Cell Phone Surveillance Found Near White House

Tell me there isn’t a shadow war going on between our elected government, and a shadowy, first rate intelligence service of some sort:

A federal study found signs that surveillance devices for intercepting cellphone calls and texts were operating near the White House and other sensitive locations in the Washington area last year.

A Department of Homeland Security program discovered evidence of the surveillance devices, called IMSI catchers, as part of federal testing last year, according to a letter from DHS to Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, on May 22. The letter didn’t specify what entity operated the devices and left open the possibility that there could be alternative explanations for the suspicious cellular signals collected by the federal testing program last year.

The discovery bolsters years of independent research suggesting that foreign intelligence agencies use sophisticated interception technology to spy on officials working within the hub of federal power in the nation’s capital. Experts in surveillance technology say that IMSI catchers – sometimes known by one popular brand name, Stingrays – are a standard part of the toolkit for many foreign intelligence services, including for such geopolitical rivals as Russia and China.

If that was ours, we simply would not have revealed its existence.

Read this comment from another post, which is not bullshit:

Google directional sound as it’s called.

Is sold publicly, as entertainment and for advertising, for example audio ads or product offers that can be only heard in one spot/shop/entrance, without pestering customers with a mix of audio ads, say, in a shopping mall.

It’s publicly known weaponization is the LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) used for example in crowd control or defending cruise ships or tankers against pirates as a first non-lethal effector. To oversimplify, it’s like an audio-laser – highly directional with minimum spread and great range. You can flip a switch and it becomes deafening (causing permanent hearing damage) to people hundreds of meters away, while bystanders hear nothing of it.

Through-the-wall radar, as it’s called broadly, is also already, in limited form, commercially available for the public: As a baby monitor.

Babies sometimes suddenly die – Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The idea is to use radar to monitor them. This is already quite advanced – there is doppler effect motion detection in basically three ranges for this application:

cm/s to m/s movements indicate body and limbs moving;
mm/s to sub-mm/s movements indicate breathing;
sub-mm/s movements indicate heart pulse (skin and blood vessels are elastic, and expand and contract with pulse – radar can easily pick that up).

Add some clever algorithms, and those devices know if a baby is awake, moves around, sleeps, or stops breathing. It’s quite efficient for overburdened parents; if your baby stops breathing, there is an alarm, and they can come rushing in and do CPR.

But, of course, slightly adjusted, the same system works surreptitiously and with higher ranges, to check up if a person in a house moves, where he is exactly, and from pulse and breathing it can be derived if the person is asleep and how deeply.

This is not exactly top-secret high tech anymore; if you google-image-search Through-the-wall radar you will find that police/SWAT etc. use this tech for breaking and entering or hostage situations, so that the cops storming a house or structure know in real-time where everybody is positioned, and therefore cannot be surprised or ambushed.

All this may sound costly and complex, but actually isn’t. There are publicly available systems for experimentation, based on WLAN or a through-the-wall radar chip from an Israeli company. If interested, google and you’ll find.

A sexual side-note: Some tech people use these radar chips, for example’

to secretly test if their girlfriends/wives fake orgasms – in real orgasms, their heart rate will go up suddenly, which cannot easily be faked (and is not known to the women anyway).

Before that, they used regular cameras with enhanced video analysis: (Principle: Even cheap cameras detect and record more subtle color changes than the human eye can see – by amplifying these, regular video can be used to extract breathing and pulse information remotely)


Why would men care?

Evolutionary psychologists found out that if a female orgasms, her cervix slime plug is displaced and insemination leads hundreds of times more likely to impregnation. There appears to be also a correlation of faking orgasms and infidelity or plans to end a relationship, but, as far as I know, the evidence is not yet completely clear.

Now factor in that if you can detect movement, it is a small jump to detect degree of movement, and now with computer processing you can hear and see inside structures and other contained areas, from outside, as if there are no obstructions between you. And all of that is hanging right out there online. Imagine the tech that is not widely known. My guess is our intel services and government may not even have the state of the art, which is being held by high level defense contractors and labs of private sector tech companies – most owned by Cabal, by design.

Now visualize our counterintelligence services roaming, in the forces they could be roaming with, with those toys, through DC, which must be their first priority to protect if we can believe what we are told.

In short, there is no way to plant technology like this article alleges in DC, if you are some entity which is not tolerated by our domestic intel and counter-intel. We are not going to let the Russians plant cell simulators next to the White House. We would grab whoever did it, and trade them for whoever or whatever we wanted out of the Russians. Moreover, the Russians know this, and probably would not try this.

But we know from drips and drabs it is being done. Remember Kelly’s cell phone? And that is a hard core combat Marine who would have followed security procedures given to the head of Homeland Security to the letter.

This isn’t ours, and yet it is not a foriegn nation’s. This is somebody who knows that they can do this, and our domestic intelligence service will not bust them for some reason. Maybe it is blackmail, and they will expose our intel services’s activities. Maybe it is the threat of collapsing the economy. Maybe it is crashing military planes, or killing cops, or school shootings, or something else which leads the calculation to be, that allowing the spying is less damaging than removing it and taking the retaliation.

This is why I believe Q when he talks of various entities being “prisoners.” As I read the news, I see example after example where I say, “Why aren’t we killing whoever is behind that?” But we don’t, I assume because the relevant entities who need to give the order to kill are prisoners of blackmail of some sort. It is all controlled.

Or, if Q is correct, it was all controlled, and step by step, those controls are being removed so that one day soon, Trump can give the order and it will all be brought down suddenly and violently. If so, it will be the biggest story in America since the British were defeated, and we became a free Republic. All of our minds will be blown.

Personally, I cannot wait to see the real story of where this all came from. It will be brain-expanding, in ways we cannot even imagine now.

And you thought I was paranoid before. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because God is good

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