Trump Signs Budget

He didn’t like it, but signed it anyway:

President Trump signed the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill Friday despite an earlier threat to veto the legislation due to the lack of border wall funding and a fix for DACA.

Trump signed the mammoth legislation reluctantly, saying in a press availability with other members of the administration that, in order to secure a necessary increase in military spending, he had to give money to Democratic projects that he derided as a “wasted sum of money.”

“It’s not right and it’s very bad for our country,” he said.

But he said that military spending was very important, and that concern overrode his thoughts about vetoing the legislation.

“Therefore, as a matter of national security, I’ve signed this omnibus budget bill. There are a lot of things I’m unhappy about in this bill…But I say to Congress, I will never sign another bill like this again. I’m not going to do it again,” he said.

With Pompeo at State, a field operative heading to the top of the CIA, and Bolton heading to NSC, some think he signed it because he is solely focused on funding the military because he will need to use it very soon. As Trump said, there are other things he wants, and he is just about ready to get them.

Maybe there will be raids on rogue government offices, or maybe he needs the transport pipeline that will shuttle cabal members to Guantanamo kept operational. Some have even speculated that there may be Deep State facilities in North Korea which will need to be taken and occupied.

In this age, you never know.

Regardless, notice Dreamers got nothing, the wall is still moving forward from the finished prototype and testing stage, and in the process the Democrats were blamed for their insensitivity to the plight of the dreamers.

Only the God Emperor could make that happen.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because something big is coming

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6 years ago

It looks like 33 miles of wall where funded. That would be added to the Tijuana/San Diego fence, which could almost get Cali walled off from Mexico. Not much, but I guess it’s a start.