An On-Target Comment And Meme From 4Chan

(NSFW – This link has photos that are not safe for work.) Oddly enough a Chan who was, for strictly political reasons, carefully scrutinizing nude photos of Stormy Daniels, thought he saw a NXIVM-style scar under Stormy’s hip tattoos.

Interestingly, one dug through Stormy’s tweets, and found this:

Supposedly in many cases NXIVM promised an innocent induction ceremony to young starlet wannabes, who thought they were joining a secret society that would help their careers. Then the branding was sprung on them by surprise when other women suddenly held them down and the brand was suddenly produced.

Interestingly in her back and forths on Twitter over this, with hyper-polite Chans, Stormy has never denied she was in NXIVM.

And then, finally, the comment:

Cohen’s office got raided which broke the attorney client privilege. Trump tweets about this which gets the MSM to write a bunch of stories about it. This is in preparation for Mueller to begin indicting the swamp. Remember, Mueller’s team is filled with Hillary’s lawyers. When Hillary and everyone else gets indicted they can’t complain about attorney client.

Stormy Daniels works for Trump. Instead of coming out before the election when she could’ve ruined Trump and made around 25 million she waits until her story is essentially worthless. Her name is “Stormy” to signal to all the insiders whose side shes on. Her story ends up just being a big distraction/let down and a parlay into other things like the office raid and an example of how pathetic/desperate democrats are.

Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti calls Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen “radioactive.”
“Anyone that had any contact with this man in the last 20 years should be very concerned about what secrets of theirs are within these documents.”


Stormy just said on SNL that “A Storm is coming”

If this is how Trump has played this, then after he drops the hammer everyone who would oppose him politically should just go home and give up. There is not another single person, maybe in the history of mankind, or even the future of mankind, who could pull off a counter-coup like this, with layers beneath layers, covered with false leads, and buried under red herrings, that is this amazing in scale, scope, and even style. It even has a foreshadowing that is almost Shakespearean with “Stormy” entering the stage to suck up all of the oxygen in the media, and shield against any other hostile investigations by the Establishment, and then telling us a storm is coming as the real cyclone spins up in the background and prepares to level everything.

If this is how this plays out, Democrats might as well just take a seven year vacation, and come back for the 2024 election.

Spread r/K Theory, because the Storm is getting closer

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5 years ago


5 years ago

Stormy looks like a tranny to me.

Robert What?
5 years ago

I hope you are right but I are ascribing qualities to Trump that he doesn’t have. And I voted for him. Anyone who could appoint that raging warmonger Bolton. But what do I know?

Reply to  Robert What?
5 years ago

Yabbut, Trump is anti-war.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

I thought at one time I thought I had some semblance of narrative on what was going on but…now I’m totally lost. The narrative you just spun could be 100% true but it seems so whacky as to defy belief. One minute Trump is collaborating with the Jews and the next he’s firing all kinds of people. Yes I know I don’t know but I can’t help but speculate. It does seem as if he is on our side, sorta, and is draining the swamp but the contortions are…well they just seem too much.

On the micro level it seems Trump is draining the swamp but what about the macro? So Iran is in bed with the cabal??? So that means the Jews win if they bring down Iran, conveniently, as the Jews seem to BE THE SWAMP. So how is it that Jews win, yet their losers are the swamp??? Could all these people now being fired are actually the ones against the Jews taking over everything? It can’t be denied that balancing our Middle East policy to slack up on Iran is really in the US’s long term interest. I was for this. The Iranians are far less rabid than the Sunnis, so far. So some people in the government try to shift policy and NOW they are the swamp, Cabal, terror threat to the US????

It could very well be that one corrupt group is attacking the other and we will get the shaft no matter who wins. I’m leaning towards that. There are no good guys coming to save us.

Maybe Q is just a soap opera for data geeks, like me, who are terribly interested in all kinds of things and like mysteries. I know my Mom liked soap operas. You wouldn’t think so if you knew her. She was much more of a analytical type person and not typical of most Women but she liked soap operas never the less. Q might be there just to keep us busy.

I, of course, have no idea.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

And Q has said at least once, but I think multiple times, that Israel will be dealt with last.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  razzle
5 years ago

“…Israel will be dealt with last…”

I missed that.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago