More Electronic Voter Fraud Concerns

This time from Wired:

When people think that people think about doing something major to impact our election results at the voting machine, they think they’d try to switch results,” says Norden, referring to potential software tampering. “But you can do a lot less than that and do a lot of damage… If you have machines not working, or working slowly, that could create lots of problems too, preventing people from voting at all.”

The extent of vulnerability isn’t just hypothetical; late last summer, Virginia decertified thousands of insecure WinVote machines. As one security researcher described it, “anyone within a half mile could have modified every vote, undetected” without “any technical expertise.” The vendor had gone out of business years prior.

The WinVote systems are an extreme case, but not an isolated one. Other voting machine models have potentially vulnerable wireless components; Virginia’s just the only one where a test proved how bad the situation was.

Nothing in this election is guaranteed. Trump could have enough votes to win and still lose. Because liberals are told so often by the media that he will be “dangerous” there will be a whole lot of them out there thinking that they are justified in doing anything to stop him.

It won’t be over until he is sworn in.

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7 years ago

[…] More Electronic Voter Fraud Concerns […]

7 years ago

(Comments are closed on the Persusation thread, so I’m dropping this here.) I’ve been reading Adams and thinking about it. I think the next step for Trump, and he’s nibbled at it during the primary, is to start calling Hillary paranoid.

First, it clicks, because everyone knows that she is paranoid. She’s the one who coined the term “vast right wing conspiracy.” So, it has enough truth to gain traction, but the real effect is how it ripples out. It has the confirmation bias time bomb in it, so that any time Hillary throws out an accusation, people ask themselves “is that real or is she just being paranoid again?” It provides a handy narrative for all the email stuff, but most importantly, it hits on identity.

All they have for Trump is Fear of Trump. Well, if Trump can associate Fear of Trump with Paranoid, that kills her on identity. No one wants to be the paranoid one. No one wants to be a paranoiac like Hillary. That moniker, plus a good hijack at the debates, and he could put her down like a vampire with a stake.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

It just occured to me that we have pretty good empirical proof of this working in past campaigns, since the paranoid moniker is what killed Ross Perot’s run and arguably has kept Ron Paul from getting off the ground. (That, and having wacky foreign policy opinions.)

7 years ago

Given the level of self righteousness in Leftists, many of them would see nothing wrong with election fraud as long as their candidate wins. It’s a really scary mindset.

Also, if Trump loses, the perception of probable election fraud could lead to some rather violent reactions. That’s also really ugly.