Trump Wants To Sell Government Assets

I hesitate to question Donald’s economic logic, given his past success, but:

As president, Donald Trump would sell off $16 trillion worth of U.S. government assets in order to fulfill his pledge to eliminate the national debt in eight years, senior adviser with the campaign Barry Bennett said.

“The United States government owns more real estate than anybody else, more land than anybody else, more energy than anybody else,” Bennett told Chris Jansing Sunday on MSNBC. “We can get rid of government buildings we’re not using, we can extract the energy from government lands, we can do all kinds of things to extract value from the assets that we hold…”

However, when pressed on whether the United States could sell off $16 trillion worth of assets, Bennett responded affirmatively on Sunday.

“Oh, my goodness,” he said. “Do you know how much land we have? You know how much oil is off shore? And in government lands? Easily.”

He could be right. God knows he has the proven financial track record and by comparison, I have barely graduated kindergarten. Yet I can’t help but wonder, if the global economic system is going to collapse and we will have to electronically print currency, why not keep the debt until we eventually inflate the currency and then pay it off with worthless, inflated dollars?

At this point, I’d rather see China have worthless debt markers when the collapse goes down, rather than valuable properties of the nation. They might go to war for the property more than they would for the debt – the old you own the bank if you owe it too much.

Trump really raises the most fascinating r/K question of all though. Is collapse necessary? To this point I have assumed it is, and still do. I believed Donald would K-ify the nation to some degree, on top of the angst already building. But here, Donald appears to be trying to restore the entire nation’s health, as if he wants to save everything, and reset it back to where it was in the fifties.

Could one hypothetical leader with a brilliant understanding of human psychology apply enough K-stimuli to the population to K-ify it without a collapse? Could he reinstill competitiveness, aggressiveness, loyalty, patriotism, and a demand for excellence, in large enough amounts, to recreate the 50’s attitude? Would such an artificially K-ified nation then cut the largess, fight the corruption, eliminate the waste, and insist on honest leaders who would restore American greatness? If he then restored the financial foundation of the nation, could he simply reset the entire nation back to an earlier state of greatness?

I still feel $20 Trillion is just too much, even for Donald, especially given the corrupt congress he will face. If he sells $16 Trillion in assets, they will pillage that overnight and give it to every donor and special interest group around.

Plus you have the low IQ, Michael Brown crowd, which seems to multiply too fast for the rest of the nation to keep up with it. Dysgenics in the absence of real Darwinian selection is real, and only Darwin will address that. Looking at it purely from an ecological perspective, Darwin always returns, because in his absence the dysgenics will always get bad enough to bring him back. It is like gravity or the sun rising in the east.

Yet, could a perfect leader reK-ify his nation hypothetically, at least in part? Clearly George W Bush did exactly the opposite, eroding the conservatism, and handing the nation to Obama and a vastly empowered SJW set.

Clearly Donald intends to try, so we will see. Yet there is a small part of me which feels as if America has a giant Band-Aid on it, and the least painful option might just be ripping it all off at once, with a full on collapse, a bout of Darwinian selection to clear out the dead wood, and the full reset which would follow.

It would seem the most likely path.

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8 years ago

[…] Trump Wants To Sell Government Assets […]

8 years ago

Those who have benefited the most from the run up of the debt need to pay it back. “Assets” such as public lands are collective assets belonging to the American people who shouldn’t have to sell out to pay off what others have done. Rather than sell them a lease program would be more beneficial in the long run. I would be willing to discuss this with Donald. He knows this but is trying to appeal to the upper, upper class to get them to stop running ads and sending idiot demonstrators against him and his supporters. If they think they will make out like bandits maybe they will shut up. Trump is a landlord and so should the American people be.

8 years ago

There’s easily $16 trillion in federal land to sell off. If you’ve never been in the American southwest for an extended period, it’s hard to grok just how much the feds have stolen for themselves. It’s mind boggling:

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We wouldn’t even have to sell all of it outright — selling logging rights on BLM and Forest Service land will put a hell of a chunk in it, as will oil leases and mineral rights.

Remember, the “public” are generally the worst stewards of property, because no one really owns it. These lands will be better protected by an actual owner who has a real interest in it than by some faceless bureaucrat in Phoenix. And don’t discount the benefit of getting the BLM goons you saw at the Bundy Ranch out of the “running 90% of the Southwest” business.

Tom Kratman
8 years ago

We’re in one pretty good position not many can claim; with about 8000 tons of gold left, not to mention silver, we could go back to fairly hard currency if we had to. It wouldn’t stop the government from printing bogus money to pays its inflated, vote-buying bills, mind you, or at least it wouldn’t on its own.

Reply to  Tom Kratman
8 years ago

The gold isn’t there. It was sold off and fractionalized long ago. When Germany went to repatriate their gold from the Fed in NYC, they were given the run around and excuses until they were convinced by “back channels” to give up. Whenever a legislator has tried to get into Fort Knox to just look at the gold there they’ve been stymied and stonewalled. (Not to mention that the Fort Knox gold is now all contaminated with coin grade gold, not pure bullion grade, so it has been debased to an unknown amount — what little is still in there, at least.)

We don’t have 8000 tons of gold. We have much, much less. If we have any more than we need to just keep “liquidity” at the Fed I would be shocked. We know that some of the gold out of Fort Knox has been stolen to give to the Fed, because when Britain tried to repatriate some of their gold, they got inferior coin grade — which had to have come from Fort Knox (where all the melted down US gold coins went.)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

Any time you have assets without accountability, you have theft.

Every. Single. Time. When the individual is unaccountable, they steal it for themselves. When the institution is unaccountable, IT watches the employees, because IT is stealing it for itself.

The tell is pushback to accounting. Fort Knox won’t allow an accounting, and the Fed won’t allow an accounting.

That means that there is theft going on at both, and since it has been decades since they were audited (and the Fed has never been audited) that means that there is nothing left to steal — it’s already been stolen.