Rutgers Social Justice Nazis Demand People Not Speak

A natural progression, if you think about it:

Rutgers students are told they should only speak when ‘necessary’ because otherwise they might offend classmates with ‘microaggressions…’

Failure to follow the guidelines could give rise to microaggressions – ‘little things that have a big impact’ – which fall into three categories: microassaults, microinsults and microinvalidations.

A microassault includes avoiding someone; a microinsult could be saying someone is ‘strong for a girl’; and a microinvalidation might involve asking an Asian or Latino person where they are from, Campus Reform reported.

Even though microaggressions are ‘not the same thing as hate crimes or overt bigotry,’ they still affect victims ‘physically, emotionally, [and] behaviorally,’ placing them ‘more at risk for illness & decreased immune system,’ the display reads.

A part of me thinks this is spontaneous, and wants to say, “That is so stupid.”

And yet the part of me that understands cognitive neuroscience wants to say, “That is pretty smart.”

If our world is a war, between the amygdala-atrophied r-strategist, and the amygdala-capable K-strategist, what better way to increase your ranks, than to institute rules that will amygdala-atrophy everyone around you. If they could enforce this, everyone at that institution would be deprived of the very stimuli which they need, in order to see their amygdala become stress tolerant and themselves become functioning individuals.

Once everyone was turned into a hyper-neurotic pod-person, these clowns would see their ranks swell, and all these defective pod-people could unite and turn on the few remaining sane people. It would almost be like Invasion Of The Body Snatchers.

I assume it isn’t conscious, but in these realms you enter the weird area where everything you see was, to some degree, programmed in by the relentless selection of Darwin for eons. Even if all Darwin did was assent and approve something which arose by chance, it still bears his fingerprints.

In the end, this will change but like everything else, the resources have to be pulled. Ideally the predispositioning trait would be selected against, but even if it didn’t get that bad, just the exposure to reality should remodel it out of the vast majority of human brains.

It is undeniable that our species is undergoing a change. Courage, group-sociability, protective and positive rearing urges, drive to monogamy, group-loyalty, and morality are all decreasing, as sexual inhibitions, selfishness, neuroticism, control-freakishness, hedonism, and demand for free resources all increase. At some point, science will realize this happens periodically, and it is all tied to resource availability, or in the case of addicts, dopamine receptor activity. When they realize all of those things are not just related but a clearly perceptible mechanism, only then will our species have a chance to escape the limitations of its biology.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Conservatives, Economic Collapse, ITZ, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Rutgers Social Justice Nazis Demand People Not Speak […]

7 years ago

These utra-fragile, delicate flowers are gonna have a bad time of it once SHTF.

Prof. Woland
Prof. Woland
7 years ago

Micro-aggression would be a good name for a chihuahua.