Aurini Dead On Predicting The Left’s Response To Orlando

Dead on predictions here:

As the weeks and months progress, the Left will use this terrorist act as justification for bringing in more migrants; they will say that it was Donald Trump’s Islamophobia that drove this Musloid to murder, that it was white male homophobia which created his virulent hatred of gays, and that the solution is to hug a Mulsim and give him free resources. Gun control will be the solution. More parades, more public indoctrination. A greater security state, not to monitor potential terrorists, but to monitor those of us who are calling out Islam for what it is: a religion of death and demons, a religion which glorifies in the psychological torture of boys and girls, a religion which has been a deadly threat to our civilization since its child-raping “prophet” first decided to become a desert bandit.

The rabbits love the pedophile, the single mother, the graffiti artist, the tyrant, and the drug addict; of course they’ll love the terrorist. Their hatred and anomie is reserved for the strong, the just, the beautiful, and the righteous.

The divide between the left and the right will continue to grow because of this. Those who retain an ounce of human sanity will align with Trump; those who have traded predator ethics for those of prey will align with Hillary. Dialogue between the two sides – close to non-existent already – will continue to evaporate.

Every prediction dead on.

This is how the lefts ends. Ever more amygdala and ever greater panic, driving an ever deeper adherence to leftism. Stupidity descends into farce, and farce into suicide, driven by a cognitive force that ignores reality, cares not for suffering, and only seeks to avoid personal angst.

As the public realizes the left is ridiculously out of touch, it will begin to abandon the left, and that will only create more angst and panic, and an ever more forceful drive to see leftism enacted at all cost.

I think the left would have entered this death spiral anyway, but with an Alpha truth-teller in the White House like Trump, and an economic Apocalypse en route, it will be less a death spiral, and more a head on, full force, crater-creating impact straight into the earth.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Decline, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] As the weeks and months progress, the Left will use this terrorist act as justification for bringing in more migrants; they will say that it was Donald Trump’s Islamophobia that drove this Musloid to murder, that it was white male homophobia which created his virulent hatred continue […]

Laguna Beach Fogey
Laguna Beach Fogey
7 years ago

It’s almost as if we’re heading towards Civil War.

Reply to  Laguna Beach Fogey
7 years ago

Billy Beck put it in prime laconic form in 2009: “All politics in this country now is just dress rehearsal for civil war.”

7 years ago

It’s gonna be like a Ric Flair flop.

7 years ago

Wait, wait, I have to make popcorn.