Obama Satisfaction Lowest Since Jimmy Carter

Things you won’t hear in the MSM:

According to Gallup, Americans’ satisfaction levels with the way things are going in the U.S. are low and President Obama will be leaving office with a lower overall satisfaction average of any president since Jimmy Carter.

Only 29% of Americans are satisfied with the way things are going in the U.S. according to the Gallup poll conducted during the first week of June.

Three thoughts. One if you saw the unadjusted Misery Index, it would be sky-high, because this is the effect of it on the brains of people. All of the bullshit about a recovery is just that – bullshit. They can adjust the numbers, but they can’t adjust this.

Two, this is all amygdala. We are shifting back, as people’s structures are being triggered by their environments.

Three, Trump could not be in a better place. Not only will that increased amygdala activity drive the nation conservative. Hillary has to appeal to Obama’s voters, so she will be selling herself as four more years of Obama.

Somebody just said to me, “History doesn’t repeat, it rhymes.” 2016 is sounding an awful lot like Reagan.

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