Puerto Rico Chooses Statehood

Too late?

Puerto Rico’s governor announced that the U.S. territory has overwhelmingly chosen statehood in a nonbinding referendum Sunday held amid a deep economic crisis that has sparked an exodus of islanders to the U.S. mainland.

Nearly half a million votes were cast for statehood, more than 7,600 for free association/independence and nearly 6,700 for the current territorial status, according to preliminary results. The participation rate was just 23 percent with roughly 2.26 million registered voters, leading opponents to question the validity of a vote that several parties had boycotted.

It is not surprising, given they are running out of money and tapping the US Treasury is the only way to keep the party going. The question is, have things gone too K?

From a strictly partisan perspective I would never expect it to be allowed by the right just based off of it creating two more Democrat Senators and who knows how many Democrat Representatives. Add in the perception of Puerto Rico as a spendthrift seeking a free ride in a time of shortage, and there is no doubt the partisan left will be the only Americans supporting this, in hopes of gaining power themselves.

The question is, can the Cucks, who reliably seek to undercut the Conservative movement, be held in check by the grassroots? Or is there just enough r left for Puerto Rico to try and slide in? Given the splintering we are already seeing in America, I find it hard to believe PR won’t be trying to paddle against the tide in merging their nation with our’s.

Spread r/K Theory, because when things turn K, you want to be selective about your in-group

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6 years ago

[…] Puerto Rico Chooses Statehood […]

6 years ago

I have mixed feelings about this. Should I oppose for financial reasons? or should I oppose for cultural ones?

August Hurtel
6 years ago

It does seem like this push is coming from the remaining Puerto Ricans, but a remarkable number of them have already left the island, and a particular class of people seem to be in the process of taking the place over. It would be interesting to know what they think- do they want PR to be a state, or would they like to keep it as is, so that they can avoid paying federal taxes by becoming a PR citizen? just before the debt crisis, PR was actually trying to become like the next Singapore or Hong Kong and made some changes to their business law. The same class of people who got them in trouble by loaning them way too much money can also take advantage of the tax situation down there- and the property is cheaper now.

We may see a massive demographic change on the island. There changes I think both the natives and the new guys would want- there’s currently a law that everything has to come from an American port first, for instance.

Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

Does anyone want to give odds that they will be made a State? Let’s see, their admission to US Statehood will impose further burdens upon the White citizenry. And virtue signals how inclusive we are of “diversity”. If they are not admitted, the mainland will be better off. Of course, this will not depend on the r/K status of the posterity. It will depend on the r/K status of our rulers. Decisions, decisions. Anyone taking bets?

6 years ago

There’s no way PR gets accepted by Congress. They are too underwater, and adding to Congress would be a clear risk to the GOP. No way, no how.

6 years ago

Gee, Puerto Rico, we’re kinda hard up for cash ourselves at the moment, how ’bout voting yourselves into the European Union instead? If that doesn’t work, maybe Canada would like to add some tropical real estate and a third official language.