Clint Eastwood Is a K-strategist

A man who doesn’t like r:

Clint Eastwood thinks America’s “p—y generation” needs to “just f–ing get over” Donald Trump’s “racism.”

In an interview with Esquire published Wednesday, the actor/director/producer said young America — which he has dubbed both the “kiss-ass” and “p—y” generation — needs to stop calling things racist.

“[Trump’s] onto something, because secretly everybody’s getting tired of political correctness, kissing up,” he said. “We’re really in a pussy generation. Everybody’s walking on eggshells. We see people accusing people of being racist and all kinds of stuff. When I grew up, those things weren’t called racist.”

This is the division. Half the country wants ease, and wants everyone else to actively endure hardship to produce ease and lack of conflict for them. Most contemptibly, they will try to impose this with pussy social pressures and sneaky manipulations of others, while they hide from any consequences.

The other half of the country is more individualistic and less socially manipulative. It isn’t bothered by conflict and aggression, because that is a natural part of their world. However seeing pansy SJW’s trying to shame them and manipulate others to punish them, for the most minor of verbal transgressions, is irritating.

These are two different forms of behavioral programming, producing two different codes of conduct. One is wolf-pack-like, the other is rabbit-like. Neither can stand the other, and each grows in irritation as the shift toward K-selection approaches. The irritation of resource shortage puts both sides on edge, and polarizes them against each other.

The balance between the rabbits who want ease and safety, and the wolves who aren’t afraid of knocking heads, is all determined by resource availability. It is all determined by r/K selection theory.

This entry was posted in Conservatives, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Clint Eastwood Is a K-strategist […]

7 years ago

We need to go back to a country where you can say certain things and get punched in your damned mouth, and the reaction of society isn’t to bring out the gendarmes and throw you in the bastile, but instead to just nod and move on.

7 years ago

Over a year now since first seeing your blog, internalised the theory on first read, bought the book, now after that year, I honestly think…..
r/K It really is EVERYTHING isn’t it!

7 years ago


Just great K.