Signs of K-selection Approaching – Law Enforcement Shortages

Public Law Enforcement is resource deprived and overwhelmed with violence:

CBS2’s Randy Paige reports that many officers believe there aren’t enough of them to go around – especially in an emergency.

“The citizens need to know they need to be able to protect themselves because if they call 911, we can’t guarantee we’re going to get there in time to help you,” says Police Protective League President Jamie McBride.

He told Paige that Thursday morning between 5:30 and 10 a.m., there were just three patrol cars assigned to the West LA division. Two cars to protect more than 200,000 people in a 65 square mile radius.

This is unusual now, but it will be the new normal when the debt bomb hit – and it will be amygdala stimulating. Tens of thousands, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of people, in very small areas all over the country will very suddenly have no government benefits with which to feed themselves. Many will default to raiding anywhere they think they can find food. As that happens there will be even less government resources available to fund local law enforcement as the well of federal grants dries up. It will be a perfect storm.

Check the amygdala volume measurements of citizens forced to fend for themselves against the Orcs on a daily basis, and those amygdalae will gradually enlarge. As they do, the Conservative Policy Mood will skyrocket, and the society will become more conservative.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

Lately, when I read this stuff, I can hear the Wicked Witch’s troops singing in the background, “O-E-O, Ooooooh- oh”

8 years ago

In Australia it is hard to get a firearm. You can apply for a firearm permit, you must give a reason for owning a fire arm (such as hunting ect), self defense is not a valid reason. In some neighborhoods it takes police ages to get there and they are limited in numbers.