Rumors – FBI Agent Leaks Intel About The Clinton Probe

Interesting, though unverifiable for now:

An FBI source, as part of the Clinton Email scandal investigation, purportedly took to a deep anonymous website to reveal shocking information about their investigation findings…

The FBI source posted this information, on a deep anonymous website, over a period of time before the FBI’s decision to nix recommending an indictment to the DOJ.  To date, all of the events that have transpired have been validating what this FBI source revealed in the blog postings.

Some of the supposed agent’s comments:

FBI post 1- “There is enough for her and the entire government to be brought down. People do not realize how enormous this whole situation actually is. Whether she will be or not depends on how much info about others involved gets out, and there are a lot of people involved.”

FBI post 2- “She had SAP level programs on her server, which if made public, would literally cause an uprising and possibly foreign declarations of war.” [NOTE:  A Special Access Program is a highly classified intelligence program, usually Above Top Secret, including black programs… Commonly, only need-to-know access is granted to a select few.]

FBI post 3- “The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the e-mail server. We received the server from Benghazi, then from the server we found data on the CF. Then we realized the situation is much worse than previously thought.”

FBI post 4-  “My opinion is the entire government is guilty of treason, which is why HRC’s [blank] would not cease the investigation or prevent further scandals. Many, many people are involved.”

FBI post 5-  “If we recommend, we literally hand over documentation implying the entire government is involved in treason at the highest levels and everyone is about to duck and cover, as well as some sensitive details of SAPs which would obliterate national security.”

FBI post 6-  “I will put it to you this way: You have three choices, A) turn over all of the information to the DOJ, make public a recommendation, the truth comes out, the entire world realizes how much the US is meddling in foreign affairs and we go to war, the civilian population realizes how much foreign money influences our government, and a civil war begins…”

FBI post 7-  “The problem is with the entire government. HRC is one component of that government.”

FBI post 8-  “All I can tell you about the SAPs is HRC had them, and she did not have proper authority to have any of them. They were leaked to her by someone, and she did sell them to overseas donors. Possessing them alone makes her guilty of treason.”

FBI post 9-  “Soros is at the heart of all of this.”

FBI post 10-  “If leaking data en mass destroys my country, we betray the country. If we do nothing, we betray the country. I am not disagreeing with you. I am saying the situation is more complicated when you are inside, and you do not have the breadth of info that I have that would make your eyes fall out of your skull if you knew what all was going on.”

FBI post 11-  “Soros funds, instructs, and influences every layer of US government. right down to the tax code.”

FBI post 12 Q/A-  “>What if you, you personally, leaked all the documents to the darkweb or some other online outlet. What would happen?

Silencing and/or death. Some places are trying to leak but we censor them too fast.”

FBI post 13 Q/A – “>Would the countries that would be named in the documentation declare war if there was a large change in government?

No, they would declare war because all of our secret operations in their countries would be exposed.”

FBI post 14-   “I am confident if Trump wins she will be going to jail.”

FBI post 15 Q/A – “>In regards to the Clinton Foundation, what would happen if all of this information ended up being released to the general public?

I said in the last thread, total chaos. The government would be exposed at every layer, who pays who, who buys what, and no one has yet asked about the human trafficking bits I have been laying out.”

FBI post 16 – “The FBI is facing the entire federal government in this case. It is why we are so quiet.”

FBI post 17 – “I do not want to post any information about me or where I am, because if any hint got out that I posted anything, I would be fired and blacklisted. Possibly killed.”

FBI post 18 –  “..and that’s why [blank] and [blank] love foreign donors so much. They get paid in children as well as money. Dig deep and you can find it. It will sicken you.”

On that last one, you need to pick two males who receive foreign donations of some sort, and who would be in some way sexually deviant and desirous of being paid in trafficked child sex-slaves. Bill would be one obvious candidate. The other could be anybody from an employee of Bill’s at the Foundation, to some other leftist big-dog with a foundation taking foreign donations for the cause. Maybe even Soros, it is tough to tell.

Whenever I see pedophiles, I tend to think they are assets owned by someone else, recruited because of their deviance and criminality rendering them easily controllable. I would think such a mental deviance, and even willingness to tolerate such an exploitable weakness, would tend to reduce effectiveness in competition to dominate. Thus those who exhibit it will be propped up and elevated to their position by those more capable, and less defective.

Notice, if this is true, the government is doing something that if the people found out, it would trigger either a wholesale and immediate capitulation of the powers that be, or a full-on rebellion. That sounds crazy in today’s times of r, doesn’t it? I actually tend to believe this, based on that seemingly ridiculous assertion. Nobody would assert something so ridiculous, unless they understood the truth. If this were a lie, they would have toned that part down. Interesting that it seems the FBI is at odds with it, and it makes you wonder what is going on overseas.

As I have said, when the Apocalypse comes, never assume they are not watching and listening. You are not going to chalk a mailbox and not be noticed and watched to an unimaginable degree. The chalking will actually get you the attention. If you are doing anything the powers upstairs might frown on, you will get attention, and once you do, you will never be able to trust anyone you meet, from neighbors to friends to people you hire, and even conspiratorial whispers in your basement will probably be in a transcript, warrant or not. It might already be happening just off you being in the alt-right. It is not the kind of thing you are designed to notice.

If this account is true, what may have been going on was Hillary was trading intel that would destroy US Intelligence organizations to people in the leftist establishment, like Soros, for “foundation” contributions. These people were banking the intel as insurance against further actions by any US agency against him. In short, such actions would be akin to handing the keys to the castle to Soros, because once all of that intel is in his pocession, he is in the position of Sampson – the FBI/SEC/etc. can have a go at him, but he will destroy the security state apparatus that controls everyone, including the FBI in return, by releasing the intel. That is a very useful option to have if you are a hedge-fund trader who might occasionally come into inside info, or who might perform some illegality or other, here and there, to move a traded asset’s value in the direction you want. I can’t imagine how much money one would happily drop in return for that.

This would also explain why Hillary walked, and why a pissed off Comey decided to take as many non-lethal shots at her as he could on her way out the door. She can’t pull the trigger on releasing the intel just off him trying to disqualify her candidacy or damage her personally, because she would lose the use of that intel in the future, should she end up in another legal bind. That card is strictly for the worst case scenario, because you can only play it once.

This is the problem when the most powerful, shadowy organizations in our government can control every other aspect of it, all while engaging in as much illegality as they apparently do these days. Each instance of illegality carries this risk with it. The more you have, the more likely it is that scumbags like Soros will end up blackmailing the nation to serve their interests, at the expense of its people. The keys to the castle are everywhere now, you just need to be able to make educated guesses about where to look. And once you get them, you can do anything, while everyone else, playing by the rules, is held back by the powers that be.

Even worse, once that intel is in the wind, any entity in the world could end up controlling the machinery of the most powerful nation on earth.

More and more the Apocalypse is taking on the air of not just a rebirth, but a liberation from a myriad of dangers and threats.

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7 years ago

[…] Rumors – FBI Agent Leaks Intel About The Clinton Probe […]

7 years ago

“An FBI source, as part of the Clinton Email scandal investigation, purportedly took to a deep anonymous website to reveal shocking information about their investigation findings…”

This deep anonymous source was

So not really deep/dark net stuff.

And it’s not uncommon for people to do fake AMA’s there pretending to be people they aren’t.

Just google “fbi bro 4chan” and you’ll see heaps of links on it and maybe even come across the original.

Jeff A. Taylor (@TheFree_Lance)
7 years ago

Child rape is very nearly the only taboo left that is strong enough to destroy a political career. The controllers and fixers have naturally migrated to it. Once that hook is set, it is impossible to dislodge via “treatment,” apology, restitution, rehabilitation, pity etc. Denny Hastert found that out and we will likely never know the extent to which he was being run by foreign powers. But there too, the FBI knows.

7 years ago

I have to keep asking who are these “if the people found out “? Let’s go down the makeup of the USA . Negroe: har de har, you really think this would register with any of them . Nor the Latinos, the Muslims or the LGBTQ. Leaving white women and white men. My experience with white women for decades has been that the vast majority just do not have what it takes to think about or run this country . Down to the white man , who probably makes up, after removing the ignorant and low IQ , an insignificant percentage at the ballot box. Even though they own most of the guns, do they have enough guts to do something . Or will they choose complaceny until their demise?

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

Don’t think this happens here. Look at these. There’s lots and lots of these here’s a few.


Now in Witchita kansas per Ted Gunderson

2.Uncle Jimmy took me to his sick parties: Nephew tells how his childhood was stolen at 13
FBI Investigates Presidio Child Molestation Report(This was called hysteria but some of the children had sexually transmitted diseases)

One of the men said to be involved by the children was a military intelligence officer.

“…Italian news reporters, who broadcast scenes from the films [child rape pedophile snuff] live at prime time on Italian television to more than 11 million Italian viewers….” gone


Victim Claims Sandusky Sex Scandal Connected to Philadelphia Pedophile Network _ American Free Press.mht

The Franklin Scandal In-Depth Article – By: Nick Bryant


Pictures of Pres. Bush with homosexual prostitute. This guy got a White house pass to be a press corespondent.