California Election Rigging In Action

Just by chance, this came to light:

The Los Angeles County Registrar is investigating how 83 ballots were sent to a single address at a San Pedro apartment.

The unused ballots were found on Saturday by tenant Jerry Mosna, sitting on top of the mailbox center at his apartment building in San Pedro.

The ballots were all addressed to a two bedroom apartment upstairs from Mosna’s, belonging to an 89-year-old woman.

All of the names on the ballots were different, and Mosna did not recognize the names on the ballot envelopes.

I’ll bet whoever did it had so many locations that they were responsible for that they couldn’t get to this one in time to grab the ballots before they were seen. At 80 ballots per location and fifteen locations, one person could vote over a thousand times. Just a hundred people could be a hundred thousand votes.

This is, in part why this election is the turning point. If the Democrats win, every election from now on will feature two establishment politicians, and since the Republican establishment prefers this, they will never fight it.

If Trump wins, there is a real chance this may be dealt with, in a way which will cost Democrats elections for decades to come.

This is the big one. On election night, America either gets some breathing room, and maybe saved, or it is straight to Apocalypse.

Either way, soft or hard, K-selection will win out.

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7 years ago

[…] California Election Rigging In Action […]

7 years ago

Here is a thought experiment. The 20th century was marked by brutal authoritarian regimes that clamped down on r populations and brutally oppressed them. Western democracies did not have such regimes and let people fleeing those countries settle in Western countries, How much of our problem today is a result of those r populations migrating over and being allowed to flourish in our countries? I’m looking at right wing Russia today vs America as an example. Russia has no SJW’s but America is rife with them. (It could just be because Russia is able to brutally oppress SJW’s whereas America can’t or won’t.)