Thieves Thwart Terrorists

I love this article:

The day Ahmad Khan Rahami allegedly planted two bombs in Chelsea — one of which detonated on West 23rd Street — two thieves accidentally helped to disable his second pressure cooker bomb left inside a rolling suitcase on West 27th Street, sources said.

The young men, who sources described as being well-dressed, opened the bag and took the bomb out, sources said, before placing the explosive into a garbage bag and walking away with the rolling suitcase…

Then, on Sunday night, two homeless men snatched a backpack resting atop a trash can near a train station in Elizabeth, N.J., officials said.

“They probably thought there was something of value in that backpack,” said the mayor of Elizabeth, Christian Bollwage.

They started rooting through the bag and found five explosives that officials say are tied to Rahami, prompting them to immediately drop the bag in the middle of the street and alert police, officials said.

“When they opened it up and found the wire and the pipe they immediately walked around the other corner to Elizabeth police headquarters and turned it in,”

Obama has hit on a really novel anti-terrorism strategy, if things are as they seem. All you have to do is make the economy so bad, and crime so prolific, that a terrorist can’t even leave bombs around to kill people with out the homeless criminals coming along and scavenging them for parts to steal and resell. In so doing, any bombs dropped off are left non-functional within minutes of being placed?

Obama has basically created an entire scumbag army of disposable criminals, that is swarming over anything left unattended like locusts, ripping it to shreds. And if a few get blown up who cares? They’re homeless criminals! Talk about a Xanatos Gambit.

We are now reaching the point where things in the nation are so fucked up that all the fucked-upedness is beginning to interfere with itself, and cancel itself out. We don’t even have to do anything as problems interfere with each other and solve themselves. You couldn’t make that up.

On the downside, the Apocalypse cannot be far off now… if this is really what happened.

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