US Marshalls Scanning Retinas At Border Exits

Kind of like Minority Report:

… my latest flight to Mexico, originating in Atlanta, presented all passengers with something I had never seen before.

We had already been through boarding pass checks, passport checks, scanners, and pat downs. At the gate, each passenger had already had their tickets scanned and we were all walking on the jet bridge to board. It’s at this point that most people assume that it is all done: finally we can enjoy some sense of normalcy.

This time was different. Halfway down the jetbridge, there was a new layer of security. Two US Marshals, heavily armed and dressed in dystopian-style black regalia, stood next to an upright machine with a glowing green eye. Every passenger, one by one, was told to step on a mat and look into the green scanner. It was scanning our eyes and matching that scan with the passport, which was also scanned (yet again). Like everyone else, I complied. What was my choice? I guess I could have turned back at the point, decline to take the flight I had paid for, but it would be unclear what would then happen. After standing there for perhaps 8 seconds, the machine gave the go signal and I boarded.

I’ll bet they are doing this now to get the pictures in your file, with an eye to the fact that soon cameras may be able to perform the scan from ten or fifteen feet away on moving crowds passing through a chokepoint. For now, who cares if they know what your iris looks like from six inches away? But suppose it was a visible identifier that would allow you to be tracked 24/7 all throughout a city, via scanners mounted on light poles next to the sidewalks? Suppose your every move every day was logged into the database. Suppose you were already a target of a hostile establishment elite, and this made it even less likely you’d lose your coverage once they transitioned to the “put-a-toe-tag-on-the-troublesome-little-prick” phase of the festivities?

It makes me wonder whether fake contact lenses could be fabricated that would allow the machines to be fooled. It would have been interesting to wear fake colored contact lenses, just to see if the scanners would pick up on the anomaly.

Of course the paranoid in me wonders if this is not widespread, but rather they did this specifically to grab the data on one of Zerohedge’s boys when he popped in the system as a figure they wanted more on. who was passing a border checkpoint.

A weird dystopian future awaits us, and it has nothing to do with Law Enforcement wearing BDUs to work.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because of all the info being aggregated, it may be among the most important

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7 years ago

[…] US Marshalls Scanning Retinas At Border Exits […]

7 years ago

(Long comment deleted after looking at this page:

Thanks to the new laws from congress after 9/11, exit is subject to the same checks as entry, and biometric is definitely allowed for border crossings (which this flight was.)

7 years ago

Gee, I wonder (((where))) such information could be going? Which database, and who owns it?

7 years ago

“But suppose it was a visible identifier that would allow you to be tracked 24/7 all throughout a city, via scanners mounted on light poles next to the sidewalks? ”

Not enough resolution for that. Automatic identification via CCTV works best by identifying your walking gait combined with body stature.

Andy Smith
7 years ago

That was written by Jeffrey Tucker, who has a long history of speaking and writing on behalf of anarcho-capitalism / libertarian themes. He used to be president of the Mises Institute and is the creator of the website. I’m not sure that I would describe him as “one of Zerohedge’s boys”. Last time I checked he still thought Trump is the next Hitler.

John Calabro
John Calabro
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Jeffrey Tucker has distance himself from Mises Institute and those of Lew Rockwell in part due to his disagreement on things such as Open borders, which he supports but others like Tom Woods do not. He has also wanted to expand the definition of Libertarianism to battle things like racism and sexism. He hates Donald Trump, the Alt right and was one of the earliest people to come out in 2015 calling Trump a fascist.

Many in the Lew Rockwell and Mises actually supported Trump over Hillary, calling for the lesser of two evils. Jeffrey however try to bullied many Libertarians to not voting at all.

He and many others have been a great push to also get more people into Libertarian movements. Unfortunately many of these new people that were convince to call themselves Libertarian by way of drug legalization, anti government, anti police and sexual freedoms. Often these people are leftist and do not understand the philosophy of Libertarianism and/or Austrian Economics and they don’t even know of the founders like Mises, Rothbard,Hans hermann hoppe, Lew Rockwell or any of their works. I stop going to many of the events such as Porcupine Freedom Festival because they have become hippie like with people having lots of sex, some cheating on their partners and a lot of drugs.

Richard Spencer getting kicked out at the Student for Liberty was help by Jeffrey Tucker

Anyway Jeffrey really push to separate himself on this article in 2014.

I read this before reading r/K but now after reading your works (i include your articles with your books), its is clear that Jeffery is an r type complaining about K’s including many of the movement founders. He calls himself and people who follow his way of thinking humanitarians and people who follow strict Libertarian Brutalist. I would also recommend reading “Sjws always lie” on how people like Jeffrey try to take over organization like this and change it to their world view and kick people who do not share it.

I especially like these lines from the article:
“…These two impulses are radically different. The first (humanitarians) values the social peace that emerges from freedom, while the second (Brutalist) values the freedom to reject cooperation in favor of gut-level prejudice. The first wants to reduce the role of power and privilege in the world, while the second wants the freedom to assert power and privilege within the strict confines of private property rights and the freedom to disassociate.”

“Libertarian humanitarianism sees the best means to achieve this as the self-ordering social system itself, unimpeded by external controls through the violent means of the State. ”

“In the libertarian world, however, brutalism is rooted in the pure theory of the rights of individuals to live their values whatever they may be. The core truth is there and indisputable, but the application is made raw to push a point. Thus do the brutalists assert the right to be racist, the right to be a misogynist, the right to hate Jews or foreigners, the right to ignore civil standards of social engagement, the right to be uncivilized, to be rude and crude. It is all permissible and even meritorious because embracing what is awful can constitute a kind of test. After all, what is liberty if not the right to be a boor?

These kinds of arguments make the libertarian humanitarians deeply uncomfortable since they are narrowly true as regards pure theory but miss the bigger point of human liberty, which is not to make the world more divided and miserable but to enable human flourishing in peace and prosperity. Just as we want architecture to please the eye and reflect the drama and elegance of the human ideal, so too a theory of the social order should provide a framework for a life well lived and communities of association that permit its members to flourish.”

Sorry for the Long post but Jeffrey really piss me off back in 2014 when I meet him in person. I had donated to his new website Libertiy.Me. This is in the same event, he was rude to me when I come up to say hi and thanked him for all his work, he gave me a smile and a quick speech on libetry and told me to go away. Later on that night I was with this girl I was interested in. He knew her well and came up to her to say hi, kiss her on the check. She went to introduce me, he flip one hand up and said “Oh yes, John we have spoken for hundred of hours” (only less than 30 mins) and then straight away from me to her and told her to come to his party that he was having, you know without me. He walked away showing his displease that she was with me.

John Calabro
John Calabro
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Interesting I never thought of that.
At the time I was just thinking I might of said something or done something to piss him off. I could never work out and I just come to the conclusion that he was unfairly judge me wrong. It used to bug me and for a time i wanted to (I know this sounds silly) to win him over even after the whole thing.

But I didn’t and so glad I did not. I grew to not like him by the actions he done after 2014, such as the Richard Spender. And it has change what I thought of that day, making angry on how he treated me.

Wow that makes me feel a lot better about the whole thing. It sad to think that a person like this must be one of the reason why civilizations fall. It would be interesting to find the amount of times where armies lost key battles and wars due to Narcissist within their ranks or worst leadership. These people are worst than normal r types.

I will read more into it. I have your recommend book How to Deal with Narcissists so I will read it over the weekend.