On The Narrative

There is a new word I want to draw attention to, and it is “Narrative.” I want to get some thoughts down about it, because it is changing how I view the Mainstream news and the world around me.

Hypnotic language is all about amygdala. In hypnosis, there is the critical factor, which is the part of the brain that performs judgment before accepting something. When things hit the critical factor, the brain will perform a logical assessment, before accepting the idea or rejecting the idea, and thus the idea must have a basis in reality to be accepted. I think this is best described as flagging the amygdala to perform a logical assessment.

But hypnosis is about bypassing the critical factor, and presenting an idea in a way that it slips past the assessment stage and is accepted without actually being assessed. To do this, you employ some means to make the idea slip past the amygdala without flagging it. In its most effective form, the idea will not even be flagged as an idea, and it will simply enter the mind and seamlessly become an assumption.

The way you employ this hypnotic language, is you say “A”, and it is a specific piece of data which flags the amygdala and distracts it, but behind it is “B,” a non-specific, vague underlying assumption that is inherent to A, but not overt enough to be noticed. Your amygdala, which I think is synonymous with what hypnotists call the critical factor, will not asses the underlying assumption, but rather will just internalize it.

When I see this done in the media, it is usually a story which is true but unusual, but which is presented as common. This allows the media to present facts which the amygdala/critical-factor accepts as true, and at the same time slip in a narrative about the state of the world which is false. You hear the facts, confirm them in your mind, and walk away seeing the world incorrectly.

Once the underlying narrative is internalized, more stimuli, similar to the first can be presented, and your mind will perceive the repetitive underlying narrative being confirmed. This will function to reinforce this assumption about the world, when in reality the assumption may be entirely incorrect.

I am realizing more and more that the Fake News Media is using this principle, and I do not think it is by accident.

An example was a recent headline that went something like “Transgender Prisoner is suing to demand sex reassignment surgery.”

Obviously what flags the amygdala is the precise facts. A transgender inmate doing time for rape is suing to make the state pay for his surgery so he can end up in the women’s prison. But what slips by? The idea we are so fucked as a culture, and everything is a disjointed shitstorm of unimaginable proportions, and evil is winning, and there is nothing we can do. That is “The Narrative,” and I think it was the purpose of the story.

Some media stories have multiple narratives. Take the Parkland shooting. The information reported is that there was “another” shooting. But the mainstream subconscious narrative was guns are bad yet again, especially the AR-15. But the alternative-stream narrative was different. It was that evil in government can launch a false flag which kills kids, lie blatantly about it, and there is nothing anyone can do.

I am beginning to wonder if that was why Sandy Hook had so many videos showing it to be false. The shooting might actually have happened. But if you have one of the parents dress up as a sniper and act like a goof, and release it to the media, now it looks false and feeds this new narrative, at least to those of us who look deeper and question. Change property records to make an anomaly in all of the victim’s parent’s property records, and now there is more evidence. Those who are “woke” subconsciously hear, “Yes, we are not even trying to make it look good, and there is nothing you can do about it.”

That last narrative about being helpless, even when government isn’t really trying is particularly pernicious, but effective. Repeat it enough, and soon it sinks in and promotes a mindset of helplessness among us. Our brain never hears it said, but the idea gets in anyway. We are so helpless, even this incompetent a job can’t be destroyed.

How many of us think Parkland was somehow set up? How many here think anything could be done about it? How many of us will do something to try and stop the next one? Why is there no protest?

Think about how your brain was hacked. Would you stop evil people trying to kill kids, at any cost, if you saw it happening on the street in front of your house? Of course. But what will you do to try and stop the next Parkland? Why aren’t we at least protesting to draw attention to the issue? These people are stupid, judging by their work, but we accept the conclusion is foregone. Our brains have been hacked.

It is like the bumper sticker says – “The Founders Would Have Been Shooting By Now.” But the Founders weren’t programmed by the narrative from the time they were children. We aren’t shooting because narratives have weaseled their way into our heads and changed how we think, without us ever carefully analyzing them, or even hearing them said. Our brains are different, and until we begin putting our own stories with their own subconscious narratives out there, we are prisoners of our own minds.

I realize more and more, once you see the narrative, it is what almost every story is about. Why does the media report on the degeneracy, if it is left-wing? Why not hide it? Why blow up the most bizarre cases as if they are normal?

Think of all the evil we see in all these stories. Yes, a migrant raped another girl. But the narrative is you are helpless. The judge ruled the child’s life support will be pulled even though the parents arranged treatment and the money to pay for it. The government chose to flood in migrants to screw the right wing. The government has to pay for some rapist murderer’s sex change with taxpayer dollars. The government settled the lawsuit with the murderer the Police shot when he tried to kill them. The media is gushing about the eight year old transvestite model. Transgender guys are walking around locker rooms with schlongs hanging out in front of little girls at the YMCA, and if someone complains they are arrested for a hate crime. Imagine the moral Overton Window in people’s minds.

And yet real America is nothing like that. The degenerates and reprobates and traitors and evil are vastly outnumbered by Redstate America. We can win, as Trump has showed us. But even as we think Trump is winning, in the back of our minds is a feeling nothing can really change.

And we are still seeing it everywhere. I think it is seeking to mold people’s assumptions to make them feel powerless in the face of evil. The migrant issue is so fucked, nobody can fix it. The morals issue is so fucked, nobody can fix it. The leftist advance is happening, and nobody can stop it. Evil wins again. The degeneracy is so massive there is no point in trying to oppose the acceptance of it. Children are being assaulted by trannies in store bathrooms. There are child tranny drag queens. Post-birth abortion. It is all a shifting of all our Overton windows. Morals. Decency. Political. Freedom. And none of it is reality. America is better than this, but the media is trying to program us to think it is not.

I am even thinking part of the desire of the elites to import the migrants is what an excellent narrative it offers. Muslims, of all people, are being imported in record numbers, and there is nothing we can do about it. And many accept that now.

Notice there is one narrative which we are not fed, at least in America. That narrative is, they keep taking our guns. That is because when they feed gun owners that narrative, their amygdalae light up, they rebel, and they prove they are not helpless. Their critical factors catch that narrative and negate it before it enters the subconscious. Charleston Heston himself stood at the podium, held up his musket, and said, “From our Cold, Dead, Hands!!!!” Narrative countered.

Gunowners rally, they vote, and they even make allusions to cold dead hands, and act threateningly in ways which are legal, but which make sure the politicians know, their lives are five pounds of pressure away from never taking anyone’s guns ever again. That is our narrative back at the left.

We are not fed that gun-grabbing narrative anymore, because when they tried to give it to us, Charleston Heston made it clear we would prove them wrong, and nothing was getting by our critical factor on that issue. We showed we are not buying that narrative.

As the immortal James Woods once said, “There is a little bit of a lesson there.”

Another failed narrative was the constant barrage of Republican politician betrayals. Each time we were betrayed by W, or Boehner, or Ryan, or some other cuckservative the narrative was our side will always lose, even when it doesn’t have to. Ask yourself why they purposely lost so often and so openly. Why were there no tactical retreats to avoid the public loss? It was the narrative.

Indeed, Cuckservative was such an effective narrative-breaker, because inherent to naming the cucks as traitors was the idea that we didn’t always have to lose. It wasn’t us, it was the Cucks. It is possible that term set the stage for the ascendance of Trump.

Of course a new narrative is building, though the media wishes it could kill it. It is the narrative that Trump always wins, and always hits back. That narrative, fostered and forced into the dialog by the God Emperor himself and his relentless winning and hitting back, is demoralizing the left in ways we will be astonished by in the coming years. They hear of each instance, and under the surface is the idea, “Trump has done it again…” Even the name Trump, trumps the narrative.

K will return, and with the heightened amygdala will come a reduced susceptibility to narratives of all stripes. Once our amygdalae are all lit up, we will prove them wrong on every narrative just as we have on guns, and they will stop trying to push them.

Until then, we have the His Almighty Highness, God Emperor and President Donald J Trump.

Spread r/K Theory, because the narrative is bullshit if you look at it critically

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Conspiracy, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

Great observation. It’s a demoralization tactic.

6 years ago

The degeneracy of the left has been “in your face” for quite a while. I concluded it was being done purposefully, to eventually get someone on the right to start shooting, and turn the country into a war zone. Then military rule, gun confiscation, and NWO here we come.
The narrative behind it makeing us feel helpless, as you point out, is powerful! I have felt it too, and have assumed for a long time my guns WOULD be taken from my cold dead hands.
Now, I will look for the narrative, and keep the faith in the good people of this country.

6 years ago

Beginning in 2008, and continuig to today, every time I hear anyone say “health care” I ask, “are you referring to health insurance?” “they are not the same, you know”

When I saw that term become the preferred shorthand for referring to the need to come up with a plan to cover the ~10% or so uninsured, I realized we were toast. We had implicitly accepted their premise. And amygadala was not involved. It was semantic subversion.

Reply to  glenndc
6 years ago

I always like “immigration reform”. It’s one of those things which does not mean what I think it means. My idea of “immigration reform” has always been to build a wall and deport ’em all, but somehow that was never on the table until the rise of GEOTUS…

6 years ago

Excellent post. Reminds me of the polls during the election all having Hillary winning by a landslide. The narrative of course being “Rights don’t bother to vote, you’ve already lost”. Problem being that the left believed their own narrative and were the only side to act on it.

I think the right also bought the narrative to a point but we voted in droves suspecting that the polls were bullshit judging by the turnouts for Trump. Actually it almost felt like a last stand against the hopelessness in that if we lose this one we’ll be damned to a Progressive hell forever.

Might still be but at least we have a fighting chance now.

6 years ago

Very good insight.

Reply to  gett
6 years ago

Agreed. Excellent, insightful essay.

6 years ago

Has me thinking of something I’d like to start doing: a podcast called The White Pill, or something similar, which is aimed at both presenting the truth about what’s going in the world (nothing particularly original or insightful; most of it borrowed from places like here), but adding a positive spin to everything – to present it in a way that’s more hypnotic, towards encouraging people and White Pilling them on the idea that there’s hope, and that we have to win.

6 years ago

Note on hypnosis – it’s called the ‘critical faculty’.

6 years ago

I would listen. And that’s because most White Pill stuff out there is actually leftist propaganda promoting the “inevitability of history” and materialism.

Vox Day is one of the best White Pill dispensers I’ve found because he’s realistic without being fatalistic. “All we need is Twelve” is A+ rhetoric.

6 years ago

Opened my browser and saw this headline: America Rejected A Muslim Ban. Now The Supreme Court Must As Well.

At first I got mad. How dare they word an article that way, as we were that big of stupid idiots. After reading this, I be like, “Now wait..”

6 years ago

When Washington went to war the second time in Iraq, it was ostensibly because of WMDs, but they didn’t even bother to create fake ones they could find or even pretend they had found them without creating fake ones, instead they just shrugged their shoulders and said ‘Oh well, I guess we were wrong’ and nobody bothered to get upset about it. It didn’t even matter to people. Americans just accepted that they were lied into war and couldn’t do anything about it and the war needed to go on regardless. I’m pretty sure this is what you’re getting at, correct?