One In 137 Teenagers Transgender?

According to the NY Times:

Nearly 150,000 American teenagers from 13 to 17 years old — or one out of every 137 — would identify as transgender if survey takers asked, according to an analysis of state and federal data that offers an answer to a question that has long eluded researchers…

That report, the latest in a series on transgender populations, included estimates of the transgender population in each state and in different age groups. In addition to an estimated 149,750 transgender teenagers nationwide, accounting for 0.7 percent of the population ages 13 to 17, Dr. Herman and her co-authors estimated that there are 1.4 million transgender adults in the United States. In the younger age group, transgender identification is probably more common among the older teenagers than the younger ones, they said…

In the January report, the researchers estimated that 22,200 teenagers in California, 13,800 in Texas and 9,750 in New York would identify as transgender if asked. North Dakota and Wyoming were home to the smallest populations of transgender teenagers, estimated at just 200 each.

Proportionally, however, Hawaii and West Virginia took the lead, with about 1 in 100 teenagers from 13 to 17 estimated to be transgender…

The analysis, an extrapolation based on adult responses to a federal survey, represents an indirect way of arriving at a figure that many advocates consider to be of crucial importance.

So that is what leftists tell us we would find, if we actually asked the question. This is a great way for leftist to find scientific data to support their positions. They do an analysis which tells us what we would find if we actually did a study on the subject. So much better than actually doing a survey or study on the actual subject. Next up is doing a study on what people have heard in the media about global warming to extrapolate what we would find if we actually examined Global Warming scientifically.

It would not surprise me to find the numbers are higher today though, than they were in the 50’s. Dopamine exposure and amygdala atrophy erode epigenetic structures designed to produce the traditional, heterosexual K-selected sexual dimorphism, with manly, aggressive, protective males, and feminine, conflict-averse, nurturing females, and it builds generation to generation.

But one out of every 137, or one out of 100 in some areas sounds ridiculous.

Either that, or our population has degraded much worse than anyone would believe, in the absence of regular Darwinian selection. Because one thing you know is a teenaged transgender is not passing those genes forward to the next generation, and in K-selection, they are probably not even surviving.

Spread r/K Theory, because extrapolations show, 999 out of every 1000 people will love it wildly, and become conservative when they hear it

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7 years ago

[…] One In 137 Teenagers Transgender? […]

Agent J
Agent J
7 years ago

I went digging, and about 3 levels down found that the whole survey queried about 400,000 people, apparently, but the trans question was asked in only 19 states in 2014. From what I can tell, the % who ID’s at T was pretty flat above age 25 (fig. A.1 in the report “Age of Individuals Who Identify as Transgender in the United States”) but in the lowest age bin (18-24; there were about a dozen age bins) there was an uptick so they fitted what looks to be a 3rd order polynomial and got a sharp increase when they extrapolated to <18. So they're using a small fraction of the whole data to overweight an extrapolation to no data (ages <18 are not surveyed). Yeah, totes legit. I would like to see what a non-LGBT-advocate statistician would have to say about the reports.

7 years ago

That’s a good way to do science.
“If we asked the question, the answer would be…”

I’d say they should use this method for global warming… if I wasn’t already absolutely positive they already do.

Hell, I think they even use this method for discovered exoplanets.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

“Nearly 150,000 American teenagers from 13 to 17 years old — or one out of every 137 — would identify as transgender if survey takers asked,”

Note the wording: “would identify”. Some guy walks into the girls’ bathroom at Target because he “identifies” as being female, not because he’s a pre-op or post-op tranny.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

You know these people are bunch of liars. If they are opening their mouths and agitating the air they’re lying.

7 years ago

“Either that, or our population has degraded much worse than anyone would believe, in the absence of regular Darwinian selection.”

EVERY child gets 200 NEW mutations , 100 from each parent. Selection has NO WAY of even keeping genome quality CONSTANT let alone improve it. ALL our kids are mutants, see population geneticist Dr Sandford, you find lectures on youtube.

Sorry boys. There is no upward development through natural selection for complex organisms. It is literally A MISTERY WHY humans even have survived. We see EXTINCTIONS everywhere, not new superior mutant species. (with the exceptioin of some virii, for whom the odds are different)

Reply to  DirkH
7 years ago

Darwin wrote his books because he hated GOD. Adam and Eve (not Adam and Steve) were God’s perfect creation. Once we turned our backs and disobeyed GOD we degenerated, we mutated into the fallen creatures we are today. GOD said man shall not lay with man.