Do r-strategists Become K-strategists?

A question from the comments:

“I’ll bet they would quiet right down, and become our biggest advocates.”

Your r/K theory imagines an existential and irreconcilable conflict of world views, wired in at the biological level. So that’s a hard one to wrap my head around.

Are you merely saying that “people programmed to follow the herd will always want to be seen as following the herd, but will then use that for entryism and try to implement r”?

Or are you arguing that K-strategists could make r-strategists into actual advocates by means of sufficient violence?

This distinction tips into something that has always interested me: the roles people choose to play in totalitarian movements, and why. Always looking for angles that improve my understanding.

You have to differentiate between psychology and behavior. Psychology is the programming which produces behavior. Many different programs can produce the same behavior. Advocating for K-strategists is not being a K-strategist.

r-strategists seek safety to quiet the amygdala. It is the origin of their entire thought process. It determines behavior, guides their logical thought, and defines who they are. If society is just talking about issues because things are r, r-strategists will try to bully K’s into espousing r, to avoid having to endure exposure to K-thoughts and ideas. They are trying to quiet their amygdala by forcing others to abandon amygdala-stimulating ideas and dialog. In a way it is the path of least amygdala-resistance in that environment.

But if things turn K and violence emerges, r-strategists will seek safety under the protection of the strongest K-strategists. They will have to.

Now when they do this, they will not want to contemplate that they are cowardly sellouts – mere lowly peons groveling to save themselves. That would be amygdala triggering. They will tell themselves that they have joined this group because they are true believers, and to prove it I suspect they are going to try and outdo the K’s in the movement. Believing will be amygdala relaxing, so they will believe, even if on the side they seek hedonism, and they avoid danger at all turns.

That is the mechanism behind the Stockholm Syndrome. They come to believe that they actually do believe, because that shuts off all the amygdala buttons. They can escape danger, and don’t have to feel inferior, because they are doing it for morals/intellect/etc. And the more they believe, the more their amygdala tells them they are principled, and their decision was one produced solely by their massive intellect, and unswayable morals.

Now if K-society decides to deport Mexicans and puts them on trains in shackles, it will be the r’s who will kick each Mexican in the face as they are tied up. It will be the r’s who then strut around with their chests puffed out, as if they are tough. If Blacks are doing crime in a white area, it will be the white r’s who demand most strongly that the whites all band together and burn down the neighboring black neighborhoods while killing all the blacks, though they will make sure they are nowhere near danger throughout it.

If an r-gets a position of power, they will be the most brutal to the enemy, because they will be assuaging their amygdala by throwing themselves headfirst into demonstrating how much of a true believer they are. The key will be, the r’s will only take the safe shots and will never face the danger themselves.

It is counterintuitive that cowardice would drive one to seek to cement membership in the group most strongly, but that is what I will bet will happen. There is no way a leftist will be willing to stand alone in the face of what is coming, and when they choose sides, it is the winning side they are going to choose, and there they will try to out-believe the true believers as a way of proving to themselves how principled they are.

Now on entryism, yes they will try to implement r, so long as it will not affect their group-affiliation. But if it will, they will still pursue their r-urges, but they will try to keep it off the radar of the group, kind of like republican politicians who you find out were having affairs, taking bribes, etc. This means practically, that the entryism we see in times of transition from K to r will not occur so much in times of pure K. The rabbits will go underground.

I am not saying r’s will seamlessly join the group and become indistinguishable from K’s. I am saying they will take cover in the group to avoid danger, and when they do, they will perform the additional step of lying to themselves about why they are joining the group, and this will result in hyper-fervent believers who will make the average K look like a weak-willed pansy who isn’t 100% committed to the eradication of the enemies of the group.

Vox Day says SJW’s Always Lie, and that is so true that they even lie to themselves. Sadly they are the only people so stupid that they believe their own lies.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Do r-strategists Become K-strategists? […]

Brian Meredith
Brian Meredith
7 years ago

“If an r-gets a position of power, they will be the most brutal to the enemy, because they will be assuaging their amygdala by throwing themselves headfirst into demonstrating how much of a true believer they are. The key will be, the r’s will only take the safe shots and will never face the danger themselves.”

Sounds just like Che Guevara, shooting men in the head as long as they were tied up first.

Reply to  Brian Meredith
7 years ago

Payback was a beeyotch for Brother Che. This guy still wears Che’s wristwatch to commemorate their meeting:

7 years ago

Very interesting remarks, and based on my reading of your site the last year it makes sense.

So how could one tell r from K in this scenario? Stridency?

One thing I have seen in some former leftists is the occasional pattern of over the top anger – at what I believe results from having been conned and betrayed into believing r lies for so many years.

It’s quite possible some of the r’s will be very angry at a system they were told was the right one, only to see it all crumble as one big towering lie.

John Calabro
John Calabro
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Hey Anonymous Conservative does the other way happen? I mean in r societies are there K’s in high positions that trick r into believing that they are the same as them or does that only a r thing?

I think back to the USSR there must of been a couple of K’s in high positions just waiting their time and pretending to enjoy the company of their corrupt leaders knowing that they could not say or do anything without risking their friends and family but deep down boiling up inside.
For how after the cold war did the switch in some countries in the East from a more r societies into a more K society happen so fast such as Poland or Russia (after 1998) and yet in others it did not change for the better such as Ukraine or Romania where corruption is high.

7 years ago

Illuminating reply. It’s hard to know now, because you’d have to pick specific examples and then talk to many of their associates as they were growing up. Still, it may explain some behaviors we see in certain totalitarian flunkies. This would be one for Antiversity research projects.

I mean, there’s always a chance that matters became really personal to the epically savage ones for some other reason, but this… hmmm.