Rabbits Are Driven To Sexualize Children

Lower age at first intercourse is an r-trait, and here is how it manifests in Human Rabbits:

‘Mom, it’s like instead of them telling us how to not do it, it’s like they gave us a road map’!

Parents are outraged after discovering their children were being taught about “mutual masturbation” and “anal sex” in their Oklahoma public middle school.

Students in Jay, Oklahoma, were given sex-ed handouts from Lighthouse Pregnancy Center teaching that there are “four types of sex.”

The graphic sex lesson handouts were culled from a program called “Shape, Sexual Health Awareness, Prevention and Education…”

Concerned parent Mandy Callihan called attention to the graphic junior high school lesson plan on Facebook.

“Her father and I were (and still are) LIVID.

“Yes, Jake and I contacted the school immediately (the teacher, the principal, the counselor, and the school nurse). We were told that ‘pamphlets’ were sent home a week ago letting parents know that they were going to be discussing sex education,” Callihan wrote.

“We never saw a pamphlet … so we didn’t have the opportunity to get her out of the class before it started. Signatures for permission were NOT required, but you could opt out (depending on who you talk to, because we got different answers on the permission part). This ‘pamphlet’ they keep talking about tells me a couple of things … mainly that we have educators, and administrators, in our school system that need to be educated on how to properly let parents know about such a touchy and personal subject…”

Another reason that r/K Theory will eventually supplant all other material in every Political Science 101 class. Literally, I think that some day when you sign up for PolySci 101 at a university the entire course will be all about r/K Theory. Everything else in political science is just navel-gazing by comparison.

Machiavelli, Locke, Rousseau, Hamilton, Marx, and even Haidt all lack any explanation for why this urge to expose children to sexual material accompanies the decline of decadent societies, and why it is also present in left wing ideologies. Literally, they can’t even extrapolate from any of their work to explain it. Freedom, oppression, bourgeois, proletariat, morals, self-interest, natural law, none of it begins to offer a reason for why ten year olds end up being taught by an adult how to masturbate each other and perform oral sex with bananas and balloon vaginas. It can’t explain why it would seem perfectly normal to leftists, and totally repugnant to conservatives.

Do conservatives not have sex? Do leftists not think children would be better off practicing abstinence until maturity? Is it an issue of freedom, or of class warfare, or of do unto others, or of personal self-interest? What is the difference, which leads one society, powerful, united, competitive, and ascendant to frown on such things, while another society, wealthy, decadent, divided, and in decline to actually issue written tests quizzing children on how to have non-reproductive anal-sex?

Only r/K Theory explains it all.

Spread r/K Theory, because kids shouldn’t be taught in school to have anal sex

This entry was posted in Decline, Liberals, Morals, Pedophilia, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

”non-reproductive anal-sex”
Very peculiar how r-strategy also includes the non-reproductive years of childhood(destroying ability to bond when sexually mature) hedonistic non-reproductive copulation just like homosexuality.

Also why perhaps even if resources are infinite as ordained by God. Its designed in such a way that it is always limited at any given time to prevent r-selection provided there is no unselective predation pressure that prevents breeding to carrying capacity.

6 years ago

[…] Source link […]

dc. sunsets
6 years ago

We’ll know the war is on when fear of being literally lynched nips leftist-loon school employees’ urges to do this in the bud.

Today’s leftism is characterized by celebrating behaviors that predictably lead to lifelong misery. Habituation to physical intimacy without emotional intimacy leads people to shallow relationships, social atomization and loneliness, and undoubtedly contributes mightily to divorce frequency and kids raised in broken homes. Instead of promoting sex among teens, explaining the self-interested reasons to put off irreversible decisions (like initiating sexual relationships) makes sense if the goal is a society of happy, well-adjusted adults.

Rabbits should be destroyed, or made so in fear of physical attack that they rein in their impulses.

Reply to  dc. sunsets
6 years ago

Maybe that’s why shotgun weddings used to exist which would scare away the irresponsible. As well as the stigmatization of single motherhood.

6 years ago

r-people are a disease. Rabbits try to infect as many as possible, it thins the heard and creates damaged people (more rabbits) that propagate high mortality rabbitry. Human societies exist on plateaus of anti-social behavior. K people less so, r people more. If a population fills with r people, and resources contract, you will get a die off.

Indications are that the r is getting completely out of control. These freaks messing up these kids in very K Oklahoma need to be tied to a stake and burnt. Degeneracy has been spiraling out of control since 2015. You can’t have a libertarian society with open borders. Polluting childrens minds and then setting globalism on them as if they have the agency to make good decisions, it’s a patent violation of the NAP, the same as admitting plague victims into your country is a violation of the NAP. Brainwashed people won’t have the agency to make good decisions as young adults, and modern society is very good at brainwashing.

It will probably take a militant Christian theocracy to put things right again and stop the zombie spread of r. Just look at this BS.

Duke Norfolk
6 years ago

Small town Oklahoma. Simply shocking. No place is immune from this degeneracy now. That much is clear.

6 years ago

You should welcome and desire the r’s.
Look at diseases, parasites, pests, harmful microbes off all kinds.
They exist. They cause suffering and death. They sabotage and weaken.
They are, not surprisingly, hated and fought against.
Not only consciously by hygienics – but more fundamentally, by our immune systems.
The latter are rather spectacular and powerful, wonders of evolution, as is daily proven by our
quite good life in a world full of harmful fungi, bacteria and viruses.
Our immune systems, and our hygiene sciences and techniques, became so powerful because
those pests exist in the first place.
Our strength grew out of weakness to them – our biological bodies grew stronger through co-evolution with them, as did our science to keep them under control.
Those pests caused great suffering, but we – with our quite strong immune systems and hygiene skills – only grew strong and ever better through the “conflict” with them.
Would we – if we could – completely eradicate all pests from the face of the earth, we would be free of disease they bring – but then we would soon lose our immune systems and forget about hygiene.
I think to be strong, powerful, even to have an K-type psychology – there must be something that drives it, some environmental factor (and be it merely scarcity of resources), some enemy to fight, something to prove to be better and stronger to overcome it.

R’s may have that function for us. They show what we could become if we are not keeping clean and strong, ever vigilant and striving for getting smarter and stronger.

Good things come not just by themselves – they need some cause to exist, and to be refined.

In nature, there is only an eternal war for survival and reproduction, for resources and getting eaten or eating the competition (forms of “slavery” may also exist, but are nevertheless a struggle for who enslaves whom, for example ants “enslaving” fungi as food sources).

We are inescapably part of nature and evolution, and therefore inescapably part of that war.
Human society, even as the friendly-appearing superficial, happy-consumer imagery tries to hide it, is a war-zone, a battle ground – for resources, status and reproduction.
The losers in that war still get enslaved and/or go extinct.

There is only that war. This is the very basis of everything, all things organisms do is judged by the results in that war.

This war is also the single reason we are what we are today.
Without that war, that drive to kill or enslave the competition, we would be weak and stupid,
perhaps not even evolved into puddles of slime.

So, thank the r’s and other pests to exist. They are a pain, cause for suffering and misery,
but the war against them is what drives us to keep and improve our strength and smarts.

It’s cruel, it’s unfair, it’s brutal, but this is what everything seems to be really about, and there
is no evidence for anything else that matters so fundamentally.

So fight and kill and enslave, as this is the only way to live on; survival means reproduction and
control of resources, and there are never enough good mates or resources for everybody to
optimize his needs.

There is really no other way than this war. Some have to perish so that others not only can
live on, but also grew stronger and smarter.

R’s try to destroy the K’s by drowning them in their vast numbers they try to achieve by hyper-sexualization of everything.
Defend and react yourself by becoming stronger and smarter than them, and only reproduce
with high-quality mates to produce high-quality offspring.
Attack the r’s at their weak point – their pleasure-driven, self-discipline-less need to indulge:
Feed them low-quality, high-pleasure food that makes them fat, ill and weak;
saturate them with electronic entertainment to neutralize their life-time and make them stupid.
Give them all the pleasures they want, let them drown in simple pleasure, until they suffocated by
it. Profit of that financially, for example by investing in the stocks of companies that enslave and destroy the r’s, like McDonalds or video game companies etc.
You use then your time to exercise, eat healthy foods, and learn and work to become stronger and
smarter. Invest in yourself and the quality of your children, not in your momentary pleasure.
The irony: YOU will be much more happy and satisfied than the r’s, because achievement-serotonin feels much better than the short-time indulgence-dopamine:
A healthy, muscular body, good education, good income and the rewards of self-discipline are a much superior basis for feeling well long-time than the short-time-horizon pleasure from indulgence in fast food, sweets, porn and meaningless, dangerous sex – which also only cause poverty, misery, illness and looking fat and ugly, also being much stupider than one would be if one had instead invested his time in learning.

For some high-quality, practical advice, which I can recommend, visit this guy here:
Also look up his twitter account, he provides high-quality advice.

If you want to get smarter, start reading the right books.
If you feel overwhelmed by the task to select the right books to read, I advise you to start with
Peter Bevelin’s “From Darwin to Munger”.

There is only war. You must prove your superiority over your enemies, microbes and humans alike.
This is what life is really about; this is what we are all doing here.

Reply to  ERTZ
6 years ago

A point I forgot to make above:
Remember that r’s are prey – literally pray to feed off and perhaps even to enslave or kill for sport – to K’s.
Taken literally, this is rather inadvisable most of the time;
but just like some humans can sublimate sexual urges into powerful drives to achieve and built,
sublimation towards r’s can happen to “prey” on them socially and economically.
As I laid out in an older comment, this is what I think the true upper class is mostly doing.

So, make them into your financial slaves (other terms for this include “capital income”, “profits”, “rent”, “interest payments” or “dividends”), ideally by killing them slowly by overeating or over-sexing or over-entertaining. If you learn about investing, you can do all this almost comfortably
from the coziness of your home.
Save your money instead of indulging in short-lived, self-destructive pleasures;
and then invest it well: As Einstein said, compound interest is the eight wonder of the world – human intuition about exponential growth is flawed…

Perhaps some of you envy r’s for their lifestyle of promiscuity, entertainment, overfeeding and hyper-socialization – but it is all just transitory, short-lived, a lie – they end up fat, poor, spent, ugly, fat or diseased, even dead in youth, as can be observed in the current opiate-epidemic in the US (60.000 dead per year – nothing much quite kills r’s like the greed for immediate pleasure and gratification, even when it means injecting deadly poison in your veins).

Mercy? Maybe you should not allow yourself to have it for them.
Remember: They are prey.
Remember also: If their life-style would make them more successful, more powerful than you, they would also mercilessly out-compete, out-reproduce, enslave and in the end kill you.
You cannot help anyone who WANTS to, who ACCEPTS to get killed just for pursuit of pleasure.
And you should not make friends or love with such people, for they are always a bad investment, sooner or later.