Was The USS Liberty Bombed By Israel, Or Cabal, Inc?

I was surfing 4Chan when I saw this meme:

Which made me think. If McCain is Cabal, was his dad Cabal too?

Why would a Naval Officer allow a Navy ship to be attacked so blatantly, and call off any rescue of it on such short notice, while likely knowing very little about what was going on, beyond the fact one of their own ships was under attack? Why would Israeli fighters continue the attack, not knowing if US forces would respond and engage them (which they almost did), thereby causing an even bigger conflict and resultant diplomatic mess? And if Israeli control of the US government was so great, why would they care if the US did capture communications from the Israeli military. Ultimately the US government would do what it was told, and the communications intercept would be of no consequence.

I would tend to conclude it likely the Israeli attack, and the US Navy stand down were precoordinated with the critical command elements on each side. The Israelis attacked, and continued the attack knowing there would be no response, and the US did not respond, even in the fog of war, because the critical commanders knew what was going on, and were following orders to stand down.

Oddly enough, the one Naval Officer who launched fighters to rescue the Liberty was singer Jim Morrison’s father, leading at least one site to ask if Morrison was actually killed to send a message to his father, and anyone else who would attempt to thwart Cabal plans in the future.

Making things more interesting is that prior to the Liberty’s deployment to that theater, the Captain of the Liberty felt it should have been accompanied by a destroyer, but that request was denied, almost as if the Liberty were being sent into that region to be sunk.

With the outbreak of war, Captain William L. McGonagle of Liberty immediately asked Vice Admiral William I. Martin at the United States Sixth Fleet headquarters to send a destroyer to accompany Liberty and serve as its armed escort and as an auxiliary communications center. The following day, 6 June, Admiral Martin replied: “Liberty is a clearly marked United States ship in international waters, not a participant in the conflict and not a reasonable subject for attack by any nation. Request denied.”

So the commander requested the destroyer, in part to assist the mission, in part for protection in a war zone, and he was denied. Again, could be coincidence. But play the game and you get paranoid enough to believe there are never coincidences. You assume that Vice Admiral didn’t just give him the Destroyer, and please a fellow officer (and maybe generate goodwill and help his future career) for a reason. He had been told.

That makes me wonder if the Israeli communications were not even involved as a motive, and if instead the Liberty had picked up something Cabal-related on a prior mission, which led Cabal to want to see the ship sunk. So they sent her to Israel, ordered the Israeli attack using their Israeli assets, and coordinated the stand down with their American assets. The coordination between US and Israelis to facilitate the attack is what is bothering me. That is something that needed to be agreed on first, or both sides would likely have acted differently.

This may or may not be the case. It could be high level Israeli elites are the Cabal leaders. Or maybe it did all happen as the old version said, and Israel took the chance on American’s not responding and creating an incident, and America by chance did not respond.

But as we go forward trying to divine truth, I think whenever we see coordination between different nations in unusual events, we need to ask if the event may actually have been Cabal-related. Because now we know there was an unseen player in the world arena, which had control everywhere – and it may have been more powerful, and even more likely to be involved, than all of the other players we knew about.

Literally today, anything is possible.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because when you see the game, you realize there are no coincidences, and nothing is left to chance

This entry was posted in Cabal Inc., Conspiracy, Intel, Politics, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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5 years ago

Funny, this early morning in bed, arrived the thought that maybe McCain was never an actual POW. And that he just posed as one from time to time for the cameras and so forth. Is it possible? I see some unique value in this role play. Quite different and higher than say Jane Fonda’s.
I have nothing to base this on other than how it seems he is suspected of being now, and not being able to reconcile it with his past.
Something similar was remembering the forward he wrote for a book on John Paul Jones. It was a great forward and he sounded like a true, honest to god died in the wool patriot.
But then I saw the list of supposed Freemason members yesterday and both McCain and Paul Jones were on it.
The mind wanders, makes connections.

5 years ago

My own eyes have been opened, and I too revisit numerous past incidents with that were given pat answers to soothe us.

I read a book a long while back (can’t remember which, but I think it was semi-mainstream) that claimed the Liberty was spying on Israel and passing intel to Egypt, so Israel destroyed the Liberty, and America covered it up. Because after all, if the US were doing that, and not just collecting intel for itself, then it wouldn’t just be a neutral observer, would it? And it would be very damaging for said combatant status to be revealed to the American public, wouldn’t it? Hence, cover up.

This explains the entire incident far better than Israel just attacking a US warship unprovoked. And America being Israel’s lapdog. Doesn’t it? Israel’s taking the heat was just saving face for America.

“And if Israeli control of the US government was so great, why would they care if the US did capture communications from the Israeli military.”

Puh-leaze. Have you read anything of the 1967 war? The massive aid only got started in earnest after the war. And it never meant anything more than that. There was no “control” of the levers of power, just a few purse strings.

My understanding is that LBJ couldn’t find (the excuse he gave) the American security assurances in the wake of the 1956 war. Israel’s arsenal was mainly French at the time. America would not provide Israel with its flagship systems at the time (like the F-4).

Reply to  Shimshon
5 years ago

If indeed the US was, as you suggest, passing intel to Egypt, the correct and normal response would be naming it publicly and demanding it stop, not attacking a nuclear superpower and only thing close to an ally Israel had. It was a false flag attack whose true flag was revealed when the Americans proved more resourceful than expected in getting word out through the jamming. It was designed to pull the US into the war on Israel’s side, another gulf of Tonkin or USS Maine or Lusitania.

Reply to  Shimshon
5 years ago

@No, yes, in the heat of battle, a war that was over in six days, go ask the US, perhaps Cabal, nicely to stop undermining the war effort. I don’t think so.

Have you read any source material on the war? Even so much as the Time and Newsweek issues preceding it?

Israel’s greatest ally at the time was FRANCE. The weapons were all French. There was barely any aid. The aid, and the weapons, came later. America would barely sell Israel anything at the time, and LBJ conveniently forgot about its post-1956 war security assurances.

What is it about monomaniacal midwits?

5 years ago

There’s a BBC documentary called Dead In The Water that describes the events. Going from memory the US embassy in Cairo was fully evacuated before the attack on the Liberty. After the attack the US carrier in the area launched Code November (nuclear armed) fighter bombers against Cairo but had to turn them back once it became clear thst the USS Liberty was still floating and that the false flag had failed. The population of Cairo at the time was 4 million.

5 years ago

Ron Unz over on the Unz Review recently did a two-part expose on the Kennedy assassinations. In the second half, he gets into possible players, with the most likely suspect for the JFK assassination being LBJ. He goes as far as tying the attack on the USS Liberty (which Unz asserts that Johnson himself held back any counter-attack in its support) as grounds that Israel may have had influence not only over LBJ, but may have had a hand in the JFK assassination.


5 years ago

While Cabal related, I think the story of the Israeli attack on the Liberty was much simpler. I think rogue elements of both the Israeli and American governments (cabal) wanted America in a middle eastern war, and the Israeli attack, and jamming, was intended to send the American ship to the bottom of the sea with no survivors, and then be falsely be blamed on Egypt to bring America into the war on the Israeli side. Given the treasonous nature of the plan, it required a very small circle of people who knew the plan, and I think that explains the behaviors of all of the elements. Some Admirals who didn’t know the plan launching fighters to save the Liberty, the President counteracting those orders who did know the plan, as well as the immediate and complete cover up.

It was a failed false flag attack. There were supposed to be no radio transmissions out, and there were almost none, but jury rigged back pack radio did make it through, and there were supposed to no survivors to name the…name the….name the….Israeli attackers.

5 years ago

AC, did you read Ron Unz’s two-part essay on the JFK assasination? It could be Israel, could be cabal, who knows? I do hope it all breaks out here soon. Things are heating up.

5 years ago

So the commander requested the destroyer, in part to assist the mission, in part for protection in a war zone, and he was denied. Again, could be coincidence. But play the game and you get paranoid enough to believe there are never coincidences.

“I believe in coincidences. Coincidences happen every day. But I don’t trust coincidences.” -Elim Garak


Tully Bascombe
Tully Bascombe
5 years ago

Speaking of Cabal activities, lots of stuff in this article sounds like their m.o.