Red Ice Radio Hosts Matt Forney To Talk About r/K Theory

r/K goes international on Red Ice Radio:

Matt returns to Red Ice for a discussion about the subject matter of the book by Anonymous Conservative, “The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics.” He explains the concept from evolutionary biology known as the r/K selection theory, and how this relates to the evolution of liberalism (r-strategist) vs. conservatism (K-strategist). By comparing the mating strategies of wolves and rabbits in the wild, we can see how politics is really a conflict between the K-strategist wolves, who are genetically predisposed to high-investment parenting and fierce competition in a world of scarce resources, and the r-strategist rabbits, who are designed to freely and carelessly graze on abundant resources while rapidly multiplying in numbers to exploit such a glut. Matt describes the way civilizations tend to swing back and forth between the two strategies depending on the availability of resources, and he relates how we are currently seeing a major tipping point from r to K selection. We tie this theory in with present day rape statistics, the right to bear arms, martial law, gangs, racial relations, gender roles, politics, and more. We also address narcissism, the dominant personality disorder of our time, and the role this plays in the manipulation of the K-selected by the r-strategists.

The videos are at the link. Red Ice is hosted by Henrik Palmgren.

Vikings Live On

Obviously he is the model of man which Europeans will evolve back toward as the collapse culls through the rabbits, the leftists, and the other toy breeds.

He is on the ground in Sweden, so he sees what is happening firsthand – a fact that I suspect has not escaped most of the movers and shakers in the alt-right. If you follow his twitter you will begin to notice that he tweets a story about the crisis over there, and a little while later it begins to pop up on all the other twitter feeds and sites like Pam Geller and Jihadwatch. So if you want to go to the source to watch the chaos in Europe go down, follow Henrik.

As with many in the alt right, the media isn’t about to support Red Ice, so Red Ice is dependent on member support to get its message out. If you are looking to kick in support to the movement, a membership at Red Ice will fit your bill, as well as give you lots of access to exclusive member content, including a whole other segment with Matt looking at how r/K is intersecting with the Trump campaign, and affecting events today.

Many thanks to Matt Forney for the representation. It is worth noting that Matt is funding his own coverage of the 21016 election here, and it is well worth consideration for support as well.

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