When The Obama Liberal Political Database Meets Information Gathering Services Which Begin in Grade School

Obama Political Database America

Obama’s Poltical Database Grows, While Republicans Dither.

This article on a new school database was in Vox’s comments on his article on Rabbit Rules of Order. Schools are now setting about creating a massive $100 million computer database on their students, aggregating data on everything from grades, to hobbies, to homework completion rates, to personal interests, and this information will be disseminated commercially. Obviously, this will find its way into the Liberal political database that has arisen under Obama’s campaigns.

All of history is baby steps, all heading in the same direction. Although we have seen this movie before, several parts are different this time. For starters, the Stalins and Mao’s never had a political database of all their anti-Liberal enemies, which began accumulating it’s data in their childhood. If I thought the nation was going to be financially sound for a hundred years or more, that would be ominous. I would not see any way around a genuine, neighbor killing neighbor civil war breaking out, once Conservatives began to be killed by the government based on their inclusion in the database (something which would seem inevitable, if r/K Selection Theory’s implications for a constant leftward slide in successful civilization are correct).

At this point, our people’s saving grace would seem to be the unique financial circumstances of our nation. Never before has public debt allowed a nation to slip so far into r-selected Liberalism so quickly on nearly limitless free resources, all along the way passing metrics which should produce collapse, but which never actually had their natural effect, due to this unnatural state of affairs.

Absent the debt infusion, natural resource limitation would have long ago produced a much more aggressive conservative right, which might have produced more aggressive clashes with an increasingly aggressive left. However the free resources kept the nation so comfortable that everybody just sat back enjoying themselves, allowing the natural leftward slide to accelerate as never before in history.

Now we find ourselves under a governmental structure that is barely propped up to solvency under the best of economic circumstances, despite having access to limitless free debt. Obviously, once the debt reaches critical mass, our economy heads downhill, and we can no longer borrow money without limit, K-selection will return with a vengeance, and so will Conservatism.

On the bright side, Republicans do have the option of creating their own political database. It remains to be seen if they will be able to capitalize on the opportunity, however.

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