Q-anon’s Posts – 09/21/2020

Headline Brief is here.

Twitter Brief is here.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub



So basically the party that is most desperate to lead us, and which usually gets almost 50% of the vote, introduced a pandemic disease, denied treatments to it to make it more lethal, sabotaged our ability to test at the CDC, discouraged masks and funneled sick patients into nursing homes to amp up the death count, crushed the economy with lockdown orders, while at the same time they emptied the jails due to a non-threat of the virus and changed bail laws to get criminals out on the streets so they could amp up rapes, robberies, murders, and assaults, prosecuted cops for nothing to limit Policing, activated mass protests and lootings that destroyed entire life works of citizens and got some citizens killed, lit forest fires that have destroyed still more people’s lives, and at the same time they attacked the one man trying to stop them.

I kind of wish Q would just have Trump tell us it is a revolution, take out the surveillance, and green-light the civilian world to fight the revolution which is already being fought against us. The number of lives ruined by this thing is ridiculous, and it is not like there weren’t enough people already who don’t have any belief in the sanctity of liberal’s lives. I say take down the ground surveillance and let it rip, rather than do it for us. Make an example of them for all of time.



Sounds intriguing.

Spread r/K Theory, because the B2 is in the air.

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REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

“… take out the surveillance, and green-light the civilian world to fight the revolution which is already being fought against us. ”

Agreed, but command and control for target selection is crucial, otherwise it could go “bull dog” and end up attacking itself, like antifa.

But at some point so much damage will be done to right leaning people’s finances and livlihoods, as well as families, that living will be very hard even with any political “wins”. Real Americans who really love America should not let that happen- or should make every effort to make Real America whole again, or failing that give us all a “heads up” this is coming.

M in the 517
M in the 517
3 years ago

After all this shit, if Trump doesn’t release the fucking hounds on every last one of these fifth columnists, then he’s as much a fraud as all the rest of them.

I worry about that.

3 years ago

God looks down upon the earth to see if any are righteous.

II Peter 1:5 “Supplement The Faith with Arete”.

The Arete of Righteousness:

“To righteousness it belongs to be ready to distribute according to desert, and to preserve ancestral customs and institutions and the established laws, and to tell the truth when interest is at stake, and to keep agreements. First among the claims of righteousness are our duties to the gods, then our duties to the spirits, then those to patrida [fatherland] and parents, then those to the departed; and among these claims is piety, which is either a part of righteousness or a concomitant of it. Righteousness is also accompanied by holiness and truth and loyalty and hatred of wickedness.”

V. 2-3 Loeb Classical Library. Aristotle, Virtues and Vices. Vol. 285. pg 495.

Boy Scout Oath: “On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty, God and Fatherland, To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight”.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

“To righteousness it belongs to be ready to distribute according to desert”


Just some random guy
Just some random guy
3 years ago

AC, I saw your link to this story:

“At the Proud Boys fake-rally, Antifa destroy the car of an Antifa protester they mistook for a conservative.”

And it reminded me of something that I saw posted elsewhere.

Evidently Antifa livestreams most of their riots.

They also monitor the chat logs of people discussing those livestreams in real time.

Someone posted that s/he had gone into those chat logs and would randomly pick antifa out of the crowd and start making accusations that they were an infiltrator in the live chat.

The antifa monitoring the live chat would then dutifully beat the shit out of the accused “infiltrator,” live on camera, without so much as a single shred of evidence.

Do with this information as you please.

Reply to  Just some random guy
3 years ago


3 years ago

Bar owner who defended himself is murdered in retaliation:

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

That guy Jake Gardner has a serious Cro-Mag doesn’t he? Are the Jews after the Cro-Mags for revenge?

It would seem so in the alternate case or many cases of the “Smiley face murders”. Lots of them. All White successful Cro-Mag types.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“Smiley face murders”

One victim called a friend when he had been out drinking. She came and got him as he was headed to get in someone’s car but she intervened.

“…Dakota James contacted his friend Shelley on December 15, 2016. It was late, and James was very drunk after going out with co-workers to a bar. He was confused and upset about something. When she tracked him down, she saw a visibly confused James walking towards an SUV that was sitting facing the wrong way in the street. Shelley intervened and got James home safely.

Five weeks later, James disappeared. Once again, he’d gone out to drink with friends. Forty days after he disappeared, his body was found floating in the Ohio River. According to Gannon and Duarte, smiley face graffiti was found a short distance away, and there is evidence that James was drugged and strangled prior to being drowned…”

I suspect they are getting near them with Jewish girls who spike their drinks with GHB or Gamma Hydroxybutyrate and then drag them off and torture them before killing them.


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

One thing we know for sure about this criminal conspiracy: everyone in it is very gay and homosexual. Literal gaybal faggots, selling their soul (and arse) to Satan.