Server For Lawyer Suing Clinton For Fraud Found Dead

From Snopes:

In August 2016, rumors began circulating that Shawn Lucas had died unexpectedly; Lucas was known to many frustrated Democrats as the young man who served the Democratic National Committee (DNC) with a lawsuit in early July 2016 charging that the DNC had committed “fraud” in favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary process:

Smile for the viral video fucking over Hillary one day, get found dead on the floor the next. Purely coincidence, in every case.

I flash back to Hillary locking up in utter terror, in response to the protestors at her rally. Nobody is as afraid of being robbed as a thief. Nobody fears being spied on as much as a spy. And nobody fears being killed like a killer.

It is telling that a few people yell at a Hillary rally, and Hillary’s immediate response is to go wide-eye’d and look like the rabbit cornered by the fox, waiting to get ripped apart. Only a woman who has piled up dead bodies like cordwood would so quickly assume her own demise was at hand over a little protesting in the crowd.

Given the boost she would get right now if Bill kicked the bucket, I find myself strangely worried about Bill’s well-being – at least until the election is over.

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7 years ago

[…] Server For Lawyer Suing Clinton For Fraud Found Dead […]

7 years ago

I wonder if she suffers from a form of PTSD? One of the only anti-war arguments that ever made any sense to me is that it takes an enormous psychological toll on a person to use violence and kill another one. I wonder how much of that is true inherently and how much of that is the rabbit talking, knowing that that reasoning would appeal to K-type warriors concerned about their fellow man.

Reply to  Nathan
7 years ago

I think PTSD stems from killing in what turns out to be a cause of dubious righteousness.
If you kill bad guys, there is no moral dilemma.