Did George W Bush Sabotage the Republican Party Purposefully?

I put this idea out there, just because I thought of it while lifting weights, and it seemed to make all the pieces fit. These are the pieces which bothered me.

I was always puzzled by George W Bush’s choice of Dick Cheney for Vice President. Cheney is a fine man, even a great man and a patriot. He was highly qualified. And yet, he was in charge of the vetting process for W’s campaign. W is not a guy who seems to think outside the box often. I always saw him as a delegator, who assigned responsibility to experts, and then accepted their counsel. In that model, Cheney should have presented him with a list, and he should have limited himself to that list. Instead Bush chose a man whose health would, by necessity, both possibly impact his service and limit his ability to carry on the movement after the Bush Administration moved on.

Second, George W Bush refused to assign blame for 9/11, and appears to have given his staff the order to not place blame either. For eight years, he allowed the fiction to persist that his administration bore the primary responsibility for 9/11. Given Rove’s Machiavellian nature, I cannot believe it never dawned on any of them that they could have forever tarred the Democrat Party, and liberalism in particular, with the stigma of having caused 9/11. Had he done that, we would have had a Republican President for the next 20 years easily.

Third, Bush never fought the Democrats, except in the election for his second term. For eight years, and particularly in the last four, he allowed Democrats to assail him mercilessly. In so doing, he left office one of the most unpopular Presidents in history, and the Republican Party as a brand was utterly destroyed.

Fourth, in not fighting, he gave up Congress. How did he expect to be able to pursue his agenda without Congress? Not fighting back against the liberals and liberalism, when he held the bully pulpit, even to take back congress, seemed unbelievably strange.

Fifth was Bush’s smile as he handed over power to Obama. Cheney’s scowl in that shot spoke volumes. That Bush was so happy, and totally absent any reservations, seemed unusual to me. Anyone even vaguely conservative would have had reservations handing the reins to Obama.

I know he is smarter than that. I know he had advisors, and maybe more importantly a persuasive ability, which he could have used to win the ideological war in the time of K during which he led. He had the ultimate ace, 9/11. But he stood down, accepted all the barbs, and sabotaged the Party completely.

My realization was, what if losing massively was not a byproduct of some foolish adherence to some odd code of political non-violence, but was actually his entire plan?

I now wonder if he assumed he would run the Republican party into the ground, to the point Hillary would win in 2008, and make the nation sick of liberalism. Hillary would be unbelievably unpopular, she would not be able to blame Congress if the House was dominated by Pelosi, and then in 2012, Jeb would waltz in and assume office, maybe on a wave of Conservatism. Instead Obama took office, but who took him seriously? It could still have been Jeb in four.

Had Bush chosen a Mike Pence as his VP, who in eight years could succeed him, he would have had to either sabotage that candidate for his brother, or allow him to win, which would have delayed Jeb’s shot.

The idea is far from certain. But it does seem the one model which would make all of George W. Bush’s behavior not just understandable, but predictable, and provide a motive which would explain why he seemed so happy to hand the reins to Obama. Looking at the sense of outrage for Trump, and the petty slights the family has foisted upon Donald which they would never have foisted on Obama would seem to indicate they are all about the power and the dynasty.

We owe Donald much for vanquishing them.

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7 years ago

When this kind of thing comes up I usually fall in line with Halon’s Razor… but you make a compelling case for malice over stupidity.

7 years ago

[…] Did George W Bush Sabotage the Republican Party Purposefully? […]

7 years ago

I wouldn’t put anything past a Bush – or a Clinton (by blood or marriage).

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
7 years ago

A necessary part of this scheme would depend on his willingness to have his pride, ego, competence assailed mercilessly (without responding) while also betting we wouldn’t be entirely fed up with Bushes.

I mean this is the thing – he left office and my first thought as a conservative was “good riddance” and my second thought was “never another Bush.”

If this was his plan it was unbelievably stupid. But hey, I genuinely didn’t find him bright. Forget the tongue tripping, but his do-nothing crap with Marines getting railroaded and incredible border problems was just so reckless.

7 years ago

TPTB definitely wanted to tank the Republican ticket this time around. HILLary was the “in” choice, and we can see it in who funded her and who is buying up favor from her. You can hear it in her subtext, “I wasn’t supposed to be opposed! WHY AREN’T I 50 POINTS AHEAD IN THE POLLS?!”

What is honestly scary is what these people will do if they lose their investment when Trump takes the White House. It becomes either a “We get Trump on our side, and quick” which probably means threatening him and his family (if they haven’t already), or deciding he can’t be bought/trusted and taking him out.

However, I think the fake polling is being done just to setup the public to think that this might actually be a close race, making it easier to rig like in 2000. The rally attendance shows us the reality of the true voters choice, but “somehow” there will be a close call. We almost need to make it a meme to publicly show your vote for Trump in November, knowing the shenanigans that are going to take place…

Andy Smith
7 years ago

It would seem you are not a subscriber to the Uniparty thesis just yet. Briefly, both parties work for the same team. They (and their confrontational theatrics) exist to give us the illusion of choice. For the last few decades of elections it made very little difference who won. We ended up with the same policies in administrations of both parties: big government welfare, endless war, unlimited immigration to change the demographics in support of globalism.

Check out some of the Benghazi brief and Splitter strategy series at theconservativetreehouse.com
You will need to check out some the linked prior blog entries as well.

7 years ago

Kind of late to this idea. It was clear 10 years ago that Bush didn’t care about the future of a conservative kind when he pretty much bowed out of anything to do with the 2008 election.

In other news, Daddy Bush bonded to Billy Boy – http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/03/05/george-h-w-bush-on-bonding-with-bill-clinton/ . And G W Bush refers to Bozo as my-brother-from-another-mother – http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2014/11/18/bush_my_sweet_daddy_a_wonderful_father_to_bill_clinton_and_me_124685.html

You don’t have to believe the Mena conspiracy stories to see that the Bushes are members of the UniParty/oligarchy, not conservatives.

Patrick Wilson
Patrick Wilson
7 years ago

Explains W’s more conservative approach as compared to his father, looks like standard triangulation strategy, George, new world order, Jeb cuck republican, W more of a conservative outward approach. Cheney had to be in on the whole thing.

Maple Curtain
Maple Curtain
7 years ago

Can you explain the 2nd paragraph. List? Health? Maybe I’m guilty of reading while tired, but I’m not making any sense of this.

Robert What?
Robert What?
7 years ago

Trump did us a tremendous favor by keeping another Bush out of the White House. Now if he could just do the same for another Clinton.

7 years ago

Similarly in a month I am sure all these zoo workers will be fine – so long as nobody ends up in the zoo enclosure looking available when Harambe is in the midst of his daily auto-erotic activities. After all, sex is meaningless, and you can’t blame Harambe – he has needs too.

The fact you would insult the dignity of the King of the Alt-Right in such as fashion while turning off the comments for the article which contained it speaks volumes. Prepare to meet the displeasure of the King’s Hand Putin.

7 years ago

I see Trump as being outside the Uniparty, but otherwise I totally agree and it has been pretty blatant for a while. When both sides of the fence are unilaterally pro ZIonist, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

The obvious. Bush couldn’t hang 9-11 on the Democrats because he did it. He also couldn’t punish anyone for it because he asked for it. They were promoted. I’ll point out that building #7, not hit by a plane, fell the same speed as a rock dropped in air for roughly 108 feet. It’s impossible for a building to fall through itself like falling through “air” without the bottom being demoed out from under it. I’ll make this as plain as possible the building fell as if it was supported by “air”. We all know the building wasn’t floating in the air therefore it was demoed. I know it hard to believe your country is so evil but the facts allow no deviation from this truth. All the hand waving in the World will not change the fact the building fell through air and not building structure. It had NO support when it fell. None. Zero. Nada.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

I’m going to add this even though it’s redundant because it is KEY. It is absolute 100%. All the various evidence, of which there is massive, massive, massive, that 9-11 was an inside job pale next to
the fall of building #7. Buildings 1 and 2 are the same but planes hitting them give the layman an excuse to ignore their ridiculous fall. Building 7 can not be denied. It is fundamental to the way things fall in a gravity field. All objects fall the same speed in a gravity field. Look at the Apollo mission where they drop a hammer and a feather at the same time on the Moon. The hit the Moon at the same time. I think people have this gut feeling that heavier things fall faster. Not so. Heavier things are just collections of smaller things.

So we have two variables. Gravity and air friction for the elements falling. The building fell the EXACT same speed as a rock dropped in air. The force of gravity was the same on the building as the rock so the only variable left is what was holding up the building AND THE ROCK. Air. Only air held up the building. It had no support. If it falls as fast as if air was supporting it there can be NO other solution than that of the bottom being demoed under it. Don’t let them fool you by saying that the inside fell first and that pulled down the outside. We all saw it. The inside DOES NOT pull the outside inward, It would have to if the inside falling first made the outside fall.