Donald Hypnotizes – And Now You See Hillary As A Dirty Skank

More of Donald’s brilliance on display:

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump remarked on Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton’s brief absence from the debate stage on Dec. 19 saying, “Where did she go? I thought she quit.”

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Donald Trump launched an aggressive attack on Hillary Clinton on Monday night, saying she was “disgusting” for using the restroom during the latest Democratic debate and that she was “schlonged” by a male political opponent.

Standing before a crowd of 7,500, Trump recounted how the Democratic debate on Saturday night had resumed following a commercial break with only two of the three Democratic candidates. Clinton then walked on stage. Trump asked the crowd four times where Clinton had gone.

“I know where she went — it’s disgusting, I don’t want to talk about it,” Trump said as the crowd laughed. “It’s too disgusting. Don’t say it, it’s disgusting.”

Later in the night, Trump told the crowd that he could not picture Clinton as president because she never wins at anything. He then brought up the 2008 Democratic primary, which Clinton lost to Barack Obama.

“She was favored to win, and she got schlonged,” Trump said, turning a vulgar noun for a large penis into a verb.

The Clintons have a long association with being involved with stuff you don’t want to think about. People haven’t talked about it for a while, but way back in the corners of their mind is Bill walking around the White House with an intern covered in his semen.

Trump is re-exercising those connections here. While being absolutely hilarious, he creates images of Hillary you don’t want to think about, and he does it while telling you not to think about it or say it, which is a classic hypnosis technique.

Very quickly here, take the next few minutes, and don’t think about the feeling of your breathing. Not once. Don’t feel your chest lift up, don’t feel the cool air rush in through your throat, and don’t feel the air rush out and carry all of those toxins when you exhale. Take two minutes, and don’t feel that, even just once. Of course you just did because the mind can’t not think of something without first thinking of it, to ascertain what not to think of.

Now, don’t think about Hillary taking a dump. Don’t do it. Don’t think about the mental image of it. Good.

People want sterile Presidents who don’t do those things. Now everybody has a mental image of a 100 year old, fat, disgusting Hillary, in dirty underwear, cigarette hanging from her lips, walking into the john to take a dump with the door open, before coming out to get “schlonged” doggy-style by some porn star.

There is no coming back from that mental imagery. Nobody takes that kind of person’s foreign policy advice seriously. Nobody wants to know their opinion on the Social Security reform proposals. That is a dirty person who happens to be a huge loser, that nobody wants to think about or talk to. And even funnier, Trump made the thought of it kind of amusing and pleasurable by getting people laughing as he did it. Their amygdala is pleased by the disgusting, demeaning image, so they won’t avoid thinking about it in the future.

After that image has percolated for a while, there will eventually be a debate where Donald will walk out in a $40,000 custom blue Italian suit with red power tie, looking like a freshly minted billion bucks, and next to him will be that dirty fat skank who dumps with the door open.

Most amazingly, Donald did all of that to Hillary while telling people not to do it, that he was opposed to it, and being uproariously funny – and he even got free media coverage of it all – from the Washington Post of all places!

This is why I view Trump as being even with Cruz in my mind, even though I think Cruz is more likely to be more reliable on guns. Trump is just so awesome at this stuff, that he is nearly a supernatural force. After Bush, I can’t imagine what it would be like to have a President who savaged liberal idiots like this for eight years. I can’t imagine how much better off the country would be.

Bring it, Donald.

GOPocalypse cometh™

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

The schlonged line is absolutely brilliant, it saddles her with Bill’s philandering, suggests the cognitive dissonance of her lesbianism, brings in a cuckolding image with Obama, all while being essentially non-sensical — everything about it screams Master Wizard in the Scott Adams theory.

8 years ago

When I read Trump’s choice of words — schlong — I immediately came to your site to see what you’d say about it. You did not disappoint!

I read your article to my husband, (no stranger to such phrases as he is a former New Yorker), who laughed hysterically and in complete agreement. We argued, however, about Trump’s self-awareness: my husband thinks Trump is utterly conniving and clever in his choice of words; I think he’s more intuitive and reactive, with a good gut-level sense of how people actually think.

By the way, I finished your book last night and am still musing on it. Great read. Thank you.