Thermoregulatory Disorder – A Symptom Of Hillary’s Parkinson’s?

According to Hillary’s Campaign, she overheated at the 9/11 memorial, though according to this site, it was only 80 degrees in New York City today, at the hottest time, which presumably wasn’t around 9:30 when she had her episode.

Parkinson’s patients can have thermoregulatory disorders:

In humans, as in all mammals, the core body temperature is maintained within a narrow range by physiological homeostatic feedback mechanisms that are driven by the autonomic and endocrine systems. After the initial vasomotor tone adjustment, sweating and shivering responses are activated at different thresholds for the determination of heat loss (HL) and heat production (HP) in response to ambient temperature variations. Patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) can be affected by dysregulation of body temperature, dysthermesthesia and dyshidrosis depending on differential involvement of the mechanisms regulating core temperature. Thermoregulatory dysfunction in PD gradually worsen with time as the disease progresses.

Could be Parkinson’s, though you would tend to assume the campaign was lying about Hillary overheating. Still, if she can’t drink liquids in public for fear of choking to death in front of everyone, you could see how she might have a problem with dehydration.

I’m still thinking it was an envious rage at the sight of the Trumpinator, combined with her realization she had practically handed him the Presidency with her Deplorables comment, that overwhelmed her amygdala, and sent her into blown-fuse mode.

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