Rabbitism Will Surge Among Rabbits At The K-shift

Here is a sign of the increasing rabbitism, even as the nation (and world) turn K:

Bernie Sanders is not going to be president. But in defeat he has accomplished something extraordinary, probably something more important than anything he could have achieved in four or eight frustrating years in the White House. For the first time since the end of the Cold War — and perhaps since the beginning of the Cold War — large numbers of Americans have begun to ask questions about capitalism.

This is happening among the hardcore rabbits, and it is all a consequence of amygdala atrophy and a loss of the ability to cope with fearful stimuli. Those triggered uncontrollably by chalked Trump slogans on sidewalks, and freaked out to the point of cutting themselves by 4chan taunts online, now are seeking one final little bit of refuge from the last scary idea they thought was unavoidable.

Reagan turned this tide back using the tool of ridicule, supported by the economic destruction of the Carter years. After eight years of Reagan, all one had to do was label someone a liberal, and they would quake with terror. Bush I and Bush II singlehandedly undid every element of what Reagan accomplished through their refusal to do anything which made anyone feel bad. That attempt to be nice has done more to embolden liberals, and destroy the spirit of America than anything done by liberals themselves.

The problem with Cruz, and every other traditional GOP candidate is that none of them will ridicule the left aggressively. Ridicule is the only tool which offers the possibility of instilling enough amygdala force in the heads of rabbits, to make seeking that refuge from reality uncomfortable. In fact, it is possible that the only way to avoid a descent into r and a consequent apocalypse is through the rigorous application of ridicule, preferably by the most powerful office in the land.

There is only one candidate today who has the capability to ridicule the left as aggressively as Reagan.

Hopefully he will see the necessity of it.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Rabbitism Will Surge Among Rabbits At The K-shift […]

8 years ago

Sanders support among college students is just as much a result of them being raised in an environment where resources appear to be limitless and free (i.e. From parents or govt) as it is a result of maleducation. Together, those two factors are deadly in the short term. In the long term, the fact that many people grow out of such rabbitry is proof that a K-shift can be brought on by a healthy dose of reality (e.g. Having to support yourself). Millenials have been tied to mommy’ apron strings longer than any other generation for a variety of socio-economic reasons, so their natural shift towards ‘ in adulthood has been delayed, but I expect it will be all the more abrupt when it occurs.

8 years ago

Bono, with his rose-tinted glasses, suggested that we ridicule the terrorists into peace; he was giving away a valuable datum on how his side thinks.

Reply to  Aurini
8 years ago

a very shrewd observation

Russell Newquist
8 years ago

Hopefully he will see the necessity of it.

I have no idea if he’ll see the necessity of it or not. But given the candidate, I think odds are high that he’ll see the fun of it and do it just because it’s his nature.