Q-Anon Posts – 09/09/2020

Headline Briefs are here.

Twitter Briefs are here.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub








Spread r/K Theory, because the day of the rope draws near.

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3 years ago

It’s rather concerning the slant Q has put on that first post. He recognizes Antifa is the same as the communist party of Germany, yet then goes on to portray the brown-shirts who were the reaction to the original German Antifa.. as the bad guys? Bait and switch, why didn’t he just stick to the original German Antifa, who no doubt did all the stuff he lists?

From the Britannica link the brown-shirts were; “made up largely of ex-soldiers, that battled leftists in the streets in the early days of the Weimar Republic”. Which side does that sound more like today?

“Use of Nazi propaganda” He doesn’t think the communists ever used propaganda?

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Q has said before and provided evidence that the cabal ran both sides in Germany.
There may have been some innocent and well meaning people and they may have been all on one side but the cabal had control of both.
If the cabal lost control it happened when the SS wiped out the SA.

Look at Soros, he worked for the NAZIs and now he is running AntiFa.

3 years ago

Q has ABSOLUTELY NO understanding of the forces going on in the Weimar! Or about the rise of the National Socialists and the SA.


The SA was born—IN RESPONSE TO Communist Aggression in the Weimar!!!! It was the Communists who FIRST used violent street gangs.

Americans are fucking stupid and Q shows that ignorance. An Israeli Professor, Zeev Sternhell in his book, “The Birth of Fascist Ideology” states that “Fascism is a revision of Marxism”.

WHO CAME FIRST? Who taught Political Violence attacks???? THE COMMUNISTS. The Nazis apped them, imitated them—because they had to.

Is it not the American axiom, “Fight Fire with Fire”? Is that not THE firefighting technique to stopping wildfires. Do NOT Firefighters light backfires in order to stop the major fire?


Our Lebanese in chief, Justin Amash, twin, Esper, refuses to give Trump the military force to quash rioters. What else can we do.

Antifa is NOT Nazi nor Fascist. —They are born in the wool, Marxists.

What was CHOP in Seattle? It was a “”””raterrepublic””””, (german for) Red republics. Communists seized many cities in the Weimar and set up Raterrepublics, Red Republics.

How did the NAZIs fight the Communists???? —-By adopting THEIR tactics and using them against them. Q has it all wrong. He has NO clue on the Weimar. And the rest of the “Christian” political parties? Did not have the stomach, nor the spirit to fight the Communists. That is why the Nazis were successful—because they had the balls, the Spirit, and the willingness to use violence.

You have to fight Violence—-WITH violence.

Stupid kids, Trix are for Adults with Books.

Hey Q—WHO WAS LEADING THE SEIZURE OF cities in the Wiemar????


Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

I think that Q has to phrase these posts in terms the average person will understand. the goal is to wake up the normies, right? Not one person in 100 has ever heard of the original antifa in the Weimar Republic. Q has to anchor the term “Antifa” with the “Nazis bad” trope to get Joe and Jane Sixpack on board.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
3 years ago

This 100%.

The way Q explains it to the historically challenged normies has the desired effect of turning them against the commie Jew terror groups and the D party, and once they start researching on their own about that particular decade and what went down in Germany, they’ll see that nazis appeared as a reaction to commie/Jewish violence and looting of the Country.

At the end of the day, Hitler ended up serving as a puppet for the Jewish banking cartel (Rothschild), the question remains if he did it willingly or unwillingly (aka: was he genuine in his intention of fighting Jewish collective power and defeat them and simply lost, or was he in bed with them and purposefully fucked up in order to lose so they could advance their agenda).

The best way to capitalize on this to damage Jewish collective power is to point out that Hitler helped the Rothschild create Israel via the Haavara Agreement, and that Soros was a nazi Jew. And then tell them this about Soros:

Soros was made by the Rothschild (who created Israel with the help of Hitler via the 1933 Haavara Agreement and the British government via the 1917 Balfour Declaration), gets protection from Israel (despite his organizations not operating in Israel), and Soros organizations collaborate with organizations that get their funding from the Israeli government (like ISRAaid) and work together to flood the West with ME and African Muslims.

Proofs here:
comment image

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Maybe Q and Trump are smarter than you and than anyone who opposed the communists in Germany.

How did that end again? the Germans were vilified and the cabal had the best boogeyman it ever had to suppress conservatives and promote its zionist agenda.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
3 years ago

Where are the mass arrests and perp walks?
That’s all that matters at this point, not more talk and Q briefs that repeat themselves and tell us everything we already know… again and again and again.

Barr and Durham aren’t going to do shit. Even Tom Fitton is saying it.
The jig is up, and there are no white hats to be found.
The Deep State doesn’t investigate and prosecute itself.

Trust the plan?
What plan?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Isn’t it a law or at least a rule that you don’t prosecute this close to elections? I think it’s too late to prosecute them. If they were going to they would have done so already.

I don’t think they will prosecute anyone of substance. Every single person they’ve put in charge of prosecutions has dropped the ball. They just prop another up and then we all say “oh they’ll prosecute” but all the rest have done nothing, why should these?

3 years ago

From the 8kun forum:

He is taking away the power of the “nazi” smear.
By focusing the audience attention on the Communist (and thus Jewish) origins of the antifa movement, and the fact that Hitler had Jewish backers, and that Hitler helped the Rothschild Jewish banking cartel create Israel (via the Haavara Agreement), it makes the audience grow invulnerable to the attempts of the enemy to use the word “nazi” as an effective silencing and smear tool. Soon enough, when someone gets called that by some commie, instead of not knowing what to say or do, everyone will be informed enough to be able to counter with those verifiable facts, and thus the word as a psy warfare tool loses its effectiveness.


From another anon:

I think Q thinks it is easier to take the Jew out by dragging their followers onto Q where we are forced to learn the true history of the Jew inside and out. The Jew had spent a hundred years creating a “jews never did nuffin” defense and normies are not ready to hear Q name the JEw.
But they can have their cake and eat it too. By constantly exposing the anons to the facts here. And here is where we learn the truth.
And Q never has to name the Jew at all.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
3 years ago

I really like this one too:

Clearly the nazi Jews need to be deported to the nazi Country that Hitler helped the Rothschild create via the Haavara Agreement.


==The Original ‘Antifa’ Was A Jewish Anti-Nazi Militia==


==Antifa is a terrorist group in the blood-soaked Bolshevik tradition==


==Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish==


==Trump’s Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews==