Resistant Gonorrhea Still Advances Apace

Still moving forward, despite their best efforts:

Gonorrhoea was relatively benign in years gone by, going by the name “the clap” and was easily treated with penicillin.

Now it’s a monster. A super-resistant form is cutting a swath through straight and gay communities…

Cases of super gonorrhoea have now been detected in the West Midlands, London and southern England.

Even Public Health England ­acknowledges it’s proving difficult to contain the outbreak…

But about one in 10 heterosexual men and more than three-quarters of women and gay men have no symptoms…

Inflammation of the ­fallopian tubes can cause a blockage which can result in infertility…

However, resistance to azithromycin has developed and is spreading, and experts fear it’s only a matter of time before ceftriaxone fails too.

They’ll never stop it. Once it becomes fully resistant, it will spread like wildfire, because all of the cases they are extinguishing now will become permanent spreaders. Plus, the r-strategists who get it then will hide it for fear of seeing their fun sexy times curtailed by quarantine, lawsuits, or reputation. Honor and selflessness will not overpower their need to get a little nookie – even if they will be obliterating the ability of their kind to continue to reproduce. In this world, our willingness to sacrifice for our kind is a huge advantage.

It is interesting that 3/4 of gay men have no symptoms, just like the women who catch it (who will probably be r-strategists themselves). I wonder if r-strategists among men are more likely to not have symptoms. It would be nice to see r-strategist men pass it to the rabbit women, sterilizing their females permanently.

Muddling through r-selection and waiting for the K-shift can get depressing. Your instincts aren’t designed for the environment. The world stands by idly as evil thrives and good languishes. Decent people become victims, as the r-strategists import even more victimizers and portray you as the enemy for opposing it all.

But that all ignores the fundamental fact that the world is designed to cull r. By the time the apocalypse hits, between the violence and anarchy of criminals looking for weak people to victimize, the microbes seeking out r-strategists to sterilize and kill, and the retribution which will probably come from many K’s, the inevitable onset of k-selection will make everything right.

Apocalypse is the answer. Embrace it.

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7 years ago

[…] Resistant Gonorrhea Still Advances Apace […]

7 years ago

“Oh you backwards thinking conservative religious peoples; there’s nothing wrong with having sex any time you like.”

You say that now, but when your dongle falls off, you may just retroactively agree that one is all you need. Not like someone’s else’s feels different…