Twitter Briefs – 09/22/2020

Q’s Posts are here.

Headline Briefs are here.

President Trump’s twitter feed (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

On this one, I guarantee you, 100%, ID’ing this shooter is a computer click away. It is in the database, probably five different ways, from tech monitoring, to vehicular coverage of the area, to infiltrator reports in his street gang. It could easily have been parallel constructed by now, or even handled with an anonymous tip. But that database, and what is in it, is not accessible to LASD, and the organization which manages it is presently under command of the same people running the operation to kneecap the Police and get rid of them, so they can ultimately be replaced with the Brownshirt units, manned with Antifa protesters, who were supposed to escort us into the camps. Fuck, this operation was probably run by that unit, to further this narrative, and foment even more tension between the black community and the Police. I am just blown away how this clearly logical, previously seen model, runs so counter to a weird, emotional program in me that is programmed to deny such a logical outcome would be even possible, even as I can look at the grossly unconstitutional, highly illegal machinery every single day:


Bear in mind with this next one, one source has said Durham is actually just assigned to handle one small part of a much more massive investigation that is being run by someone else who is thus far, unknown:

A pretty good visual representation of what to expect when the election results come in:

Here is a thought. It is very likely MK Ultra progressed to the point these easily programmable NPCs are somehow absorbing a specific format of meme and internalizing it as programming. Is it possible we could crack that code before election day, and put out a programming meme that would indicate a mass suicide protest was what would be required if Donald Trump was re-elected? 

Spread r/K Theory, because if you are really a progressive, you can’t live in a world that would elect a President like Donald J Trump.

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M in the 517
M in the 517
3 years ago

Be careful what you ask for…could turn them into suicide bombers.

Not that they aren’t headed toward car bombings and suicide bombings anyway.

Probably on the horizon in 2021 when the Wheel O’ Crisis spins back to THE CLIMATE

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  M in the 517
3 years ago

Trump is ready for that too.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

The Wheel O’ Crisis is literally spinning back to Climate right now

Sturmabteilungführerin Greta is back

3 years ago

>Here is a thought. It is very likely MK Ultra progressed to the point these easily programmable NPCs are somehow absorbing a specific format of meme and internalizing it as programming. Is it possible we could crack that code before election day, and put out a programming meme that would indicate a mass suicide protest was what would be required if Donald Trump was re-elected?

I don’t know precisely why Tranyism seems to be such a big part of the current push of radical leftism. But I know on reddit, and probably other social media, the most passionately involved in enforcing radical leftism as the only allowed narrative are trannies. This one sub, Againsthatesubreddits, is apparently “manned” by trannies as the most active members. There was a tranny whistleblower a few months ago who was participating in their plotting discord, and became disgusted when it figured out they were posting CP to right-leaning subs in order to get them banned. (So you see there is a crossover between pedophilia and transgenderism as well) Which I guess worked on quite a few. These assholes lurk in my sub looking for things to report to the admins with the eventual goal of getting it banned. I expect that eventually that strategy will pay off, but I don’t know how long it will take. Honestly surprised it hasn’t worked already. In the last day I had two mod accounts suspended, one permanently, by the admins for posting comments/links that weren’t a glowing endorsement of trannyism. These guys get worked up in general about all the standard leftist canards, but they are really especially triggered about negative views of transgenderism. The permanently banned account, RoderickKaine, was for the following post and comment:

Granted, I did just make it knowing this would happen, so its newness may have played a role. Even so, from my perspective nothing said here was that bad. Just an opinion, stated perhaps a bit tauntingly. I wonder what Aaron Schwartz would think about how far his free speech site has fallen.

But anyway, in the context of MKUltra drones, I believe that early childhood sexual abuse is probably an important part of programming these people (and indoctrination into “The Cult”). I would not be surprised if there is a strong connection between pedophilia victims where they later become trannies. Of course, they were probably also getting a lot of injections of who knows what while the programming was occurring which might have trannyism as a side effect. Then of course, I also wouldn’t be surprised if food in general was being dosed with nasty shit to increase the issues even more. Either way, it seems trannies figure highly in the most aggressive enforcers of the official cabal narrative, and I wouldn’t be surprised if a side effect of the heaviest, most in-depth programming protocols has a side-effect, or maybe intended effect, of trannyism. I don’t think its a coincidence, anyway.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I don’t know all the answers, but it effectively is a spiritual battle. Negatively polarizing requires control, creating slaves to feed off of. Including feeding off the negative emotions. I imagine that what you see is an intermediate point in moving towards a negatively polarized dystopia. Which is being resisted by those more inclined for positive polarization. Hence the war. I tried to explain my thoughts on the internal thinking a bit in this post:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”And its not like I’m a drug dealer”

Kek, where I live all the gaybal faggots involved in street surveillance are either dealers themselves, or have close friends or family who are.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…put out a programming meme that would indicate a mass suicide protest was what would be required if Donald Trump was re-elected?…”

Oh that is devious and, I think, possible. It’s certainly in the realm of possibilities to hack their own programming.