Bernie Is No Longer Left Enough

He is too conservative:

Democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is no longer left enough for some Democrats, because he has been reluctant to join calls to abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

That’s according to the New Republic, once a reliable center-left organ. Writer Sarah Jones has declared that Sanders is “undermining his position as the nation’s most prominent left-wing politician” by suggesting that ICE should be reformed, rather than endorsing the total elimination of border enforcement.

Sun Tzu “Wrote when your enemy is frustrated anger him.” It is an early observation of the utility of amygdala. It works because amygdala is both about performing assessments of what is important, and driving action. Activate it, and further agitate it, and you degrade both reason and drive to action, all at the same time.

Trump is following that advice to the letter, and you see the result. The left is simultaneously less able to judge what is important now vs what is important for the future, as they are driven ever more strongly to follow their foolish path.

Before Trump is done, the left will be a laughingstock, and a point of incredible ridicule. And all along the way, the left’s amygdalae are so agitated they can neither see it coming, or avoid it by controlling their drives to act.

Never forget, whether it was Fords, Bushes, Doles, McCains, Rubios, or Romneys, this could have been done by any of them – and they would have attained the highest office in the world had they done it. And yet they all ignored the obvious path, to seek out one which destroyed our movement, even as it sacrificed their appointments with destiny.

We have been under attack for decades, at least. Only now, in the clarifying presence of the God Emperor, is it all becoming clear.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because we should have been winning all along

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5 years ago

> Writer Sarah Jones has declared that Sanders is “undermining his position as the nation’s most prominent left-wing politician”

That is the biggest problem with being a Leftie: Other Lefties are constantly taking up positions to the left of yours, and you have to move left at an ever accelerating rate just to keep up. Failing to do that, you will be purged from the movement, and in countries where the Left is in total control, you’ll get a bullet in the head and an unmarked grave at no extra charge.

Thus leftism spirals into ever greater insanity until (a) the leftists lose a civil war and are purged from the media, academia, and all levels of government (Spain 1939), (b) other nations sense weakness, invade, and install a puppet government (Cambodia 1979), (c) a Left-wing dictator stops the slide by shooting anyone who tries to out-left him (USSR 1930s), or (d) the madness continues until everyone is dead (Sichuan 1646)