Obama Administration Has The ISIS Threat Covered

From Powerline:

Fox News reports that jihadi web sites are rejoicing over today’s terrorist attacks in Paris. The line we have heard more than once from ISIS-related sites is, “The American blood is best, and we will taste it soon.”

Meanwhile The Obama Administration is hard at work solving the problem:

The Obama administration is moving to increase and accelerate the number of Syrian refugees who might be admitted into the United States by opening new screening outposts in Iraq and Lebanon, administration officials told Reuters on Friday.

The move comes after President Barack Obama pledged in September to admit an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees in 2016, torn by four years of civil war and disorder.

They don’t even have to leave the middle east. Indeed, all we had to do was nothing, and we would have restricted the flow by default. No citizen is clamoring to admit them. There is no popular support for this position. And yet the eggheads are not only hell-bent on forcing it, they are hell-bent on expediting their forcing of it, as fast as possible. Even more puzzling, they do this even as it becomes apparent that this will cost them electorally.

This is rabbits trying to lay the groundwork for inter-citizen strife which they are hoping will distract from the massive responsibility they will bear for the apocalypse that is coming. There is no other logical explanation.

There is a point where simple insanity becomes too unlikely, and enemy action is the only possible conclusion. This is that point.

Our ray of hope is Donald Trump, who says what the nation needs to hear:

Donald Trump: “If I Win, Syrian Refugees Are Going Back”

Pro-gun, Pro-America, Unapologetic.

What more could you want.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

Meanwhile, it’s provoked a great case study in r/K political theory on twitter: https://twitter.com/MSNBC/status/666002637830115328/photo/1

8 years ago

Alabama, Arkansas, Texas and Michigan have refused the refugees. More states will as the week goes on.