Some Thoughts on the 2020 Election

I have no doubt Donald Trump would win an honest election by a full blowout. His economic mastery, jobs, manufacturing, support of law and order, support of freedom, and support of America, produced massive support from supporters so enthusiastic nobody has seen anything like it before. His opponent, in a contest for the most important position in the world, was a dementia patient with deviant pedophiliac tendencies, who was documented selling out the United States to Foreign powers who still hold copious blackmail over his family, much of it related to outright incest. And he had zero enthusiasm. It should not have been close. Just look at the rallies and parades.

Clearly something fraudulent happened which has made this a lot closer than it should be. It could have been the CIA’s election-hacking software which Bannon talked about, which was designed to be used on other nations, and which rolled out against us. But lets just do an alternate thought experiment. Assume an 8% chunk of the population is in a corrupt domestic informant network aligned against the free, Constitutional United States government, and that whole network threw its loyalty to the covert network it is a part of, in this election. Then assume, under normal circumstances, only half of that 8% would have voted for President Trump (in reality I would assume any random chunk of the populace, absent external pressure, would probably go at least 60-40 in a Trump-Biden contest like this, but we will limit it to just 50%). Now assume, due to orders from the network (or just wanting their gravy train to continue, and thinking President Trump might stop it) , that 4% that would have voted Trump, was directed to vote for Biden, in an election just like we had, with the same turnout. 4% of 330 million Americans is 13.2 million votes, which would be subtracted from Biden, and added to Trump, had no network existed. If that were the case, a rough real election total, as of this writing would break down to 57,250,000 for Biden, and 81,130,000 for Trump, or rather 41% to 59% in the popular vote. That seems almost generous for a contest between a nationally self-flagellating communist promising the Venezuelan nightmare under a despotic communist regime, who probably has his own Hunter-like videos on file with the Chinese intel agents who run him as an asset, and President Trump, who has delivered 4 years of non-stop pro-American greatness, and scored record support among black and hispanic voters. And that is assuming after decades of building it out, the network is only 8%. It could be ten, or even twelve percent. And maybe the network would have gone 60% to 40% for Trump, like the regular population, all of which would have made the difference even more extreme as even more votes shifted from Trump to Biden. You see how powerful an effect establishing such a network would have. Even a small network can completely obliterate an otherwise healthy democracy.

It is obviously not any sort of absolute proof. But it could be one more indicator that the US proper has been penetrated by a controlled intel op that is running a fairly sizable civilian informant/asset network within our borders. It also shows one more massive benefit of forming and running such a network, which would logically drive such an operation to seek to create it, no matter the cost. China could literally occupy and control the most powerful nation on earth, as effectively as if they occupied us militarily, all for the cost of a few creature comforts and business advantages for a small percent of the population, many of said costs of which would become self-generating by the network over time, as it began to support itself as a corrupt fraternal organization.

This thing is bigger than you can believe.

Another aspect is Trump and Q are not stupid. They knew voter fraud was coming. It was obvious a mile away. It is hard to believe they did not set up mechanisms to document this fraud, and maybe even use the documentation to justify the next phase of the process of expelling Cabal. I had assumed they would simply prevent it, but it is possible they wanted to document it and show America a foreign entity was engaging in some fraud to hijack our elections. A close election could serve that purpose.

Now look at where we are.

Armed Americans realize we are heading to a Venezuelan Socialist crackdown, which absent our resistance will lead to our being taken out, either imprisoned or killed, almost certainly by armed streetgangs of criminal thugs, elevated over our local Police Officers. Our honest intelligence professionals realize Biden is a Chinese asset, owned through copious blackmail, and a direct threat to US national security. Police realize Biden represents armed gangs of criminals which are trying to get them maimed and killed. The Military loves Trump and America, and Biden is a Chinese asset who will probably mire us in more forever wars as he runs our nation down for China.

Suppose Trump used an established Constitutional mechanism, declared Martial law, and took full control, and this became a Military Coup. Would any of the above entities complain, if it went through the established mechanism for enacting Martial Law, and prosecuting and purging the traitors? If Trump asked us to show up in DC armed, as a show of American citizenry-force, willing to kill for him, would we? We have 75 million gunowners, at last count. And the vast majority were conservative. He could probably mobilize 20 million, in 48 hours, armed and ready to kill. I’d be down there, ready to do whatever he asked. This is it.

For a long time now, we have been in a government where the path of governance was determined by intruding upon whoever is unwilling or unable to apply physical violence. The left cannot bring violence at this moment. Cabal has surveillance, but by and large the vast majority of that network is, from what I see, violence-incapable. If this was a script, we have been moved into a position where a Chinese asset is about to be installed in office, the cops, military, honest intelligence, and armed citizens will be content to sit on their hands at least, and there is an established governmental mechanism to allow an aggressive take over, if national security is threatened, which it is.

Q did portray a period of real chaos, or a storm, unlike anything we have seen, where our nations’ enemies would be sent to Guantanamo for military tribunals. Guantanamo has been built out, extensively. And Q has said several times, you have to put people in a position where they have to act, and have no choice. I never liked the sound of that, even as I knew he was right. We are now at that point. It is America or Venezuela. It is a President for America, or a Chinese asset destroying the nation for China, in return for personal enrichment.

I see nothing at this point to indicate definitively we are off the script yet, given the script was designed to be unusual. I think it is 50-50 whether this is the script, or an effective counter by Cabal (aided by Barr and Durham), deploying its domestic network to vote blue, and its fraud operations to pad the results, as Barr and Durham stalled for time.

I have no idea where this goes, since it is a war, and the other side gets a chance to change the outcome, and we are not read in on any of it. But if this was a successful counter attack, let it be known the critical failure was not outing the domestic surveillance network in its entirety, using the civilian outrage for getting every member removed from the ability to vote due to foreign influence/control of them, and turning the population on the Cabal behind it, and their candidate Joe Biden. Given Trump had that successful a path at his disposal, and completely obvious, I tend to think he chose an even more likely to succeed path, and this is not a failure, but rather a step in his process.

Either way, whatever it is, what I do know, 100%, is Trump cannot surrender that office now at any cost, or his family will end up like the Kennedys, where every last one who stands up boldly is dead. And from here, they will eventually be stripped of everything they have built if Biden makes into in the government. There are no Marquis of Queensbury rules here. Once Trump took the first steps, it was live or die. He was in for a penny, in for a pound – and so were we, right alongside him –  as are all American Patriots.

I’d buckle up, and get in for a very bumpy ride. This isn’t just another four year election, and Cabal was never going to be purged easily. Hopefully, Nothing can stop what is coming.

On a related note, LA Police Gear has level IV plates back in stock.

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3 years ago

To AC, Dr. Henry Makow posted today about the election where he says he has inside information. There is a war between White Hat military and the Globalist Military. Q may be thwarted because a server was stolen.

Reply to  WesternMan
3 years ago

I wager that evidence will demonstrate that the Hebrews.have played a particular role in this ruse.

3 years ago

“clearly, something fraudulent happened”

well, yeah. when that senile, deeply corrupt, doddering old pedo ropes in Jon Bon Jovi to help sell his bullshit, and can’t draw more than … 50 people; when he ropes in _Lady Gaga_ (“I’ll show you my pussy, you ignorant inbred rubes!!!”) and still can’t get more than >>>100 people<<< to come see the freakshow…..

*that* fuckin guy sure as hell didn't win an election. (nor did his commie whore VP choice, who couldn't hustle up even *1* delegate when she ran under her own name) I very seriously doubt they even managed (a true) 37%.

the problem was, 1) they (biden, the dems, the DS, all of them) know they're dead meat if Trump wins again, so they have absolutely no reason **not** to tell any lie/break any law to steal the election, and 2) Trump has not stacked a pile of treasonous-seditious-coup plotter skulls on the WH lawn to deter that course of action.

so, 3) in a way, Trump has encouraged them to do this shit. (Q: what did he do about the so-obvious-it's-a-mechanism-for-fraud-that-they-don't-even-try-this-shit-in-AFRICA vote-by-mail movement? A: not one fucking thing) there had damn well better be a kick-ass scorched-earth take-no-prisoners reason for it. we shall see.

oh and for the record, the Republic is dead, so we may as well go full-on martial law/kill all the bankers and the lawyers and the commie college professors and the bureaucrats/revolution. even if PDJT wins in court, this will be the 2nd time in 20 years that the fate of the nation – the greatest representative democratic republic in world history – will be decided by 9 unelected fucking lawyers. all of whom are exactly as political as any member of congress.

y'know: like they do in the banana republics down south

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Trump cares about the programmed people. Trump and team are trying to minimize the collateral damage. That’s why the rest of us have to sit here a wait for this bullshit to play out. Just rip the damn band-aid off already.

comment image

Roger Maris
Roger Maris
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It’s true. They were making it as clear as they could without running a literal cadaver.

Although, with the ballot fabrication ground game they’re running in their urban fiefdoms, their Caliban’s Kingdoms, it would hardly matter. I can see the NYT headline tonight: “Cadaver Passes 270 Threshold, Becomes President.” Repeated ad infinitum by every MSM Mockingbird.

Same energy.

Reply to  stingaling
3 years ago

Stingaling—I’m laughing uproariously at your spot-on speech! WOW. Fuck it. Let’s get it on! Just lay it out there, Stingaling–don’t let anything hold you back!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

aw, well, sometimes I get irritable. I do hope it didn’t come off as blackpillish. wasn’t my intent. I’m firmly in the Kurt Schlichter camp on this: ‘No retreat. No doomsaying. No surrender.’ and am quite willing to man the barricades.

I’m pissed because I don’t think it had to come to this. that Trump – who is God’s own magnificent warrior; America’s own God-chosen warrior – could have prevented it by proactively stacking skulls. by terrorizing the treasonous, seditious plotters so badly they wouldn’t try to pull off this ham-handed amateurish chickenshit. by releasing NSA intercepts of the democrat halfwits making their plans for election theft, say. but for whatever reason he soft-played it, and so here we are.

what I’m REALLY pissed off about is that the fucking lawyers of the USSC are going to get to play God again, despite there being not one damn word about that in the Constitution

Reply to  stingaling
3 years ago

I think it’s hilarious when you start going off like that, you could make a stand up routine from those.
It’s a true talent.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
3 years ago

here’s tha thing, boyos: starting very very soon, the PA democrat election-theft machine (or NV or whoever. ‘who’ doesn’t matter) is gonna announce “Biden won, he gets our EV’s.” which will put biden “over 270.”

FROM THAT INSTANT ON, biden and the media is gonna HAMMER the phrase “president-elect joe biden” every 6 seconds from now til doomsday. expect it. be ready for it. IGNORE IT: it’s a contemptible fucking lie. just another democrat sales pitch, even worse than ‘you can keep your plan’; worse than ‘we really like you inbred fucking middle-class rubes and ghetto dwellers.’

make SURE you don’t get discouraged by this; make sure your people don’t fall for it; make sure to loudly and publicly take a huge steaming shit on *anyone* who uses those words.

No retreat.

No doomsaying.

No surrender.

To the death, if that’s what it takes.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
3 years ago

Hell yeah, high IQ and high energy.
Good comment Sting.

Speaking of Sting:

3 years ago

Thanks for some sound advice, AC. And all cogently thought out.

It is much needed today, after we citizens did everything we could in the election process. A historic turn-out at 70% RV is an incredible reaction from us collectively, but with the socialists still poised to steal power (and our liberties) more information like this about what to expect next is very welcome.

And if the whitehats are reading here today, it would be more than helpful and morale-boosting for all of us if a new Q post might help explain what the next step might/should be. Rest assured, “PANIC in DC” is not just being felt by the Deep State tonight in the DMV.

Some prayers to the Man above would also be very useful from readers, too. Every bit helps.

3 years ago

This “election chaos” was not only predictable, it was specifically forewarned by Q. I wouldn’t have it any other way. A decisive Trump win would have swept voter fraud under the rug and we would face the fraud whenever the Cabal wanted to turn it on in the future. This shitshow was allowed in order to entrap the fraudsters, indict and prosecute them, and enlighten the normies to the truth. Naturally, we were all hoping that the path would be smooth and flat. Surprise, surprise, like everything else worthwhile in life, it turns out the path is hilly and rocky. But, we are ascending to the summit nevertheless. No pain, no gain. The view, and our satisfaction, is going to be priceless.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Now once the bullshit with the election fraud passes, the demographic clock and the issues of Jewish and Muslim crime and subversion are the next big challenge.
And platitudes and feel good slogans won’t cut it. People need to DEMAND to be heard, as much as I love Trump, I don’t care if his father gave lots of money to Jews, or that his family decided to marry Jews. 300 million people and the whole West are more important than the feelings and personal ambitions of the Jews that surround Trump.

3 years ago

Give Trump Voters Sharpies and then invalidate all their votes:

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Interesting article by James M. (“Mel”) Rockefeller, yes of the Rockerfellers, who at least publicly says Israel did 9-11 which in my opinion raises his credibility quite a bit over most all of our government officials.

A quote,”…Those who pose the greatest threat to national security are not radical Islamic extremists but the Israelis and pro-Israelis who produced this presidency. …”

“…As my life experience proves beyond any reasonable doubt, history did not evolve “naturally” but was manipulated and stage-managed by the same parties who stalked me my entire life. I believe Donald Trump was profiled dating to his youth as the arrogant, overbearing and boorish child of a wealthy New Jersey real estate developer. If you think such lengthy pre-staging is unlikely, what’s the probability that Condoleezza Rice, as a child, would move with her family to Denver and reside next door to the father of Benjamin Netanyahu? Or that she would be mentored by Josef Korbel, the father of Madeleine Albright who, when nominated by Bill Clinton as Secretary of State, announced an “epiphany” after media accounts confirmed her Jewish heritage?[10]

In assessing these materials, note throughout the long-term impact of those I profiled as they steadily undermined Americans’ confidence in government dating to no later than the murder of John Kennedy…”

Trump may be the Judas goat. Or not.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

As I recall, Mel Rockefeller is the one who exposed Jerome Corsi as a Mossad asset back in the 90’s. While none in that family should have credibility, he has a few points in his favor.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Doesn’t matter.
Jewish collective power in the West and the ZOG have lived in the more in the past than they will live in the future.
One way or the other (this meaning: either with the help of good willed and Patriotic Western political leaders, or not), People are going to take back control of their Governments and get rid of foreign corruption.

>How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:

>Operation Dark Storm – Redpilling Black Twitter on the JQ:

>”WHEN VICTIMS RULE: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins”

PS: when shills try to silence you by using the term unity, ask them if unity is such a priority, and if Jews are so interested in integrating and having everyone treated equally, why is it that Kushner forced Ivanka to convert via emotional blackmail (either convert or no more relationship)?
If we’re all equal an unity is such a priority to them, why is it that everyone else should bend to their values and rules, while they impose their bullshit on our people?
If their notion of unity entails submission to Jewish bullshit, then prepare for a total schism.

3 years ago
3 years ago

Q Posts 2480 – 2489 seem relevant now.

NC has until 11/12 to count votes. Veterans Day is the day before that.

Q also said previously that we were 2 days ahead of schedule.

3 years ago

AC I had been meaning to share this with you for a while.

In Sevier County Tennessee a small, secret society took over. They had good intentions to drive out prostitutes, but were later taken over by violent criminals. They did smth so bad that the normies who had joined decided they could no longer support it. But to root out the org, the state govt had to come in and pass draconian laws banning certain basic rights for former members, like not participating on a jury. The book is easy to read and understand. One need only extrapolate to a national secret society and, well, you have the cabal.

Reply to  AmericanGraffiti
3 years ago

Very interdasting.

3 years ago

We knew this would happen. Strap it on, don’t be big fat hairy whiny pussies, see how the court challenge goes, and then stop being pussies some more. We held the senate. We improved in the house. We know how this ends, and the Prince of Lies loses.

Reply to  Lenze
3 years ago

Oh, really? We know how this ends?
Let me see Cicero lost his battle to preserve the Roman Republic.
The Loyalists lost in the American Revolution.
The Catholic Monarchists lost in the French Revolution.
The Russian Monarchy, Aristocracy and Orthodox Christians lost in the Russian Revolution.
Spain was lost when Franco died.
Adolf Hitler lost to the International Socialists thus the end of nationalism as a force.
The Democrat Congress in the Church amendment gave South Vietnam to North Vietnam.

What historical record are YOU looking at? The Prince of Lies loses?

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Good to see that you’re still alive. Remember you from Vox D before you were banned. You are well read in history. Jesus triumphs.

Reply to  Lenze
3 years ago

AMEN fren

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
3 years ago

I have a couple of thoughts:

– They want you divided: it seems impossible that the candidate who couldn’t get 10 people at a rally when all are either staff or “journalists” could possibly be a contender. So with an apparent (even though we know it’s a cheat) majority voting for him, I get pissed off. Who the hell are these half the population that is totally OK with pedophilia, being lied to, and living in a shithole? It makes me think of a line Cantwell used to use: “Physically remove all Democrats and communists.” But they WANT us divided, so this has to be part of it.

– As for the 8% of the network, it’s been a while since you’ve mentioned Person of Interest, but reading your post this morning, I started thinking about the *other* AI, Samaritan. Samaritan was based on the good AI, but implemented by a supra governmental organization. It’s intent was to manage society as a benevolent government. Samaritan recruited an unknown number of assets. Most were unaware of each other. Most didn’t even know the other people who worked for their contact. They’d either get a notification from Samaritan on their phone, or their contact would call them in and give them orders. But they were paid well and taken care of, so they had no problem doing a little job. And once you earn some trust, you get promoted, eventually up to the point of carrying out assassinations that Samaritan believed were necessary for the good of society. This network could be something like that. Hell, an AI like that could exist for all we know.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
3 years ago

You are such whiny little pussy, Wheeler.