Q-anon’s Posts – 10/16/2020

Headline Brief is here.

Twitter Brief is here.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub












Spread r/K Theory, because if it is good, it doesn’t need to be taken underground.

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Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Gen. Flynn,”…Allowing tyranny to reign over liberty keeps us from breathing freedom’s fresh air and informing our Democracy of the grave threats our Constitutional Republic face…”

You know our situation is not hopeless even if Trump is a failure or even if he’s an insider gaming us. I was looking through some old videos and watched this one from wlindsaywheeler here,

A video on terrorism


So I decided to look up the whole video[No Place To Hide – The Stategy & Tactics of Terrorism] and one thing that stuck out was that the USSR was involved in a a lot of training, supplies and etc.[lots of Jews also] but they don’t exist anymore. There also is not really many countries where you hide things like you used to be able too. To many cameras. That they are watching us also works against them because they are exposed also.

What prompted this was a video I watched from a South African that explained that if we were to throw the Jews out that none of the third world or any of the other countries of the world would want the Jews either. They have no friends. They’ve ripped everyone off. There would be no backlash from throwing out the Jews. This South African has talked frequently to other African leaders even ones that are publicly the enemies of Whites. The reason being that most Africans know that Whites are fair and in judgement will not take sides but decide on each case on the merits. He has been asked advice even on how to get Whites to come back after they have been uprooted from their former African countries. He says all it would take is a serious effort to dislodge the Jews and their whole house of cards would crumble. I believe this also.

We should realize that the Jews have been thrown out of every single country they have ever been to in any numbers and even in countries where they had much more power and influence than they do in the USA.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Anyone who is paying attention knows that Jewish collective power is going to get terminated in the West, one way or the other. The only question remaining is how it will get done. But it will, and the Jews who aren’t retarded or too high in their own choosenite narcissistic sociopathic delusion better help out so it can be done peacefully, because the alternative will not give them any future victim points that they can exploit in a few decades (what I mean by that is: they will be so utterly crushed and the truth about them so utterly exposed that nobody will care if they get holocausted for real this time, should they choose the non-peaceful way of allowing the West to get rid of their subversive collective power).

I have seen normie and semi-normie people take years to finally come to the conclusion that Jews as a group always deserved the punishment they got over and over again for pushing it too far thru out history. When people know history, they know that for a fact. And it’s going to happen again.