainly in front of us that we have been played. This whole election and likely Trump is a farce. That they have all along been just taunting us blatantly to our faces. Look who they picked to run against him.

We have Q who tells us what many know to be truths but even the most exaggerated of abuses no one is held accountable and any witnesses that try to bring the truth to light are murdered.

Seth Rich murdered
Epstein supposedly killed but the body they show wheeled out is not him and we have no idea where he is.
There’s fairly good evidence that there are many Einsteins. Many have come to light in the past but there’s no follow up. Nothing happens. This is not rocket science just follow these people around and make some inquiries.
Trump surrounded by Jews who do elaborate “supposed” investigations that lead no where. No where at all.
His family is all married to Jews.
9-11 building 7 falls the same speed as only air holding it up for 108 feet and…crickets. I mean this is a huge smoking gun and not one damn thing is done. I mean building 7 is proof positive with no denial at all possible and not one damn thing is done.
All Israels dreams come true, security wise on our dime.
Our cities are burnt down and no one does anything.
We are told lies about engineered viruses and then told we will likely be force-ably injected with, who knows what.
All the busts dealing with child endangerment have not really touched what most believe is large scale trafficking rings world wide. It’s talk and not real progress.

Now I can be accused of being black pilled but I’m doing nothing but stating exactly what is going on without leaning on “hope” and promises. Just stating the facts.

It does not look good.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Sam J,

What you say is possible, but…what was the point? First of all, the 9/11 stuff really can’t be hanged on Trump and Trump family has had Jewish members even before he ran.

But, again, what was the point? What was the point of running Trump as a larp? The globalists would get everything they want with either Jeb or Hillary. There was no point in having Trump in the race.

Even if Trump was part of their plan, then why would Trump agree? What would he get out of it? Furthermore, how does he know he won’t end up like Michael Flynn or others?

IOW, the Globalist Cabal never really needed him and, even if they did need him, there is no deal he could make with Cabal that would be enforceable. At any moment, Cabal could play their larp for real and there is nothing Trump could do.

The inconsistencies you are seeing is simply because these are powerful entities, there is a fog of war and each side has a vote on tilting the direction of the war.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

“…But, again, what was the point? What was the point of running Trump as a larp? The globalists would get everything they want with either Jeb or Hillary. There was no point in having Trump in the race…”

I’m not saying this is true but what you asked is easy to answer. They want to always control all sides of the issue. I mean these people, the Jews, ran the Nazi party in the US and have consistently ran all kinds of anti-government organizations so it would be nothing new or surprising if they ran Trump and Hillary.

The point I’m trying to make is we have massive amounts of evidence of wrong doing of all kinds and there is no prosecution. Sessions when he was briefly in control of justice sent planes down to haul off all the Clinton paperwork from her foundation. Then Sessions gets sidelined and they do nothing. Finally getting rid of him all together. I do not in any way shape or form believe Sessions is or was ever corrupt. I suspect that’s why they got rid of him because everyone they get to take over his duties is corrupt as fuck.

Weiners laptop was purported to contain all the data he needed to bust them all and it was verified by many police that saw the data. Then the police that saw the data are killed and nothing happens. I mean this IS FUCKING DAMNING. All this talk about the normies well fuck them if you prosecute with videos, data, emails then the normies will see but you can’t norm anything with nothing. All these supposed prosecutors, Huber, all these guys have not done one damn thing. All of them have said they couldn’t find anything after investigating.

Now we see the whole election is being stolen and by their past actions, over and over and over they will not do ONE DAMN THING and it will be over. There will be nothing left but subjugation, death or civil war. There will nothing left because these guys sat on this asses and did nothing.

Now we hear, like all the other THINGS they are going to do that they never do, that we’ll have the courts fix it or whatever but HOW THE FUCK DID THEY LET THIS GET SO FAR? How did they fuck this up so bad that our backs are to the wall? How is it that BLM, antifa and the Jews can burn down cities, attack people and murder people and nothing happens?

All you have to do is study the actions of the Jews in Spain, Germany, Russia and we see EXACTLY the same and the only way they were defeated, if they were, was to kill their asses. It’s unfortunate because some serious prosecution could have avoided all of this. Don’t anyone pretend that all these players running things would be doing what they are doing now if they were prosecuted and in jail. And this whole time Trump has surrounded himself with people who are full on Jews, neo-cons, and many who are up to their necks in the 9-11 attack and many other matters of serious corruption.

I’ve complained about this over and over and people keep telling me that it will work out and there’s this big plan but now we are down to the wire and everything looks like shit and destruction.

Nothing has been done to change the trajectory of the country. Nothing has been done to make a serious effect to clean out the pedo blackmail rings. None of the major players are being prosecuted. Even the people illegally bugging Trump and attempting to over throw the election are not in jail. This is fucked up. They’ve had four years and all they did of substance was cut taxes for the rich.

Let me give you some markers. If Trump and Q are real then there should be next to no ammunition, trucks, planes, bombs, food, spare parts in the far east or west. They should have been largely moved. Now they are supposed to be the experts but I KNOW that you can’t have a war or subject the middle of the country without these things. If you start hearing that National guard supply depots have been taken over and robbed on the east and west coast then it’s very likely that Q and Trump are and have been nothing but put ons from the beginning. I also bet if this happens people will find a lot of the planes, ammo and guns will be gone from the middle of the country. They will especially remove spare parts that are critical but don’t scream that they are hauling everything off.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

This is why people need to wake up in case everything is just Jewish bullshit.
I believe Trump is a true Patriot and will give back control of the US to the People (which will invariably result in the termination of Jewish collective power, and the ban of Islam, Judaism and zionism in the US, there is ZERO chance that if Trump delivers on his promises to give real free speech to the People that those subversive power will be allowed by the People to fester and keep corroding and pimping their Country), but in case I’m wrong, I’m sure Americans will know what to do with foreign tyranny, just like the Founding Fathers did.

>How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:

>Operation Dark Storm – Redpilling Black Twitter on the JQ:

>”WHEN VICTIMS RULE: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins”

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Sam J,

“I’m not saying this is true but what you asked is easy to answer. They want to always control all sides of the issue. I mean these people, the Jews, ran the Nazi party in the US and have consistently ran all kinds of anti-government organizations so it would be nothing new or surprising if they ran Trump and Hillary.”

But this is not what I am asking. If they ran both Hillary and Jeb, then they would control both sides. There was no reason to replace Jeb with Trump and then introduce all of this populism and drama that is then forced to be dealt with. Furthermore, there is no deal here that would benefit Trump even if Cabal wanted him to front the Reps instead of Jeb. Yes, Trump wants to make himself and his family into a hated figure that forces him into hiding like Jeffery Epstein, assuming that he isn’t ruined and killed outright just to maintain appearances.

As for everything else? Yes…it’s called Cabal. Cabal is deeply embedded and they have an option. That is just the way it is, unfortunately.

This is why my theory of Cabal in the middle of a civil war along with white hat participation is the most plausible one.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

I think there is an element missing here. Under the Constitution, the State legislature always retains 100% exclusive legal right to appoint its electors directly, and it should not hesitate to do so whenever it thinks their state’s election result is lacking in credibility, or if the margin of victory looks smaller than the margin of problems, or if their election rules weren’t followed faithfully.

Times like these are why the founders put Presidential Electors solely into their hands. (not into judges hands, or crooked county election board officers, etc). They are the check and balance (not Scotus). Just like with impeachments, the standard is up to the sole judgement of the legislators, who in turn answer to their people. When the legislature abandons its right to override, the big-city machine knows there is effectively no ‘controlling legal authority’ over their hustle, even when it’s an open secret.

Republicans control both houses of legislature in MI, WI, PA, GA, AZ. They are the only ones who actually have the power to stop a steal, override a fraud, or fix a big failure. They just need the guts and conviction to do what is their right and duty to do. And we have to have their backs when they do.

I wonder if Q and Trump have this angle in mind.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

map,”…Under the Constitution, the State legislature always retains 100% exclusive legal right to appoint its electors directly, and it should not hesitate to do so whenever it thinks their state’s election result is lacking in credibility, or if the margin of victory looks smaller than the margin of problems, or if their election rules weren’t followed faithfully…

…Republicans control both houses of legislature in MI, WI, PA, GA, AZ. They are the only ones who actually have the power to stop a steal, override a fraud, or fix a big failure…”

I didn’t know this. It makes me feel better. They had better not fuck this up.

3 years ago

Seven Milwaukee wards report more 2020 presidential votes than registered voters; Biden nets 146K votes in city

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3 years ago
Biden, Joseph R. 2,117,677 46.99%

Trump, Donald J. 2,318,065 51.44%
80 of 83 counties

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Peters, Gary 2,067,948 46.39%

James, John 2,311,940 51.86%

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Johnathon looks like a human benis.

3 years ago

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Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
3 years ago

I don’t know how you do it AC. Dealing with these black pulled PUSSIES whining about Q every day must be extremely tedious. How may times have you explained the nature of Q, how disinfo is sometimes necessary, and these morons just cannot get that through their skulls.

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
3 years ago

Stop with the defeatism, Dave. It makes you sound like a scared little girl.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

map says,”…But this is not what I am asking. If they ran both Hillary and Jeb, then they would control both sides. There was no reason to replace Jeb with Trump…”

You’re not really getting what I’m saying. They might own Jeb and Trump. Trump makes a much better foil to distract the Whites as they are losing their country and as they ramp up their antifa infrastructure as you see it has been.

As for 9-11 not on Trump that’s a lie. Building 7 fell the same speed as if only AIR held it up for roughly 108′. This is not possible from a few fires on 3 or 4 floors without demo. If Trump straightforward said it was an inside job I don’t care how many corrupt news or judges no one could stop the eventual finding out of what happened on 9-11 and the answer is the Jews did it and he did nothing.

By not bringing the most damning information on the Jews in literally thousands of years he covered it up.

9-11 could have finally led to a serious search on what the Jews were doing. It could have legally lead to a taking away of their right to own news channels so we would get the truth. It would eventually if we actually had the information of what the Jews were doing lead to us getting rid of them like every single society they have ever gone to in any numbers in all of history. But he did nothing.

He knew the 9-11 story was false. He did interviews after the bombing where he said there had to be bombs. I suspected when he was elected he would clean out the security and then spring 9-11 on the nation and say we would get to the bottom of it but hew never did. He directly hinted that this would happen during the election and Steve Pieczenik did so also. So he”s responsible. If you know people are kidnapping children raping and killing them are you responsible? Well if you were prosecuted for that try telling a jury you knew but you’re not responsible.