WaPo On The Venezuelan Collapse

More of the same, though at least this admits suspending supply and demand is a problem:

Venezuela is stuck in a doom loop that’s become a death spiral.

Its stores are empty, its people are starving, and its government is to blame. It has tried to repeal the law of supply and demand, and, in the process, eliminated any incentive for businesses to actually sell things. The result is that the country with the largest oil reserves in the world now has to resort to forced labor just to try to feed itself.

It gives new meaning to the revolution devouring its own.

Many wonder what will the collapse look like? This is it, literally. It is in the weakest nations now, but it will work its way up the chain to the richest. With our level of debt, a sustained Depression will make any chance of paying our bills impossible. That will dry up bonds, and by then three quarters or more of our yearly expenditures may be borrowed. If there are no loans, that means an overnight budget austerity. And that is just the first step in a long line of many systemic collapses.

Venezuela now is what America will see, with one difference. There will be two Americas.

There is a strain of rugged, intolerant individualism in America, and far too many firearms for government to oppress as easily if the population becomes that displeased. I imagine that would lead to a Soviet-esque dissolution in those areas, instead of a persistent hell-like state or starvation and lack of medical care. I mean, Venezuela doesn’t have large swaths of the nation where guns are beloved, communities stand together, and men have literally, right in front of covert government surveillance, shot thieves at their neighbor’s houses, in the back, after they dropped their loot, as they were running away, and nobody was even charged.

Now we also have large swaths of rabbitized America. There, well-off, impotent, unarmed liberals live side by side with heavily armed, but presently narcotized, impoverished savages, temporarily satiated by a constant stream of dopamine from free resources. Those areas will be out of control when the collapse goes down, and the horrors we will see on a daily basis will drain all fedgov resources into them, I am sure.

So I expect two Americas to emerge. The goal of DC, if it hangs on, will be to try and leverage the desperate against the responsible, in the hopes of clinging to power. However first they will have to keep the desperate alive, and I am not entirely sure that will go well.

In the interim, My guess is, a lot of the Democrat nation will either be killed, or end up in prison, and that is not even considering any violence by the K-strategist side.

It promises to be interesting, if nothing else.

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7 years ago

[…] WaPo On The Venezuelan Collapse […]

7 years ago

I saw a meme the other day with a picture of a smiling cop, and the caption was, “If we wanted to kill black people | we would just stop patrolling their neighbourhoods.”

It’s the same thing. If we want to destroy Democrats in a genocide like they think we do, we don’t have to fire a shot. We just have to stop feeding them. It’s what Stalin did, so we can even say we learned it from them.

7 years ago

The story to which you linked included a reference to a Real Piss-off for me.

“Property isn’t worth killing someone over.”

You and I know this is BS. My property is a product of my irreplaceable time of life, combined with effort and ability. Someone stealing my property is LITERALLY stealing the time of my life consumed in acquiring it.

Killing someone over them stealing my life, in whole or in noticeable part (as they steal my property)? You bet it’s justified.

The other takeaway is this: Those two black/brown criminals were committing crimes on US soil against US citizens because the political system to which citizens have delegated protection thereof was utterly FAILING. Those clowns should have been jailed for crimes already committed, and then deported afterward with a bounty on their heads. “Show back up in the USA and anyone who comes in with your heart, head, dead body, live body, liver, or anything without which you can’t live and they get $10,000 cash, tax-free.” Turn a problem into a non-problem, instantly.

Our political system has almost completely ceased to produce the public goods citizens charge it to create (AKA “order.”) It is actively engaged in creating chaos.

We’re microns away from the widespread realization that people have no choice but to hitch up their trousers, pull on their boots and DIY instead of delegating those powers to the central system.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I never doubted we’re on the same page of the playbook. Keep up the good work.

7 years ago

When people are dying of hunger, forced labor only makes them die faster. Venezuela used to have a productive middle class, but they gave up and left the country after military coups failed to oust Chavez. There is no exit option for white Americans.

I thought Assad was finished years ago but I was wrong, because Assad’s people, the Alawites, have nowhere else to go. Anywhere they might seek refuge, even in Europe, they would be genocided by real Muslims, so they stay and fight to the last man.

John Calabro
John Calabro
7 years ago

Hey Anonymous Conservative, did you hear about this news from Queensland Australia?
From the article “THE Queensland government will spend $100 million to legally usher in ride-sharing services like Uber, including a “hardship fund” for disadvantaged taxi drivers.”
Uber was illegal for a while with the queensland police giving out fines if they caught people doing Uber. To me it is definitely a Rabbit world when the government is force to change (ie give up the taxi monopoly) they go about the worst possibly way. The thinking that you can give 100 million to keep everyone happy is very short term and very selfish. Lucky for them they will not be in power when the bill is due to pay off.
It would be like the government in the late 19th century paying people in the horse and cart industry when the car was starting to replace them so that no one would be hurt. Instead of letting the business rise and fall on its own they paying the current workers so that they do not have to go out and learn new skills and compete in the market place. In the long run you have only delayed the change and made it more painful
Also this from the State of Act in Australia
From the article “Vilification on the grounds of religion is now illegal and in serious cases could result in a criminal conviction with a fine of up to $7500, under laws passed by the ACT parliament on Thursday.
Both Labor and Liberal supported the move put by the Greens Shane Rattenbury, who said the display of hatred, intolerance and offensive behaviour towards Muslims was one of the biggest intolerance issues in Australia today.”

7 years ago

Enter president Donald Trump . He is a negotiator . Paying back our debt will require negotiation . Allow me to give you an example . I borrow $10,000 from you to pay back in 10 years . Then I inform you three years in, that I’m not going to be able to pay back a dime . You can go after me for the 10,000 but you will probably get 0 . Or you could negotiate with me to settle the debt for 5000 or 3000 or 1000 . It is better to get something then nothing . I spent a lot of my life negotiating . So has Donald Trump .

Reply to  davecydell
7 years ago

You are correct. The debt ocean (representing vast wealth today, temporarily) will evaporate, some of it by renegotiation to deliver pennies on the dollar, some it by outright repudiation, and much of it simply by capital value erosion as interest rates eventually skyrocket.

All roads lead to the greatest deflationary credit collapse ever imagined.

Can we imagine a Federal Government can cannot borrow? The moment any entity, including Uncle Sam, begins to explicitly default on part of its past borrowing, who is stupid enough still to loan it more?

For decades Uncle Sam’s string-pullers have plowed vast wealth into their own hands while buying off the electorate with hand-outs and gibsmedats. The moment it cannot borrow, and has to actually tax what its managers wish to redistribute (or steal), the phase change from now will be every bit as stunning as are the physical characteristics of water as it passes from a liquid to a solid over a very tiny change in temperature.

I can’t wait to see how the current level of infinite demand (need, to the hand-wringers) slams into the reality that 1) today’s taxes can’t cover but a fraction of the flow of funds and 2) the willingness and ability to be taxed at today’s levels will be in the process of cratering.

All roads lead to the greatest deflationary social collapse ever imagined.

7 years ago

Too many daves here, I am getting more paranoid than usual.