Roger Stone Hacked

Roger Stone’s Bank Account Hacked:

A top Trump adviser says his computer and personal bank accounts were hacked in retaliation for declaring publicly he believes Julian Assange of Wikileaks has a complete set of Hillary Clinton’s 30,000 scrubbed “private emails” and is preparing to release them to derail the Democratic Party nominee’s presidential campaign.

Roger Stone, co-author of the bestselling book “The Clintons’ War on Women” and a longtime friend of Trump, told WND in an interview that he has communicated directly with Assange.

“In the next series of emails Assange plans to release, I have reason to believe the Clinton Foundation scandals will surface to keep Bill and Hillary from returning to the White House,” he said…

He said the hackers who penetrated his personal bank accounts managed to establish an online portal through which they began stealing money before they were detected and stopped.

“Major portions of the hard drive on my computer system were destroyed, erasing maybe permanently decades of email contacts and various writing projects that were yet in progress,” he said.

Things are progressing. This wasn’t a kid in a basement. It would seem a good chance that it was someone who has one foot in the machine.

Keeping as much of the machine contracted out and private sector as possible, to prevent official government bean-counting from revealing key aspects is great for Opsec. But having all that power out there, up for hire to the highest bidder, creates other problems which I have to think will result in an even greater risk of exposure down the line.

Things really seem to be deteriorating faster and faster, as the unraveling progresses. I hope Michael Flynn understands exactly what the recently accrued private/public domestic intel apparatus looks like, and is offering support to Donald to make sure that he and his campaign are protected from the myriad of mischief such a machine could produce as the election approaches.

Because if that machine decides to turn on Donald, the amount of mischief the private sector wing of that machine could create could be substantial. Between the almost certain infiltration of that apparatus by Obamabots, and it’s natural preference for the mutually blackmailing situation they enjoy with Clinton, I could see them wanting to end the candidacy of a genuine renegade who they can’t order around.

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7 years ago

I’ve been dealing with some political consultants lately and I am appalled at their lack of IT knowledge. None of them have good automated, mutilgenerational backup systems set up.

There are lots of other things they are doing wrong as well, but the lack of backups is inexcusable.

7 years ago

[…] Roger Stone Hacked […]

7 years ago

Think 3-D. Stone is also part of that system. If Stone needed to destroy some records and pay a few fees under the table, having it “stolen” from him would be a tidy way to explain where the money went.

I’m not saying that is what happened — but it is one of the possibilities.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I think like a hacker. The best explanation comes from a hacker who I have forgotten in time, who reminisced about the old comic book ads and the $1 ant farm. When you got the ant farm from the ad, it was everything but the ants. Instead, you got a little post card, and you filled out the post card, mailed it in, and they express mailed you a tube of ants for your farm.

He opened it with his friend, and his friend said, “that’s amazing, you can put your address on that little card and they mail you a tube of ants!”

He said, “That’s amazing — I can put any address I want on that card and they’ll mail that person a tube of ants!”

And that is how a hacker thinks.

Robert What?
7 years ago

I am voting for Trump but I’m assuming the voting machines have already been programmed for Hillary.

7 years ago

“Because if that machine decides to turn on Donald, …..”Are you really telling us that you do not think the machine hasn’t already? I agree things are deteriorating fast, but that was the case before Trump arrived on the scene as well. I was impressed with Michael Flynn at the convention and believe he should be Secretary of Defense or head of No Such Agency. I am also in the camp which believes the nominee should name most of his cabinet at least a month before the election. Other presidents haven’t because other presidents couldn’t defend their choices , Trump can .

I love seeing the shake-up at the top for Trump . It pissed me off big time when he moved to the center. Friends said oh he has to to win, he has to reach out . Hell No, he did not reach out in the primaries, he fired people up . He knows he needs to fire even more up. His recent speeches under Bannon have been excellent.

As a very close associate of mine says: This is not an election, it is a census.

Reply to  davecydell
7 years ago

Dave, you are 100% right about the fire up vs. reach out argument.

I’ve heard Flynn is ineligible for SecDef at present because he hasn’t been retired from active duty long enough. National Security Advisor is wide open, though.

Since the CIA seems totally cucked, it’s a good thing The Don has an intel pro like Flynn on his side. Maybe the DIA is still pro-American.

Reply to  davecydell
7 years ago

I was thinking about victory conditions this morning, and if the polls are right that it is neck and neck, that means that Trump doesn’t need to flip a single liberal. If things are really neck and neck, all he has to do it get a significant percentage (maybe 1 in 4) of the NeverTrumpers back into the fold, and he’s a lock.

7 years ago

“The two groups – although both part of our species, Homo sapiens – would have looked quite different from each other and were also almost certainly different culturally and linguistically. The sub-Saharan originating group had long limbs, relatively short torsos and projecting upper and lower jaws along with rounded foreheads and broad noses, while the North African/Levantine/European originating group had shorter limbs, longer torsos and flatter faces. Both groups were very muscular and strongly built.
Certainly the northern Sudan area was a major ethnic interface between these two different groups at around this period. Indeed the remains of the North African/Levantine/European originating population group has even been found 200 miles south of Jebel Sahaba, thus suggesting that the arrow victims were slaughtered in an area where both populations operated.
What’s more, the period in which they perished so violently was one of huge competition for resources – for they appear to have been killed during a severe climatic downturn in which many water sources dried up, especially in summer time.”

There is nothing new in history.