Scarlet Fever Makes A Comeback

Old problem re-emerging:

The age-old killer scarlet fever is on the rise in England and East Asia, according to research published Monday in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal, and investigators don’t know why.

“Whilst current rates (in England) are nowhere near those seen in the early 1900s, the magnitude of the recent upsurge is greater than any documented in the last century,” said study author Theresa Lamagni of Public Health England, the agency that funded the analysis…

Why the disease is making a resurgence today is also a mystery, according to the study. Investigators are looking at such possibilities as a change in human immune status, environmental causes and even the disease traveling from Asia to England, although evidence for that is slight. Though the cases in the United Kingdom came from at least three known strains, only one of those was also seen in Hong Kong, and only in few cases.

Something is changing in humans, taking at least parts of our populations back to a time where our systems are not as able to fight off diseases. Are we under more stress, and that is immuno-compromising us? Are we not splurging on some extravagance like high quality, healthy food because of impoverishment, and that is leaving us nutritionally deficient? Are fewer vacation days cutting back our exposure to sunlight and Vitamin D? Are our migrants constitutionally weak somehow, and producing all of these cases?

It is tough to say. But the important part is that something is happening, and the pandemic will almost certainly be a feature of the Apocalypse. Plan accordingly.

Spread r/K Theory, because things are changing

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6 years ago

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”
Revelations 21:8

Plan accordingly.

6 years ago

The minerals content in our food is plunging from over use of farming lands.
I have an old artikel somewhere that for some vegetables the mineral content is way less than it used to be in the early 1900’s.
Oh look here:

“Implies that a balance of the different essential nutrients is necessary for maintaining health. The eight minerals that are usually analysed are Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe, Cu, Zn.
A comparison of the mineral content of 20 fruits and 20 vegetables grown in the 1930s and the 1980s (pub- lished in the UK Government’s Composition of Foods tables) shows several marked reduc- tions in mineral content. Shows that there are statisti- cally significant reductions in the levels of Ca, Mg, Cu and Na in vegetables and Mg, Fe, Cu and K in fruit. The only mineral that showed no sig- nificant differences over the 50 year period was P. The water content increased significantly and dry matter decreased significantly in fruit. Indicates that a nutri- tional problem associated with the quality of food has developed over those 50 years. The changes could have been caused by anom- alies of measurement or sampling, changes in the food system, changes in the vari- eties grown or changes in agricultural practice. In conclusion recommends that the causes of the differences in mineral content and their effect on human health be investigated.”

6 years ago

Ring around the Rosey.
A pocket full of posies.
Ashes, Ashes.
We all fall down.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

This might be of some help. Here’s a link to company that supplies “Bitterns” this is the stuff that’s left when they make table salt. It has massive minerals and lots of Magnesium. Now could this be why the Japanese have long life??? They use this to make tofu which they eat a lot of. They also use a LOT of salt. Apparently there’s some research that using lots of good quality high mineral content salt is good for you. Now I’ve taken a little more salt in the form of Himalayan pink salt but not massive quantities. The second link is to a guy that says salt, salt, salt! I haven’t tried the bittens yet but I’m going to get some. I actually have a survival stockpile of salt. I think 5-50lb. bags of swimming pool salt. Very cheap at Walmart during the summer.

I can’t verify that the second link is correct but there’s medicals studies showing we need MORE salt not less and that it’s vital. He does make a good common sense case for it. Here’s a link you may have to scroll through on diet that has some stuff on salt. This is a really good site by the way.

6 years ago

I don’t think there is much doubt that a variety of diseases are being re-imported into the west along with millions of 3rd world peasants. Few of these countries have the kinds of medical programs and infrastructure that we do.

6 years ago

Well, here’s a couple of speculations:

1) It’s the rabbit people’s evolved response to overcrowding: switch off their immune systems so that disease can thin their numbers and free up resources.
(all such evolutionary explanations are just creative storytelling, of course)

2) It’s microwaves from all the cellphone and wifi system. They are messing up people’s physiology on a subtle level.

another jim
another jim
6 years ago

How about the millions of 3rd world unvetted diseased invaders claiming welfare and using health care resources? Bringing in all the plagues of poverty, demanding they be cared for by the “State” System overload, leads to colapse