Weiner’s Life Insurance File Must Have Been A Goldmine

Thank you Huma:

Investigation is top priority

I’m not sure how we got from Loretta Lynch stonewalling the whole thing to . . . this. In two days.

But here we are:

The FBI’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation that has been going on for more than a year has now taken a “very high priority,” separate sources with intimate knowledge of the probe tell Fox News.

FBI agents have interviewed and re-interviewed multiple people on the foundation case, which is looking into possible pay for play interaction between then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. The FBI’s White Collar Crime Division is handling the investigation.

And then there is this:

The FBI has found emails related to Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state on the laptop belonging to the estranged husband of Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, according to a U.S. official.

These emails, CBS News’ Andres Triay reports, are not duplicates of emails found on Secretary Clinton’s private server. At this point, however, it remains to be seen whether these emails are significant to the FBI’s investigation into Clinton. It is also not known how many relevant emails there are.

And then this:

Americans who lived through the nightmares of both the Watergate and Lewinsky scandals recall vividly how every day seemed to produce new evidence of wrongdoing. The drip, drip of deceptions and lies finally overflowed into a cascading pool of criminality and disgust.

The first scandal culminated in Articles of Impeachment. The other an impeachment trial. Is America now hurtling toward the same political abyss? It looks like it. So, fasten your seat belts and brace for impact.

Sources tell Fox News’s Bret Baier that the FBI has uncovered an “avalanche of evidence” in the Clinton Foundation investigation.

Agents are “actively and aggressively pursuing this case,” calling it a “very high priority.”

Armed with newly discovered email evidence and additional documents revealed by WikiLeaks, these sources say that agents will likely try to get Huma Abedin and others to cooperate in an effort to bring criminal charges against Hillary Clinton.

Weiner grabbed the worst stuff and mothballed it for his own use later. Then the dumbass invites the FBI to seize it all.

There is little that is as amusing as the thought of the first feminist, female Presidential candidate actually loosing her chance at the Presidency because a careerist feminist woman couldn’t help marrying a male bimbo who tickled her hamster just right – and who was such an obvious tool in every other way.

Poor Huma. She stood by this moron loyally and all along he was working to screw her – and it all culminated in the utter destruction of both Hillary and Huma’s futures.

Imagine Hillary. Ahead of her, lie two possibilities. On one side, she could be the first female President in history, quash all of these investigations effortlessly, add billions to the Clinton Foundation/Slush-Fund, and walk away scott free. On the other side, Donald humiliates her, takes her Presidency from her, lets her get imprisoned, lets the foundation be destroyed, and turns her into a national laughingstock for all of history.

If Donald wins, Hillary’s concession speech will be a fascinating thing to watch. I would bet that you will never see a more effective portrayal of high amygdala. I would not even be surprised if all the drugs in the world couldn’t save her from breaking under the stress of that amygdala hijack.

Best election ever.

r/K Theory is a hit with the reviewers on Amazon here, because it may be the end of the entire political debate.

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