Washington State To Teach Transgenderism To Kindergarteners

It just gets worse:

By fall 2017 Washington state public schools will begin teaching gender expression to kindergarteners under newly-approved health education learning standards that designate sexual health a “core idea” of public K-12 education.

While some aspects of sexual health aren’t taught K-12 (HIV prevention begins in fourth grade), one component of sexual health titled “Self-Identity” begins in kindergarten, where students will be expected to “Understand there are many ways to express gender.”

Why do fourth graders need to know how to prevent HIV? Why do kindergarteners need to be taught that it is normal to express gender any number of ways? Why isn’t this left up to parents?

It is indoctrination, plain and simple. Of all the irritations the left produces, the attacks on children are absolutely the most infuriating. It is why I increasingly view the left as nothing so much as pure evil.

Remember this in the collapse, when leftists are dying in the streets, and they are begging you, as a fellow American to save them.

The world will be better off if you leave them.

This entry was posted in Liberals, Morals, Politics, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance, Sexual Dimorphism. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Washington State To Teach Transgenderism To Kindergarteners […]

Jeffrey Pope (@explorer68841)
7 years ago

I could not express my abhorrence or hatred better than you have in this article. I feel like this now. When I see, hear, or experience this (extreme?) r-behavior — I smolder. And while I don’t look forward to the Apocalypse as much as my famed blogger, I do walk through scenarios. Will I aid this rabbit? No. Will I befriend another? No. Will I see her movie or buy his download? No.

It’s affecting my Hollywood and television choices too. I threw my television set out just 12 hours ago. I thought I would feel some pangs of remorse. Nothing.

And it might be unrelated, so feel absolutely free to delete this comment if I am off base here, but I am bolder than ever. For a small instance consider this: I was expecting a package to be delivered between the 3rd and 10th of June. I got up early on the 3rd, opened all the windows and all the doors. I turned off the music. The postman must have been a cat burglar because I never saw or heard him. He left an unreadable note at 9:00 am. At 10:00 am I received an e-mail from the vendor telling me that my package would not be delivered today. Not good enough!

I ran down to the post office. No luck. I scoured the streets. I ran down one postman. Wrong guy. I flagged another down. That 3rd postman called the regular person on my route — no luck — then he called the supervisor. They sent the right guy by minutes later. I threw my arms in the air and declared, “Victory!”

It was as if I had come back from a successful hunt in a situation where I would normally have come home empty handed.

I mentioned to the postman that a guy in India knew I was home — but not to worry! We’re gonna all raise our game! We here in America are gonna do better! The postman claimed his game was raised. I laughed. “We’re gonna make America Great Again!” I said. I am almost flaunting my love for Trump at this point. Then I laughed hard and out loud. “Don’t worry! I’ll help!”

In the meantime, signs like this story regarding transgender education in Washington just raise my internal temperature to near boiling.

7 years ago

These creeps will stop at nothing… They want to poison children’s minds and drive out any innocence. It saddens me.

7 years ago

I have a niece who is starting Kindergarten in the fall (in our Church school, which is not accredited and receives no federal funds, thank you very much). If you talk to her about boys, she will inform you that she is going to be a boy when she grows up. Then, if you direct the conversation to zebras, she will tell you she’s going to be zebra when she grows up. Talk about Batman, and now she’s a crimefighter.

Kids that age put on and take off identities like costumes. She doesn’t need any instruction on gender at all. We might as well be educating her that some people are different species, because she is just as receptive to that idea. She will, however, if offered the choice between being Batman or a princess, take the princess every time. (Which one depends on which Disney movies she’s most recently watched.)

7 years ago

“Washington State public schools”

Washington State COMPULSORY public schools