Surveillance Detection – The Professional Course Of Real Life Experience, Part One

So you want to know if someone is following you. Real surveillance detection has an artistic aspect. You can’t learn it just from reading a book or a website. If you read a book on the subject, you are told detection revolves around the principles of TEDD, which stands for Time, Environment, Distance, and Demeanor. You watch everyone around you, and look for the same people, or cars, or other facets of the environment reappearing over different areas some distance apart, or which have grossly different environments, at grossly different times, and for people which exhibit unusual demeanors. As an extreme example, stop by the gun store, and then visit the ACLU office 100 miles away three days later, and if you see the same guy, getting out of the same car, in both places, looking awkward and nervous, you assume he is following you. That form of detection works best for targets who expect to be followed by small teams, where they cannot rotate large numbers of faces or vehicles around you. If you are a terrorist or a drug kingpin, it probably works well.

But Cabal runs an operation far bigger than you could imagine. They can follow you all day, to hundreds of places, over hundreds of miles, and not show you the same faces or cars twice, using a massive force combining seasoned and trained surveillance people, and lower level civilian informants who have signed on to follow their orders. If you have Cabal surveillance problems, TEDD is of little use. You have to look for subtle movements around you which betray controlled and practiced maneuvers designed to help a large operation make sure it sees everything you do and everyone you contact.

That is more of an art form. Those who have not developed it will tend to not see the indices that become apparent to you when you have developed it. It is almost like going from being colorblind to seeing in color, and after a time the ability becomes a vision of the world you can’t unsee.

If you want to develop the ability, you have to be put under surveillance, and see it firsthand. Surveillance operators try to hide, and appear as if just normal people passing through your space, so spotting them can be difficult. It is made even more difficult by the fact that surveillance operations will throw informants at you as well, inflating their numbers to almost unbelievable proportions.

As we have noted, had the pilot program for Operation TIPS gone national (it quite obviously did, but under a different name, and much more covertly, maybe even just in the private sector), you would have been looking at an informant population of approximately 12.5 million informants nationwide. New York City alone would have had 300,000 informants operating as junior G-men, diffused throughout the population, and that ignored the manpower of the operation running them. Add in the handlers, and New York City would have been occupied by a force over two times (with just the informants), and as much as three times (with handlers and staff thrown in) as large as that which was deployed to Iraq at its peak. Bear in mind that one, that was the pilot program, the toe in the water to see how well it could be run before going in whole hog and increasing all those numbers. It was to be scaled up from there. And two, Iraq is approximately 170,000 square miles in size. New York is 302 square miles. And they didn’t even try to hide that. They ran it openly in the Citizen Corps website. You see how quickly it takes on an Alice in Wonderland quality. By comparison, reports indicate that in the entire UK, MI5’s mobile surveillance teams comprise a grand total of 3,000 individuals, servicing the law enforcement and national security surveillance needs of the entire country. If they take 8 hour shifts, that means, generously, in all of Britain there are only 1000 surveillance people on the road at any one time to keep track of all the criminals, radical Muslims, and foreign intelligence threats in the entire country.

But because surveillance people are placing themselves in your space artificially, and trying to focus on you to create observations, they do generate subtle differences from a normal environment. As you see it day in and day in and day out, you begin to actually feel the subtle differences repeating, and with time you can become trained to sense the indices of surveillance quite quickly, and even see what they are doing and why they are doing it.

Obviously, having been the primary author of probably the single most insightful book on politics in history, I am buried under this. So I have seen more than my fair share. But if you are here, you are probably under this too. All that is keeping you from seeing it is your ingrained biases, instilled by your programming that tells you this could never happen in America, and your inability to get that first glimpse of the machine.

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this, because one of the things I think will free our society is if I can train people to recognize the surveillance around them when they see it. The reality is our nation faces no greater threat to its freedom than the widespread surveillance our population is under.

Leaders do not naturally constrain themselves. They take whatever power they can get away with grabbing. In a surveillance-free environment, leaders are made vulnerable to a displeased populace, and thus will constrain themselves and their oppression of the populace, to save themselves. But in today’s environment, I will say with 100% certainty, the populace has no ability to resist what our leaders do, except under the most unlikely scenario, where everyone arose all at once, and overwhelmed the system with an almost impossibly organized and coordinated movement. And I assure you, the massive surveillance machine is, 24/7, working overtime to make sure that the organization and coordination necessary to create that circumstance can never arise.

In fact, in this massively surveilled environment, the ultimate leaders (not the actors we “elect,”) not only have control over us – they have control over our leaders. The surveillance can be used to gather blackmail on every leader, plot “accidents” and “tragedies,” and even decide what leader’s threats are allowed to come to fruition, and what leaders have full protection from any threat. Donald Trump appears to be taking this machine on, but it is a gargantuan task.

I have seen this machine, and it is an unimaginable menace to America, her freedom, and her citizens. There is a reason Eric Schneiderman was so bold in telling the woman he was beating and raping, as he forced her to perform slave fantasies, that he would ruin her life with surveillance, and then kill her if she resisted. He was in full control, and totally untouchable because of this machine. It gets worse. The murderers of at least Detective Miosotis Familia, Deputy Natalie Corona, Deputy Brad Garafola, Officer Matthew Gerald, and Corporal Montrell Jackson all reported having been spun up by this machine before going out and killing those officers.

I’ve been under this a while. You do not do anything without the machine knowing. The tech they deploy is beyond imagination. Which means this machine knew these guys were spun up. It spun them up. It made them think it was Cops victimizing them (It wasn’t, they just told cops to go to places where they would be seen when they were harassing the guys). It knew they wanted “revenge” on the cops. It knew they bought guns. It knew they took them out of the house. And normally, the machine will drive uniformed patrol officers out of sectors where targets travel as a matter of course. But in those cases, the machine allowed the targets to approach those officers, in that state, armed. And nobody even called up the officers to give them a heads up on what was about to break into their worlds. You can do the math.

So I want people to realize what they are up against, but to do that I would need a way to have everyone have the experience of being put under surveillance, while knowing they have been put under surveillance, so when they saw the indices, they know they are real.

I think I have found a way for you to experience being knowingly under surveillance firsthand, and develop your abilities to an almost professional-spook like level, without actually being put under surveillance in real life. Short of sitting in a Virtual Reality chair on the Nebuchanezzar in the movie The Matrix, and getting a brain-download of a surveillance detection program from their computer directly into your brain, I cannot see any way to hack into your brain and input this data any more efficiently.

What we are going to do is take a spin around the world, with you knowing you are under surveillance, and you are going to see what it looks like, firsthand, with your own eyes, as real life covert surveillance people follow you. Then you’ll run an actual counter-surveillance detection route, in real life, customized to exaggerate the differences you see while under surveillance, while knowing you are under actual coverage. You will see exactly what a real spy would see if he were to suspect surveillance in a hostile country and run a route to expose it. And you will never leave the seat you are sitting in.

You don’t get certainty in this business, beyond simply knowing that you have done something that will trigger coverage. So you won’t know everyone you see is a real spy following you. Many will look normal, because that is what they are trained to do. But you will experience firsthand real life surveillance coverage, with real life covert surveillance operators. You’ll see what you would see while under real life coverage, and there should be enough weirdness for you to get an idea of what real life, first-rate coverage will look like, and how probabilities build up as time goes on and you make the strange observations indicative of likely surveillance coverage. And then we will do it again, and again, and more after that, and what you will notice is the same weirdness repeats, because surveillance follows procedures and develops shortcuts, so you see the same events again and again.

Of course, once you process this information, you will be really dangerous. We see preppers online try to make people capable of surviving the Apocalypse by making them “dangerous” in various ways. We see tactical websites talk about the bright, shiny pieces of being dangerous, like weapons choices, tactics, fortifications, improvised explosives, defensive hand to hand techniques, knife fighting, security procedures, and so on. I was enthralled by, and studied most of it in my youth. There are hacks to make your car more bullet resistant, or discussion of the different types of body armor. There are endless threads on the benefits of different bullet brands, and optics choices. And I will tell you all of that is only 5% of being dangerous, if even. Because the real battles are won before they are fought, and before you ever get the chance to use any of that pretty, shiny, attention-grabbing information. And those battles are won before they are fought with intelligence operations. And intelligence operations may begin with database dumps and chair-borne research, but the meat and potatoes is actual, physical surveillance of the target, from vehicular and foot, to electronic monitoring, to infiltration. You will see it treated as common knowledge, from a CIA assault on a foreign terrorist safehouse, to an Al Qaida terrorist attack. They will all perform detailed surveillance before doing anything.

I almost wonder if the government is out there promoting debates on the utility of a subcompact .22LR pistol vs a 25 ACP, or the AK vs AR in a SHTF scenario. If you were not discussing those comparatively meaningless survival/defense topics on your own, have no doubt the government would have agents out there promoting those conversations to keep you from studying intelligence/surveillance – the one subject which would make you truly dangerous – and the one subject which if understood would actually promote freedom as much as if not more than the Second Amendment. Because a good intelligence operation, by winning the war before it is fought, makes the Second Amendment’s ability to help us fight utterly useless. And believe me, they are running a very good intelligence/surveillance operation out there on all of us as you are reading this.

This is probably one of the more creative things I have come up with, so buckle up, if you like these types of mind-bending posts. But don’t think I won’t come up with something more creative one day. This is actually phase one in a broader anti-Cabal-shill program I will roll out soon, which may produce a mechanism that could drive shills right off the Chans, at least until this post has gone fully viral. You’ll see how it fits in then. I have to say, I think even our enemies are going to have to admit, this will be a pretty sharp weapon in the armory of patriots online, and pretty clever as a mechanism.

First a word of caution. You will likely see surveillance in your actual real life if you begin practicing this. I estimate the Secret Society of informers (((They))) have recruited within the US comprises about 5% of the population, at least. That was the size of the tentative pilot program Operation TIPS envisioned, so if this is past the pilot phase, and is reaching maturity as I suspect, it is not impossible we are approaching 9-10% of the population operating as junior G-men for whatever Cabal is running things.

Undoubtedly it focuses coverage on those who are “woke” whether they are in the online right, surfing the Chans, into guns, active in Conservative politics, or just generally aware of the corruption of the system. Reading this post and doing what we are about to do might even bring you coverage, because just reading it will make you look interesting online – and maybe a little dangerous yourself. Have no doubt, they have logged that you are here right now, because they watch this site. You may pop a flag, and somebody may show up in real life, looking to see what your deal is. I would bet on it.

If you read this, and get coverage, I cannot tell you what the real life risks are long term. I am still figuring that out myself. That said I am still here, and they will take me out long before you.

However there is a guy going around on 4Chan warning everyone his Chan life brought this machine to his door, and he is posting MRI images of the brain tumors he got from the radiation they were hitting him with through his walls at night (and his threads get deleted pretty quickly). Another on the Chans described feeling his brain break down over time as he got the same treatment. Both Aaron Alexis (the Navy Yard shooter), and the murderer of Deputy Natalie Corona got the same treatment, both reporting being hit with “vibrations” at night. And I can vouch for their deployment of that tech being real, firsthand. You are seeing this now because I was just woken up by them hitting my head and body, and as I awoke, I could hear my dog awake out of sleep, and then his nails hitting the floor as he moved to another part of the house himself.

So there is evil shit about, I have seen it firsthand, and if you let it know you saw it, it may become a real pain in the ass. Then again, if you stayed ignorant, they could, and would still do it to you, just because you could pose a threat one day. At least here you are being apprised of the risks, rather than kept blind to it.

Regardless, if you practice this in real life, hide your power level first and foremost, and try to not let them know that you know. Because you will pose the biggest threat, in their eyes, once you know. Notice, but don’t notice, and never think you can tell anyone about it or talk about it, even in the deepest recesses of your house. Because the remote eavesdropping tech they issue everyone is to die for. You think they have to plant bugs today to get “ears in?” They planted bugs back in the 50’s, after WWII, back when all medicine had was X-rays. In the intervening 6 decades medicine has come up with multiple ways to create 3D highly resolved images of the inside of your body in real time and simultaneously deliver radiation that can kill tumors, to a specific spot. But the media will tell you surveillance hasn’t advanced at all in that timeframe, and still today, if they can’t get in your house and plant a bug that broadcasts out on radiowaves, like they did right after WWII, they can’t hear you. Do the math, and do not talk about it, because if you see it, they are listening. I suspect the really dirty secret is the infrastructure for the listening has been deployed so broadly that the observation post they have stationed in a vast majority of neighborhoods can tap into the tech and tune it to listen inside any house in the neighborhood they want, as if they were changing a radio station. Believe me, they are not deploying a physical force three times the size of that they sent to Iraq, in a piece of land that is literally 1/500th the size, and not rolling out tech to a similarly ridiculous degree.

So if you notice it, make it your secret which never leaves your lips, and enjoy noticing it without showing any external sign you noticed it. Enjoy fooling them. It is easier said than done, because when the shock hits of how big this thing is, and that it is targeting you, your brain will explode. And if they suspect you saw them, they will try to add to that, piling on the stress, the shock, and the intimidation to make it even harder to hide what you are feeling. But try to ignore all of it, and act as if you notice nothing. Because if they are there, you cannot tell anyone around you anything, because they will hear it, and you cannot let them see you see them. At least for now. Your very life might depend upon it.

Now for this to work most effectively, you need to give your brain over to me, and do exactly what I tell you. Right now, if you’ve followed this blog, you are slightly surveillance aware. Taking you from that point, to experienced in surveillance detection is not that much of a change, and not as shocking to your brain. I want to shock your brain using the massive change between full ignorance, and full awareness. That will highlight the differences I want to highlight as much as possible in your mind, and that will maximally trigger amygdalae, powerfully cementing the images I am looking to embed in your brains. Then, when you go for a drive in your real life, and notice the subtle indices I will highlight, flowing all around you, they will trigger you and you will notice them.

So when I run you through a surveillance experience, I first need you to run through the route while imagining you are back before you even knew surveillance existed. Simulate the normie experience, blind to everything, and feel how all of these experiences roll off your back and pass by unnoticed. Pass by things which are just sitting there, and feel how they look normal to you, and slip right out of your consciousness. Then go back and read my explanation of what is going on, and what is strange about what you see. Once you see what I show you, this will both show you the power of surveillance, and highlight to you how different it is to travel through the world, surveillance aware.

OK, so how do we get international spooks to tail us, and get to see what it would look like, in real life, without actually getting real life spooks to tail us in real life? Very simple. Google Street view, in a foreign country that would be hostile to Cabal. I told you this was clever.

First a little on google street view. Did you ever wonder, what would it cost to actually drive almost every fucking street in the world, with a 3D 360 degree camera ball, snapping 25 pictures per second, and then upload all of them to servers all over the world, using a database program that could actually organize all of it into a 3D model, and deliver it over the internet to anyone who wanted it, at a hundred thousand users simultaneously at a time? What does just the bandwidth cost? Let alone the cars and drivers and electricity, and camera balls, and so on. Did Google do that just for us to cruise the streets and make fun of people?

Suppose, just for the sake of argument, Google Streetview wasn’t some altruistic pie in the sky effort by a bunch of geeks to waste hundreds of millions and “share knowledge with the world.” Suppose Google Streetview was a clown op, designed to produce a 3D map of the globe, for operational purposes, so CIA could better run snatch and grabs, and dead drops, and so on.

You have to get something from beside a bridge in Moscow? Imagine if you could actually rehearse your approach, using a computer model composed of actual pictures of the area. There is one problem. Vladimir Putin isn’t going to let CIA run a giant fucking camera ball all over his country, so they can more effectively operate against him. But google can go there. We give up a little of our privacy, but if you ever use google streetview around sensitive sites in the US, you notice more often than not the interesting stuff gets the old 2007 overexposed low res treatment, and we are so supposedly free, they can get that data anyway. So if google street view is a clown op, it would make sense foreign powers would treat it that way.

A US company car, in their homeland, with a giant fucking ball camera, two feet in diameter, three feet up in the air over the car on a pole, with fifty cameras on it pointed in all directions, and hundreds of wires zip-tied and run into the car, to make sure nobody misses it, recording fifty different shots in all directions, is a huge red flag which any foreign intelligence agency is going to want to keep an eye on. For all they know, an enemy may have hacked the feed, and paid off the driver to take it by sensitive government facilities as an intelligence gathering tool in preparation for an attack. It might not even be a real google car, but rather be a spook car from a foreign agency sent in to look like a google car and surveil something in the surveillance team’s deployment sector. So when the local covert surveillance patrol that every intelligence agency runs 24/7 on its streets is driving around looking for something interesting, and sees it come into their sector, they are going to radio it in and follow it just to keep an eye on it, and document where it goes and exactly what it sees. They can’t just leave that be, especially in a foreign country that is not on good terms with us.

Moreover, it is a good choice because while they need to keep an eye on it, it is probably not a tier one threat that will run counter-surveillance detection routes and try to uncover them, and be ultra surveillance-aware. So its following team is not going to break out their “A” game when following it. They’ll be around, they’ll be in shots, but they won’t be in ultra-stealth mode like they would following an elite CIA officer meeting his best source.

So we have a way to acquire our spooks. Now, how do you run a counter-surveillance detection route, to spot if those spooks are following you, and you have “grown a tail?” We have been over this before. You head somewhere where you should not see people, and then see if you end up seeing people. If you unexpectedly go in an empty store, when nobody should be in it, and right after you enter, the store has three people walk in and spread out in the store, the chances are good you have company. If they behave unusually, like trying to keep you from seeing their faces, so they can continue to follow you in the future without fear you will recognize them, you have even more indicators. If you repeat that fifty times, and never manage to tour a store alone, and the people keep behaving unusually, you can get to a point where you will be pretty sure you have a hidden entourage.

So here, we are going to drive around and look for people following us or looking at us where we shouldn’t see too many people, and we will look for things they do that are unusual. It is limited, as google tends to stay on roads, but we will find some spots.

And so we are ready to begin. Here, we will take a little flight over Russia, and look for a nice area, rural, without apartments (which will increase foot traffic and dilute the surveillance signal with lots of regular people walking around), with winding roads that will curtail long sightlines so they will have to have people either follow you in a car closely, or pass you in the oncoming lane frequently, or take to foot and loiter as you pass by to keep an “eye” on you. And we will look for roads that should not have a lot of traffic in the middle of the day because they only serve a smallish number of houses and are not good for traveling through from one heavily populated place to another as a shortcut. Basically we want to reduce the normal population level so the surveillance signal stands out more.

All along the way we will keep an eye out for strange behaviors, loitering, and people that appear stationed at intersections (“commit units” that call the path you take at decision points, so the team which is staying just out of your sight can rush around the margins to get ahead of you and keep you in the bubble without you seeing them do so). It’s going to be fun.

Basically, we will cruise around and see how often we enjoy a little bit of solitude, and how often our solitude is interrupted by an “innocent” citizen or car just happening by innocently, and then we will scrutinize the interloper to see why you should give them a second glance when performing surveillance detection.

We will begin this journey in Russia because we need a place where Americans will assume there is surveillance. Since Russia gets demonized so much in our Cabal-media, and Americans would assume a google car would get surveillance because of the “hostile” relationship, it will be our first choice. I will assume the Russians will not mind me using their defense of their homeland as the first small case study in my example, since I am doing it in opposition to a Cabal that is as much a threat to their nation as my own. I will not do much of this in Russia though, given I probably need to preserve my relationship with the government there, so I can eventually make my way there in the event the Storm falls short. I actually came upon this method cruising around Russia, looking at what it would be like to relocate there.

It isn’t perfect, because Google hasn’t done as much of Russia in streetview as I would have liked. And the places it has not covered tend to be those isolated areas in the middle of nowhere that you would want to go for a detection route because there would be nobody there. But we will find spots, and it will give you an idea of what this type of thing looks like. Then we are going to look in other countries, and in subsequent posts eventually work our way back to the West, where Cabal operates, seeing if there is any vehicular and foot surveillance running in little rural towns in Canada along highways, where a Google Vehicle should not be so much of an intelligence threat as to warrant a personal surveillance detail (Pro-tip – you’ll see more surveillance in that little town in Canada than in Russia. Don’t ask me why, I’m still hoping we will find out one day.).

When cruising around, you can click the transparent arrows on the screen to move in the direction you are pointing (and the farther away you click, the farther you jump, or you can press the up and down arrow keys to one step in the direction you are pointing (up), or move backwards away from what you are looking at (down). That is good for looking back as you drive forward by hitting the down key. You can swing with the right and left arrow, or for more efficiency, drag the screen side to side with your mouse by clicking and holding as you drag. And don’t forget you can zoom in by clicking the plus and minus arrows on the lower right of the screen.

So where to begin? Let’s try here:

Here is an isolated neighborhood, the roads are not really good shortcuts connecting two heavily trafficked areas so the only traffic should come from the houses there, and at midday, things should probably be running slow. Notice Google coverage with Street view is a little spotty, but there is a nice little loop over on the right. Lets take that and see if we notice anything unusual. For the record this is google’s August 2012 record of the footage there.

Now a word on how vehicular will operate today. It will be disbursed around you in what used to be called a floating box when surveillance was done by small, specially-deployed teams, and all that stood between you and losing your team was one thin layer of coverage around you. Back then cars tried to get in front of you and behind you, with other cars paralleling you on side streets, and when you turned, the box would turn, keeping cars all around you on side streets, just out of view, except for the one car on the street in front of you, and the one way back. The weakness of the box was if you got outside of it and ran, it is possible you could lose your team.

Today surveillance has exploded and been permanently stationed everywhere. What you see is now more akin to a floating cloud, assembled on the fly from a force that is more like a hidden Police force embedded in an area, and stationed in sectors to provide what is called phased coverage. In phased coverage, each area has several vehicular units loitering around within it. They wait to be called on to follow someone when they enter the sector, and then hand the target off to the group operating in the next sector as they travel on. When not following someone, they cruise around and keep their eyes open for anything interesting to report to their controller. I assume it has been supplemented with the TIPS network of informants, who many have noted seem to have an app on their phone which calls them into action and gives them direction when they are in the vicinity of a target. I have wondered if the Obamaphone program was, in part, a cover to supply this network with the phones it needed to put everyone into operation.

Regardless, the point is surveillance doesn’t get in your rearview mirror and follow you around. It drives in front of you and leads you. It parallels you on side streets according to the directions of a car watching you from a parking lot. It gets to where you are going and parks with its hood up as if it is having engine trouble.

In Russia I don’t know if they get the schedule of the Google car ahead of time. I would assume they have a rough idea of where he is assigned to go. Regardless, I generally expect surveillance to try and get ahead of me by figuring out where I am going and pushing the “cloud” forward, so I am driving into it as much as possible. So I expect a few of them to be there when I arrive, more than I expect them to follow behind me.

So when I drive through, I will look for people already there. As I am cruising on the highway, cars so ahead of me they are out of sight will be turning off on side streets, and waiting to see if I decide to take that street. If I do not, they will either hop back on the highway and follow as backup until I exit that phase of coverage and am handed off to the next phase, or they will try to speed on a parallel street and get ahead of me again, or get into the next neighborhood I might hop off into.

If I have jumped off into an area unexpectedly and plunged into an area quickly, I will look for vehicles which look parked hastily as if there was a sudden scramble to get stationed, and operators who look like they just pulled up and jumped out, and maybe are a little excited or flustered, and not sure what they are doing. They will probably try to sell things by jumping out of their car and getting as far from it as they can, before I get a sightline and they then walk back to the car as I approach, to make me think they have been there long before me, and their visit or business has just come to a close.

Now lets begin the drive. When you click that link, you will have just taken the turn off the main road onto that loop above. Stay to the right, and follow the path counter-clockwise, back to the main road, then take a left onto the main road, and stop for gas at the next gas station off the right on the main road. That will keep the google car’s timeline as consistent as possible. Pretend you are an innocent tourist, just looking around, and do not look for anything strange. Scan from side to side, and take in the details. I want you to imagine what you were like ten years ago, and see how if you begin oblivious, you will not see anything unusual. Examine how everything appears as exactly what you would expect.

Now lets look at the trip with an eye to being surveillance aware.

For starters, when we pull off the road, we have a woman on foot, watching us, with a baby carriage, and she is totally focused on the baby as you approach, before turning to look at you. Cleary she has a carriage, and isn’t looking at you, so she couldn’t be surveillance. Unless she was surveillance and the carriage is the cover she uses when she runs foot coverage. Not all surveillance stands alone, with nothing in their hands, looking out of place. The truth is, that is actually what they are trained to look like when on a job. Remember the pedestrian at the intersection theme, you will see that in our next installment.

It could be innocent. Or she could have jumped out of a leading vehicular unit a minute before, grabbed and unfolded a carriage, and stood there. Remember you are looking for consistent unusual activity near intersections as you pass them. Notice how she is not walking, she is just standing there, looking at her baby. If you saw me with a carriage there, I would be actively moving it more often than I would be standing around next to it, as the carriage is a conveyance. As a car suddenly turned off, it would trigger my amygdala, and I would reflexively glance at it, just to assess it. How long does she stand there looking at her baby each day? Where is she coming from, and where is she going to? How many houses are there in this neighborhood? How often is somebody there at that juncture, just as a car passes, in the middle of the day? Ask yourself what the statistics are that you will have a pedestrian at that turn off, just as you turn off it. It can be a small probability and be innocent, but if it is a small probability and it happens all the time, again and again, it may not be innocent.

Obviously since this is the first one we have seen, it is a low-probability event, but it is an event and her not looking at the car that just turned onto a dirt road (which makes grinding/popping noises that instinctually attract attention) is strange. So you register it, as well as the fact she turns to look at you only after concealment has come between you and her:

Not a high likelihood event, but if she is a foot operator then one car will be missing a navigator, and it is of interest.

We also just happen to have a car that pulled off right ahead of us.

Not dispositive, but on that side of the development, you are looking at about fifty houses which that car might be heading to. In the middle of the day, how many cars head to houses there per hour? Three? Five? Ask yourself how many cars you will see during your drive through. What are the chances that the very instant before you pull off into that road, the one car that will pull off that hour would pull off right ahead of you in that three second window? Exactly in front of you?

Notice also how as you drive down the road, initially he is way ahead of you, but as you approach the decision point, you catch up to him. If he is surveillance, he is doubling as a commit unit for that second intersection, to let the team know which fork you are about to take. If he was surveillance, he would go slow to see which fork you took, as he tries to stay as far ahead of you as he could, without blocking his sightline, so you don’t get too good a look at him.

He does that, so that would normally be a higher likelihood event. Of course since this is the Google car, he almost certainly is surveillance. In fact I would have bet you would have seen exactly this, with a stationary unit at the entrance and another unit at the first turn. But if this were you instead of google, although not dispositive, it is curious, and should put you on alert.

Lets take the right fork, as that is the path the google car took, so it will maintain a consistent timeline, instead of jumping around. There is not a lot off that main road, so I would have expected them to get two cars or so off into this neighborhood just in case I decided to go in. They probably would have stayed as close to the entrance as possible while maintaining concealment, so they could peel out after me and rejoin the cloud if I passed by this neighborhood. But once I went in, they would have sped to a spot in the neighborhood where they could call my path, and get an idea what I was doing. And they would have then tried to act natural.

Surveillance cars will often have two people, with a driver and a navigator (who doubles as foot surveillance by being dropped off as needed). Informants who pad out the force will ride solo, or however they normally would. But in Russia I don’t know the informant situation. So going in I would expect two people per car, Which means one on foot alone who was dropped off with the carriage, and another person near or in a car, though it is always possible they could be shorthanded or have informants helping out, or some sort of team leader might roll alone. In the US, GPS and cellphones linked to control seems to have replaced the navigator, so they multiply their total number of cars, but Russians might not have as much physical surveillance as the US or as much technology. I am less certain on what to expect here, but these are facts I know which will inform my observations as I go into this.

Now in the US, I would assume five of these houses in this neighborhood could be observation posts, with operators inside watching. If domestic surveillance was purely about surveillance, they could actually pull back the cars and that would complicate spotting it immensely. But there is so much coverage in the US, and it is so much about control (and when needed intimidation), that they add even more vehicles than you will see here to those observation posts, making it even more obvious than you will see here when you are moving. As I have said, there are puzzling aspects to it, indicating it is about much more than just surveillance.

So here I take the right fork, with an eye to scrutinizing anyone I see for any unusual signs they might be surveillance which just got there, and watching the houses for tech wired in, or people in the windows (Spoiler – no observation post activity was seen, so all you will see is foot and vehicular).

Now it is a small neighborhood, and this is Russia which probably values its citizen’s privacy and has a limited surveillance state, so we don’t see much initially. Until we come to this guy:

This is pretty obvious. First, look at him. No hands on the wheel, he is not advancing his position. He is just sitting there with his hands in his lap watching the google car. This guy backed in probably a couple of minutes ago. If you drive all the way down the road, and look back, he is still sitting there, not moving, with his car door open. Despite it being a nice car, he has no air conditioning, possibly because he has an alternator that is supersized for powering various tech in the car, he has a second alternator stuck where the compressor for an AC would go, or he needs the pickup, or his agency supplied the car and didn’t spend money on it.

I don’t know exactly why, but I have noticed it seems many surveillance vehicles lack AC. So he has done what I have seen vehicular surveillance do all over in hot weather when stationed in parking lots, waiting to enter stores to follow targets – he popped his car door open to get as much cool outside air in as possible. It is either that, or some resident in the neighborhood likes sitting outside in full sun in a black car, with their car door open. Remember that pattern, because the open car-door of a loitering vehicular unit is actually another theme you will see in the next post.

So this is just a short, quick detection route, and already you have a high-probability detection event with this guy, a mid-level with the car leading you in, and a possible in the lady with the carraige, and every intersection was covered when you came to it.

This old white car is a low-level, maybe/possible event.

Although nobody is in it, look how the back is tinted. If I were surveillance, I would tint the back of my car like that, park it, and then hop in the back to call the passing of a vehicle I was following. If this is surveillance, this is more what you could expect from a pro. The only fault would be that the very nice house already has two very nice cars, making me think they might not need a third car, and if they got a third it would look nicer than that. It is a very low-likelihood event, but it is something which may not fit in the environment, which might be amenable to surveillance, and which you will look for in the future. But you only need that level of paranoia if you are an elite spy posing a state-level-threat in Russia, were they would roll out their most elite, camouflaged, invisible operators. In America you would make your surveillance easily without being near that paranoid. And here, Russia is probably not using its “A,” “B,” “C,” or even D teams, since it knows the google car is videoing, and all of these characters are likely to get burned. I am actually more uncertain about the car because it would be so good, and I wouldn’t expect that level of good for a google car.

As we get to the end of the road, we have a woman here, who has opened the back of her car, and is walking away, turning 90 degrees, and going around the back corner of the house. What is weird is in the next shot she has turned 90 degrees again, and is walking away from the house.

If she was surveillance, she had to get to that location from the next neighborhood over, something not at all strange in the world of surveillance with radio coordination. Alone, she wouldn’t do anything to the probability. This is not even a low-probability event, though it is interesting you couldn’t get to be alone here, even at the back of this loop where there shouldn’t have been anyone. That itself can be a sign.

I mention it for three reasons. One, if I knew I was under coverage, and she is there when I am, I would try to get a good look at her, and remember her face, to see if I saw her again. Two, she would be a good example of what surveillance can do, to look natural and render itself almost totally undetectable. These people take their work seriously, and work hard to look like they couldn’t possibly be surveillance. For that reason, she is useless for any detection purposes. And three, you went somewhere where you should have been alone and you were not. If that happens predictably all of the time, enough times, no matter what it looks like, it can be indicative.

As we are heading out, we come to this, in roughly a symmetrical position compared to the other car on the other side:

Just a couple of guys with briefcases, standing by the side of the road, with their car parked hastily on the other side. Of course they both have briefcases, so they must be on some sort of official business, and aren’t there watching you. How many people, in that neighborhood stand by the side of the road with briefcases each day? How many park their cars on the opposite side of the road of any cars?

These guys don’t appear to be going to or coming from the house there. When you first see them, they are pointed at the house, as if they are going to it. But they don’t approach it, instead they turn around as you drive by, and then just stand there. From the moment you see them, until you are as far down the road as you can be, they stand right there, and don’t move. It appears they just popped out of the car on the opposite side of the road, ran across the street, and they stood there. If this is you, they are definitely suspicious, and up the probability. In reality, it is the google car – those guys are surveillance.

There is a guy on the left as you go out, talking on his cell phone, but the hood of his car is up, and he could have hid inside the house and looked, so I would say he is probably not.

Before we leave, it is worth noting there may be more to this little jaunt than meets the eye. One, that was a decent amount of coverage for a simple neighborhood jaunt. Two, why didn’t the google car do the rest of the neighborhood? On the overhead you can see where the two guys were standing had a turn off, and all we did was about a third of the neighborhood. The rest of the neighborhood has no streetview. Three, it was a fairly nice neighborhood with nice cars, making me wonder if somebody important lived there. And then there was these (click on them for the link):

This appears to be a surveillance camera set up to catch plates as cars enter:

Here it is from the entrance point,

Remember, in 2012 Russian surveillance began harassing American diplomats. I assumed at the time, Cabal began to flex its surveillance/harassment muscle against the Russians, breaking a long-running detent between intelligence operations, and the Russian harassment was retaliation. Here we have what is probably a clown operation driving into this nice neighborhood, taking only one loop, and then taking off. I’ll bet there is a high-ranking SVR or GRU officer who lives there, and the obvious surveillance presence was the Russians counter-harassing the google car, as a form of protest. Of course amusingly, this was about one tenth what I would see, but that is neither here nor there.

Moving on, cruise out, turn left on the main drag, and pull into the gas station on the right. There is no point looking around as you head out on this little leg because you have jumped timelines back to the beginning, and are just replaying what you saw when you drove in. Once you hit the main road, I think you’ll be on another time line yet again, this time, August of 2018.

First, another pedestrian is standing there, this time across the street with a sightline to the intersection, and it appears he is not walking either the sidewalk, or into or out of the store. Ask the question you should always ask of a pedestrian. Where is he coming from, and where is he going to? If that is difficult to answer, it may be because he is loitering, and if he is loitering at an intersection, it may be for you. If so, again this intersection would have a pedestrian loitering near it as you arrive at it. Of course, this is the google car, driving during a period of “surveillance unrest,” so I would have expected somebody there if the car was under coverage. And again, these things are not dispositive, and you cannot say anything with certainty. You merely observe, and see if you begin to notice patterns of anything around that appears unusual repeating. Pedestrians loitering at intersections, even alone in the middle of nowhere, is a theme you will see again in the next installment.

As you approach the gas station did you notice this SUV parked in the shadow, by gas station sign?

What is it doing there? Why didn’t it pull closer to the station? It isn’t getting gas, or going inside the station. It kind of looks like it is using the sign and shadow for some concealment from oncoming traffic as it loiters. Back up on the highway while watching it by hitting your down arrow key, and look how the sign obscures it as you get farther away from it.

One of the big things people in surveillance are taught is to use concealment between you and the target.

Unfortunately, when you jump into the gas station you jump timelines to a different trip, this time in July of 2017, but in the new timeline, another SUV appears to have been parked by where the other one was parked on that trip, and when you pull in, it pulls out and takes off behind you:

Why would a car be parked in a gas station lot, as far from everything as it could be, and take off just as you pull in? Why would two have done the exact same thing on two different trips? It could be innocent, but you have two doing it on different trips, and it leaves just as you arrive, as if it was intending to just call your passing as you drove by on the highway, and doesn’t want to remain there lest you ask what it is doing sitting away from everything and loitering.

A quick word on repetitions like this. It is my suspicion surveillance groups tend to work the same areas over and over again. As a result, they discover certain spots work better than others. Certain covers fit better than others. Certain routines and movements give a better advantage than others. As they follow different people through the same places day after day they will develop similar patterns which you may pick up on. I suspect hiding by this sign as people pass was one such pattern.

Getting gas is always fun because how much gas you have in your tank is operational information. It lets them know the range of your car, as well as the MPG if they have been following you, and that can tell them when you will need to stop for gas next, which they consider important data. So they have to get close at stations. One day I will show funny video of three guys all filling cars around my car at a station, all talking into their chests as I pay for gas inside. Unfortunately once the google car stops here, filming stops, so you lose the opportunity to observe that firsthand here. We could probably keep going, but you get the picture.

So a short route, and you have one low probability event when you pull in with the carriage lady, one medium at the first intersection, and three events in the two cars on the loop and the gas station car, and the fact a pedestrian is always loitering around that intersection when you happen by. Now that was a short detection route. You see how if you keep jumping off and running routes in unpopulated areas, and you keep seeing activity like that, you can begin to uncover the probability of coverage, even though it is trying to look normal. That is what spies do before going to meetings. Or at least they did, before things got this bad.

As a counter example, there is a short similar loop here, through Germany, where you will not see anything, beyond a woman walking at the entrance of it toward a car that is sitting on the side of the road (if you back out of the loop some), and a delivery truck sitting in the middle of the road doing nothing, which could be something, but might not be either. My suspicion is in Germany, the Google vehicle may have been being driven by German Secret Services, who penetrated google (or had the Cabal overlords give them power there), and they were actually burning a copy of everything it filmed for German domestic intelligence. The google car may even have been taking part in follows of other people in AfD or something similar. Though the woman on foot at the entrance makes me feel they might have assigned a light surveillance to the car, just to keep an eye on it.

Conversely, in Russia, Google, itself a division of Cabal, Inc, probably chose drivers who worked for Western/Cabal intelligence, so they could exploit the video produced by the vehicle, and they shut the Russians out, so Russia had to assign surveillance assets to the google car to protect their homeland.

It is another good sign that if patriots in the West ever need a fallback position to secure themselves, until some sort of unrest opens up opportunities to purge whatever is operating in the west, Russia might make a good choice, and perhaps a potent ally. That may also be why we see Cabal trying to demonize Russia in the eyes of the majority of the west – to dissuade us from forming any sort of alliance with the Russians.

To that end, it might pay if everyone on the right in the west who is not Cabal were to open lines of communication with the local Russian consulate. Just walk in, explain yourself, and say you would like, as a journalist/patriot in the West, to have a relationship with the Russian nation. Explain at the outset you are loyal to your nation, and will not betray it, but you think there may be areas where you share common goals, like your desire to see the traditional West preserved, and Russia’s desire to never have to square up with a Chechen-terrorist-sympathetic French government populated with Radical Islamists who may think there are 72 Virgins waiting for them, if only they would Nuke Moscow.

I have no idea what we would do with it, but if Cabal doesn’t want us to form those relationships at any cost (and I have actually seen evidence in my own life they do not), maybe there is something of use in that direction. The truth is, our competition in this game, from the lesser bloggers up to the mainstream outlets are all operating against us with the support of a first-world global intelligence agency in Cabal. Their desire to keep us from acquiring any intelligence support may be a very real fear of what would happen if truthful outlets devoted to patriotism and the commonsense that every leftist is devoid of, ever landed even a tenth of the intelligence support activity Cabal offers to outlets bent on destroying our nations.

They might offer us counter-intelligence/technical support against whatever is on us, sources of information and direction on competing with the more established Cabal outlets to raise profiles, direction on monetization strategies so those who want to do this full time can compete with the Cabal outlets, or other perks which our Cabal-supported leftist enemies are presently using to shut us out of the dialog.

Of course I am surprised nobody has declared a national Targeted Individual Day, to complain about the physical surveillance in America, and chosen to mark it with rallies outside the Russian Embassy, asking the Russians and Vladimir Putin to intervene in America in support of civil rights. I’d imagine the optics of a crowd of four or five thousand, featuring large signs with the pictures of Detective Miosotis Familia, Deputy Natalie Corona, Deputy Brad Garafola, Officer Matthew Gerald, and Corporal Montrell Jackson, noting their killers had all been created by this operation, and their murders were a direct result of the program, would also help to draw Law Enforcement’s attention to the problem.

Be cautious in your own approach, because it will be intelligence agents you are dealing with, and they will have played the game longer than you, and will be looking to compromise you. They will have ways of pushing you in directions you may not realize. And of course you will become a target of domestic intelligence, but given we all already are viewed as pests by Cabal, I see more upside than downside. Don’t go doing any favors, don’t assume you are friends, and recognize their goal as patriotic intelligence officers will be to use you, but simple lines of communication, and open relationships to accept help might be useful to us.

I may even go in first at some point, as a sacrificial test case, and update this blog on what happens, any ways I see them try to set me up or exploit me or succeed in doing so, and any pitfalls I come across. I’ll give the Storm a little longer, but clearly I am not continuing on like this, and I think this might really help our side.

Next up in Part II, we will take a spin through a sparsely populated Bulgarian Industrial Park. It will show you exactly what a first rate operation, much like you will see in the United States will look like, and begin to give you an idea how far surveillance will go to blend into the environment. Part III will be a look at how surveillance handles isolated areas with nothing in them, and how sometimes interesting things are hidden in those areas which force them to break that procedure. Then, we will roll out the Anti-Shill program, and show how this information can be used to actually drive shills out of our forums, at least for a while.

After that, we will take a look at the Police Chief America forgot, and what happens when Cabal’s crimes are not ignored.

Until then, spread r/K Theory, because nobody lives forever, nor do organizations, but you can’t kill freedom.

This entry was posted in Apocalypse cometh, Betrayal, Cabal Inc., Conspiracy, Intel, ITZ, Politics, Q, Surveillance, Technology, Treason, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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5 years ago

This is solid stuff. Thank AC!

5 years ago

Amazing stuff AC.
Can’t wait to read the rest.

5 years ago

I don’t know exactly why, but I have noticed it seems many surveillance vehicles lack AC.

The window is down and the car off for auditory cues. They need to be able to hear cars coming, and to be able to hear someone trying to sneak up behind them. It’s SOP world-wide for surveillance.

5 years ago

Years ago I read a book by a forensic examiner who said some large percentage of murdered and dumped bodies were found by motorists looking for a likely spot to stop for a leak. Reasonable privacy is hard to find in a lot of areas…

When a place looks ideal to you for a dead drop… it probably looks ideal to anyone else who takes the time to notice, too.

5 years ago

Could you upload a PDF version that is easily downloaded in case this site gets nuked?

Its mind bending you post this now, because for the past several months I have had the feeling of being watched. People paying just a little too much attention to me, friends in the IC cutting off contact with me, etc… Just general weirdness. I floated in that world and I still wrote it off as me just being a devilishly good looking guy, or friends naturally drifting apart as time goes on.
Think about that dear readers, I was in this world, and I wrote it off as me being paranoid.
I don’t think many of us are paranoid enough.

Thanks AC! If there is anything we (the readership) can ever do for you, we got your back. I’m sure I’m not alone in that sentiment.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Is there really anything you could still yet teach which they do not know that you know which could change their minds about your still being kept alive?

From what you imply, if they wanted you dead, the machine could have made you disappear long ago and few would even have noticed.

I’ve already made peace with the fact that I can’t really move somewhere such that things will be all that much better, especially not without making huge sacrifices that would be glaringly obvious and draw quite a lot of attention. That for the same reason that you want to teach us to spot and not react to surveillance, that mentality would be helpful applied in other aspects of life as well.

Keeping up appearances whilst at the same time being prepared to live a completely different life at a moment’s notice. Sustaining the necessary pretenses to prevent sticking out from the rest, while still also being ready to stand tall when the time comes.

Thank you for your hard work regardless of how you decide to continue forward.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Would it be fair to say that you feel a resonance with the scene where Neo meets the Architect?

That you have gotten a grasp at just how much bigger than you things really are, and yet you’re paradoxically left with overly simplistic and absurd binary choices upon which impossibly significant events appear to hinge?

Either something exists outside our container of reality, or it doesn’t.

Hope, or nihilism.

And everything we do reflects which we’ve chosen.

5 years ago

BTW, I remember you saying you’d drop something like this if you were pushed too far.
I hope you’re ok!

5 years ago

I’m not doubting at all, just thing like a normie.


If they surveil diplomats or agitators or law enforcement, I get that. These people have measures of power.

But if they want to surveil Joe and Jane Public, what do they gain? Harassment? And if they want to poke the normies and flex their muscle, why would they hide it? I’d never notice those small cameras or a woman with a baby carriage. So it wouldn’t make me feel under threat.

And let’s say my eyes are open and I believe this is happening…. why would they care? If they control literally everything down to local LE, what can I possibly do? If they DON’T want me to know they’re out there, wouldn’t it be more logical for them to keep a low profile or simply vanish for a year so I doubt my sanity and chalk it up to too many conspiracy theories?

That’s my biggest issue – why bother following non-entities who believe in conspiracy theories and what threat can we possibly pose to their power?

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Honestly, I think you’re overestimating or exaggerating things. And I’m someone who knows that it is there. I’ve ran into it.

Many of your comments on the entire thing actually puzzle me. I’m unable to tell if you’re deliberately exaggerating for some reason, perhaps to make them think that your understanding is different than what it is. Another possibility is that once your paranoia gets triggered (and I’m keeping in mind that the paranoia response can be normal and healthy; paranoia does not mean delusional) that you begin to experience ideas of reference and things of that nature.

I’m convinced that what I’m facing is huge, but at the same time I understand that they are engaging in many mind tricks to make me think that it’s bigger than it is.

Also, I don’t know why you’re so concerned with this visual and vehicle based surveillance: they can do the majority of what they really want just by putting a transponder on your vehicle or accessing your phone records.

As to the man’s question about why they would do all of this to people like yourself or myself, it’s a basic intimidation scheme. Nothing more. They want to shut you down from talking and leave you feeling isolated and vulnerable. They do direct action towards these ends, but they also engage in a lot of theatre.

My sense is that they don’t go after everyone who entertains conspiratorial thought. I’m sure it’s largely based upon what they regard to be your skill set and also your temperament. An obstinate and persuasive person is a bigger risk than just some conspiracy kook who can’t write a decent paragraph.

Rule through secrecy and rule through fear. I’ve given up trying to fight them because I know there’s absolutely nothing I can do. Nothing. My right to work and survive is completely up to their whims; if they so wish I can be blocked from ANY form of employment. And they can disrupt your ability to form all kinds of new relationships. I’ve tried going to a few new churches and it didn’t take long for the minister or a few parishioners to let me know I wasn’t welcome there, communicating it in plausibly deniable ways so that if I complained about it to anyone I’d just sound hypersensitive at best, downright nuts at worst.

Their ability to keep anyone from leveling with you is astonishing.

When you fully realize this, it really shuts you up. And that’s part of why it’s done. It also appears to be related to a project of slowly taking down families or bloodlines in a patient, long-term, very hard to document format.

When you really hit it hard you’ll realize that so much of what you’re allowed in life is totally at their whim. And that they are heartless and ruthless in a way that to this day I really struggle to fathom. I can’t imagine wanting to do this to my worst enemies. I pray everyday that they’ll simply leave me in peace and allow me to rebuilt my career and my life.

I could provide in-depth exposure to what I’ve witnessed and document it thoroughly. But why? Who am I going to expose it to? If most people knew what I’ve experienced they’d simply not believe it.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

I’m convinced that what I’m facing is huge, but at the same time I understand that they are engaging in many mind tricks to make me think that it’s bigger than it is.


Same. They employ astounding levels of what Owen Benjamin calls wizardry to inflate their influence to people who are watching. It’s just another layer of lies.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

My sense is that they don’t go after everyone who entertains conspiratorial thought. I’m sure it’s largely based upon what they regard to be your skill set and also your temperament.

It seems to be regional and reactive as well. When I moved several years ago to the other side of town, the vibration beam went away (might have never been intended for me and just for an adjacent apartment) and the tails went away. When I stopped trying to avoid the tails (except when they slowed down my commute because they were too slow to get into position — act like a fucking professional if you want my respect) the tails largely went away and became very occasional.

AC is unlikely to lose his dedicated team. The rest of us — they do what they can with what they have. It’s not as much as they make it out to be, and when they don’t get a rise, they move on to the next candidate.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

“I get the impression this is a headgame post by one of (((Them))),”

A very reasonable suspicion. I’d like to put your mind at ease, but I know that I can’t 100%. That’s what’s so infuriating, and really astonishingly dangerous, about this thing. Civilization is built upon trust. Democracy is built upon trust of information. Those of us who have believed what you call “the mythology” of America look at information as a critically important resource for making the right decisions by an organism living in nature. But what many of us have been slowly waking to is the fact that so much of our information is false. There are so many black operations run here, on American soil, by Americans on Americans. And the victims aren’t merely those directly hurt by the dirty tricks. The victim is truth. Ultimately, the America of our founders and the America of the myth is incompatible with black operations because it perverts the very foundation of what we hold as essential to self-governance: truth.

We are all wading in the intellectual and psychodynamic sewer of a country that has had so many black ops happening for so long that even the perpetrators of black ops are themselves victims of previous ruses. This dynamic, combined with a number of philosophical doctrines pushed on our society, undoubtedly are major contributors to the amount of mental illness, malaise, and unhappiness in this country. And God help any soul who tries formulating better ideas on how our lives or society should be structured because they will be taken down from multiple directions.

We live in a tyranny of darkness and lies. We look at information as something that can be processed and refined and applied for the common good. You and I would look at posting of a reference work on the internet as being a kind of contribution to society, where people could take that information and make useful discoveries and applications. They look at it purely as a mechanism for manipulation. And they look at established truth as nothing but an obstruction for their information operations.

When you really think about how harmful, toxic, and detrimental all of this is to society and to the soul, it’s more disturbing than the idea of operators running around with pain beams torturing people.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

And yet, as harmful as all of this appears to be, there are likely somewhere very intelligent sociologists, psychologists, and theorists who regard what we are seeing as the ideal state of affairs. Make no mistake, Cabal as their shit together when it comes to ordering societies. They do know how to build functioning communities and they can keep the crime down and keep the taxes rolling in and keep the kids achieving in schools. As one character said in “They Live”, “Boys, they got their shit together, believe you me.”

We are living in a society that is very, very different from what we are officially told. And yet, there have been a number of very brilliant people at work to build this alternative society. They’ve taken the input of anthropologists, psychotherapists, sociologists.

In a sense, I can see why those involved fear Trump and view him as a traitor. Because they look at him as destroying the existing order. Which he is doing. And he’s likely working with an adversarial foreign country to destroy that existing order. People such as you and I tend to look at that existing order as a cancerous, foreign parasite. Those who are involved in it know that their world is at risk of crumbling to dust around them. And I would guess that many of them would feel that this ultimately makes us more vulnerable in the long-run; they might not be thinking completely selfishly on this matter. Some of them know how all of this works to a much higher degree than you or I, and they might just happen to see it as a well oiled machine that keeps civic order better than you or I may want to admit. We look at it as something nefarious to be stomped out.

“Here we have the principal elements or memes of the 9/11 myth in a clinical description a quarter century before the fact. The event has nothing to do with real historical forces. The realities of world commodity flows and of the world financial system in particular go out the window. Bin Laden and al Qaeda provide a deus ex machina of absolute evil and black magic. 9/11 is the undeserved catastrophe or WUE, experienced as a nightmare out of the blue. In order for such notions to gain mass acceptance, the American ideology had to already have traveled a considerable distance down the road towards schizophrenia and autism, and such mass acceptance has in turn further accelerated that descent. For Gabel, schizophrenia is a loss of contact with reality and with history. His definition of schizophrenia depends heavily on the notion that, for the schizophrenic, development over time has become incomprehensible, while relations in space have become all- important. In space we can often choose to move, but time does not permit this. Therefore there is a close relationship between a radically anti-historical view of the world, as for
example among the neocons and the Bush regime, and the syndromes of clinical schizophrenia, prominent among whose symptoms Gabel sees morbid rationalism, understood as a weak hold on reality: “In the light of recent work, schizophrenia appears as a loss of the sense of personal history, and psychotherapy therefore consists of a reconstruction of the totality of the person with a reintegration into history. From the viewpoint of the investigator the schizophrenic loss of the historico-dialectical perception of reality can be seen in the form of a preponderance of the spatial factor or as a loss of experienced time: as over-spatialization or as sub-temporalization.” ”

_Webster Tarpley, “9/11 Synthetic Terrorism.”

English Tom
English Tom
5 years ago

A.C. that was a truly outstanding read. Thank you so much.

5 years ago


NOTE: notice the article is from 2012.

Most interesting quote:
“Looking forward, they foresee a world where biological storage would allow us to record anything and everything without reservation. Today, we wouldn’t dream of blanketing every square meter of Earth with cameras, and recording every moment for all eternity/human posterity — we simply don’t have the storage capacity. There is a reason that backed up data is usually only kept for a few weeks or months — it just isn’t feasible to have warehouses full of hard drives, which could fail at any time. If the entirety of human knowledge — every book, uttered word, and funny cat video — can be stored in a few hundred kilos of DNA, though… well, it might just be possible to record everything (hello, police state!) ”

And then there is this one from 2017:

“However, Kosuri and Erlich note the new approach isn’t ready for large-scale use yet. It cost $7000 to synthesize the 2 megabytes of data in the files, and another $2000 to read it. The cost is likely to come down over time, but it still has a long ways to go, Erlich says. And compared with other forms of data storage, writing and reading to DNA is relatively slow. So the new approach isn’t likely to fly if data are needed instantly, but it would be better suited for archival applications. ”

Seems like very long-term data storage is not going to be a problem soon enough.

5 years ago

Dear AC,

Your book on r/K and politics is brilliant. How many people in the world could have made that connection?

The brains (amygdala) of liberals is under-calibrated for threat detection. For example, they genuinely don’t even see the connection between immigration and terrorism. Given that we know that some people can be under-calibrated, it’s reasonable to assume that some people can be over-calibrated. Liberals tend to not see things that are there. Conservatives tend to see things that are not there.

AC, your highly calibrated amygdala allowed you to make the r/K and politics connection. But I also believe it’s causing you to make connections to things that aren’t there.

Watch out for confirmation bias. Make sure you setup a null hypothesis.

> I’ll give the Storm a little longer, but clearly I am not continuing on like this, and I
> think this might really help our side.

The fact is, our civilization is going to die, just like the Roman civilization died, just like all civilizations eventually die. We all need a coping strategy of some sort. A lot of people descend into any or all of: hedonism, nihilism, despair, depression, anxiety, predation, and other evils. I don’t have a good answer. The best I can do is keep telling the truth to people that are worth talking it.

Reply to  dananon314
5 years ago

Honk honk!

5 years ago

> You can read this site five years ago. I was fully onboard with what the public thought
> was normal.

I read your r/K book and your site a few years ago. The difference in subject master has changed dramatically. I would be concerned about you having some kind of age related cognitive decline, but your writing style is still lucid as ever. So I’m not really sure what to make of all the talk about Q and covert surveillance.

> we will keep seeing firefighter-Marine’s little daughters hugging their smiling dads in
> family pictures, after their dads have been killed securing worthless shitholes we should > have glassed over a decade ago.

> I suspect you are right about it being about killing back certain traits in humans.

We know what this is about. This is “gene wars”, as Stefan Molyneux put it. They are trying to get their betters killed. They are trying to setup an environment of random predation. This is evil on the genetic level. The entire concept of evil is just the mythologization of the behavior patterns created by r-selected gene sets.

Reply to  dananon314
5 years ago

So I’m not really sure what to make of all the talk about Q and covert surveillance.

Occam’s Razor. AC wasn’t under surveillance then, and he is now.

Reply to  dananon314
5 years ago

“We know what this is about. This is “gene wars”, as Stefan Molyneux put it. They are trying to get their betters killed. They are trying to setup an environment of random predation. This is evil on the genetic level. The entire concept of evil is just the mythologization of the behavior patterns created by r-selected gene sets.”

I agree, r/K appears to be the top of the Pyramid, everything/everyone else below, are simply playing it out.

Damn Fiat Currency
..damned Bunnie Wabbits!

& Hail Owen Benjamin!

Reply to  Mr_Twister
5 years ago

And of course not forgetting. ..God created r/K. .. confirming his sense of humour.

5 years ago

There are two weird things I noticed this week:
– On Monday a couple of us were joking about Cheech and Chong. Some of our foreign born colleagues did not know who they were. Then Tuesday morning I get an email from Amazon:
Amazon recommends “Cheech Is Not My Real Name:…” and more

– On Wednesday I am watching Game 1 of the Penguins vs the Islanders. The camera goes to a sort of familiar looking guy who smiles pleasantly for the camera and the announcers say, “there is Ralph Macchio, long time Islanders fan…”. Then I am flying home yesterday and a the lady next to me is reading the American Airlines magazine. There is a full page article and pics of what Ralph is up to these days.

You are right AC about nothing being random. Nothing against Ralph or Cheech but people and ideas are pushed on us, nothing is how it seems.

Thanks for this. It is fascinating!

4 years ago

[…] our last installment we took a short cruise around a Russian neighborhood where we saw one mobile vehicular unit lead us in and several posted foot and vehicular surveillance […]