News Briefs – 07/01/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Trump talks about a second round of tax cuts already. If Cabal was draining off as much money as they probably were from the US system, these tax cuts might be entirely free.

Trump looking at pulling US Troops out of Germany. Unsaid is he will funnel the money it will save right into the pockets of the Middle Class.

Facebook denies it intended to spy on people with its ultra-sound triggered cell-phone microphone activator. Notice how there is no company seeking to exploit the niche of people who don’t want microphones, and tracking software, and hackability in everything from their microwave to their car. Try to form one and publicize it, and see how far you get. Everything is controlled.

FBI refuses to give congress material proving Loretta Lynch interfered in the Clinton investigation. By now, I would assume they are doing that on Trump’s orders, and everything is just about timing.

Link to spreadsheet of prominent resignations, firings, and deaths which may be Storm related. Lots of ZTE resignations at the end.

Eric Holder Tweets that House Republicans need to abandon the investigations into criminality by the Obama regime, saying, “It must stop.” Imagine a Cabal employee tweeting that type of thing at you, while the Cabal was in full control, and dead bodies were dropping like flies. That would have been a message from Cabal. If Holder is not in communication with command (and I assume almost nobody is), he may be acting as if they are still in power, not knowing what the Cabal’s status is. I think much of Cabal was probably autonomous individuals operating on their own as if they were a part of the Cabal, but not getting orders or knowing anything specific.

McClatchy does a story on the Pentagon looking for tools to detect Deepfake videos. The second time recently the Deepfake meme has popped up. The last time we saw this kind of activity was when Hillary’s pedogate video release was being hyped online as if it was about to go live.

Vandals in Sweden smash 70 bus stops in a single night. Sooner or later, Sweden is either going to be a third word country with migrants, or a glistening first world country without. There are no other options once Apocalypse forces a choice

Jay Z puts out a song bemoaning the fact we let George Zimmerman live, many take it as a call to kill him. Rap culture is the best way to destroy the inner-city black youth. Create an image of hopelessness, combined with a meme where the only way to enjoy any success is to be a rapper or a drug dealer. You instantly enslave that population with chains of helplessness, and create a situation where the Cabal can choose the winners and losers based on who it prosecutes or promotes. Take away the welfare, legalize drugs, and expose how current black culture is designed by Cabal to enslave, and I suspect in twenty years the black community would have shed it’s worst elements effortlessly.

Trump talks with the Saudi King, oil output is increased, and the price per barrel is going down. Just like that.

The media alerted FBI to Manafort’s storage locker, and Manafort’s assistant then gave FBI the keys to it so they could search it. No idea the relevance, but it has a strange feel to it, as if some hidden force was operational behind the scenes.

Reporter who falsely posted that the Annapolis shooter dropped his MAGA hat on the ground before shooting forced out. Really no different than CNN’s nightly newscast.

NY Times promotes the rise of the Democratic Socialists Of America, and the shift of the Democratic Party toward their movement. This is the worst possible thing for the Democrats. As the K-shift closes in, you will see many r’s shift to K. But as that occurs, the most hardcore r’s will go ever more r, mostly due to a mixture of amygdala-agitation, and the inability to confront a K-environment. This will alienate many in the Democratic party, and combined with a Master persuader like Trump, we will see an efflux of voters to our side.

Already it can be seen among millenials who are moving to Trump. A cool, Alpha Billionaire who always wins and seems quite commonsense and reasonable as the country thrives under him, or some shrill harpies who demand everyone abide by their radical leftwing views.

And on top of that, abolishing ICE is becoming a Democrat litmus test. Literally, they want to destroy all ability to enforce border controls, and they have no idea why that would be objectionable to any rational person.

The MSN/NYTimes notices that as Trump consolidates all Republicans under his umbrella of effortless winning, and still others switch sides to join him, the Democratic party is now in a civil war between those who want to appeal to everyone, and the radicals who want to hijack the party for their own radical agendas.

And as a result, the #walkaway hashtag, used by regular Democrats to explain why they are leaving the party of radicals and socialists, is going viral, even as Twitter tries to suppress it.

Scientists observe coldest temperature ever on Earth’s surface. Volcanic activity spewing Sulfur into the atmosphere, the solar cycles cutting solar energy – this could be a minor Ice Age coming.

Magistrate in England manages to fight off a gang which invaded his home and attacked him, and he is arrested for a racially aggravated assault, while the gang is set free, because a member of the gang claims he used a racial slur while fighting them. These are messages Britain’s elite are sending to the plebes, designed to provoke feelings of helplessness.

When rabbitry goes wrong. Gay Hollywood super agent accidently kills UCLA professor by wrapping him up in Saran wrap and cutting off his oxygen. Paramedics found him naked on the ground, wearing some kind of padlocked penis cage. Who cries for them?

Yahoo does an article about what good shape Ruth Bader Ginsburg is in, because she “planks.” Q said she is next.

Elon Musk runs his own secretive private school for his kids and others, which is devoted to producing high-achieving geniuses.

London Mayor heckled by Tommy Robinson supporters.

Violent mob of Brits eject groomers from their neighborhood.

Italy blocks another migrant rescue ship.

Nines demands testimony from 17 FBI and DOJ officials on surveillance abuse. Surveillance/intelligence wants to remain in the shadows – especially the domestic kind which operates to control the citizenry. I used to think they ran things, and that was why nobody would touch on the issue. But as I look at how such a system would naturally evolve, it is likely they were taken over early in life by an older operation that had the experience and seniority, back when they were just starting out, to get control of them at the top. If domestic intel/surveillance was under control of Americans working for American interests now, and always was, I would think Nunes would leave them alone and let them remain secret, even if they were periodically overstepping bounds slightly. But if they were taken over by a foreign power, and had gotten out of control, then is when Nunes might feel emboldened and driven to strike, and drag everything into the light publicly. I just don’t see all of this happening this way, without there being some major story behind the scenes, and a pretty scary one at that. Nunes will weaken national defense against those bad actors who need surveillance, but he apparently feels the cost is worth it. I can only see that being the case if those in control of the machine at the top are a bigger national security threat than terrorists, drug dealers and criminals. I only see it, if it is Cabal. It looks to me like a real fight for control of the operational aspects of government.

Spread r/K Theory, because things look very interesting

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5 years ago

I imagine Holder’s personality is of a pusillanimous little man, running on autopilot now, but intelligent enough to be scared that the ride (and his gravy train) is about to end.

He’ll grasp at any line of messaging that might help, no matter how tenuous to logic and reality it might appear to be. Being at the end of a very inefficient communications line is leaving him feeling abandoned.

The Rs will ignore him. He’s a weak and facile man who is rapidly heading towards insignificance. But he will still face the military tribunals.

5 years ago

“Rap culture is the best way to destroy the inner-city black youth.”

Blacks are naturally musical creatures. It’s not to say that they are more talented or creative in that regard, but rather their temperament is musical. Gather a number of blacks together and as long as things stay amicable among them, they’ll start singing and clapping.

Electronic music technology displaced that behavior with passive listening to products of Jewish producers and White studio engineers. Blacks still want their music, but now instead of spontaneously generating it, they’re noise-polluting their surroundings with bass-speakers.

5 years ago

“Facebook denies it intended to spy on people with its ultra-sound triggered cell-phone microphone activator. Notice how there is no company seeking to exploit the niche of people who don’t want microphones, and tracking software, and hackability in everything ….”

There is exactly ONE such company. Purism. Right now they only sell laptops. Next year their mobile phone the Librem 5 goes on sale. Purism designs all of it’s electronics with hardware killswitches to the camera, microphone, bluetooth/WiFi – everything they are allowed to put an electrical circuit interrupt in under the 1997 Telecommunications Act.

I’m going to say that again – Purism puts physical/manual switches that turn off the electricity to the camera, microphone, WiFi, etc. Nothing is done in software. The catch is that is that you have to learn how to use the Linux operating system, which is also the most secure(able) current-gen OS.

5 years ago

I wonder if the #WalkAway hashtag on twitter might be an r/K phenomenon. At least so far as it is real.

Scott Adams did not think it was much until he realized it was based on a rejection of progressive fear mongering by the elites. He points out how Trump works legitimate fears, of MS-13 say, while the progs just work on stoking the fears between Americans.

If a gay NY hair dresser is turning away from r, then what?

Reply to  rogerlocke
5 years ago

Strikes me as PURE r/K.

#WalkAway = Ostracism

Ostracism being the most Salient message a sentient Gene Machine could receive.

It’s what the Leftist r’s instinctively understand and what we have to use in return.

Just watch Trump. ..the Master of Ostracism.

I rest my case your Honour.

5 years ago


SCHOOLGIRLS as young as 12 will be taught how to safely send “sexy snaps” via texts and social media, including cropping out their heads in nude images.


5 years ago

FYI the UK vid was not about pedophiles. They would not have made it out alive…