Donna Brazile Feared For Her Life

Donna knows what is real and what is not:

In the aftermath of Wikileaks’ decision to publish a cache of emails stolen from the DNC’s servers, Donna Brazile says she became increasingly paranoid about both possible Russian efforts to sway the election. Surprisingly, she says top Democrats initially instructed her not to discuss her concerns with others.

But even more than the Russians, Brazile says she feared possible retribution from shadowy elements within the campaign and the Democratic Party who might blame her for the leak. Her fears only intensified, she says, after the mysterious shooting of former campaign staffer Seth Rich, who the authorities said was killed during a robbery, though many so-called conspiracy theorists have speculated about a possible Democratic plot to kill Rich for his role in leaking the stash of DNC emails to Wikileaks. Brazile’s anxiety eventually spiraled out of control, to the point where she feared for her own life while serving as interim chairwoman of the DNC…

Brazile writes that she was haunted by the still-unsolved murder of DNC data staffer Seth Rich and feared for her own life, shutting the blinds to her office window so snipers could not see her and installing surveillance cameras at her home. She wonders whether Russians had placed a listening device in plants in the DNC executive suite.

Politics seems like fun. r/K sounded like a hoot to promote online. “Leftists are tools, and here is the scientific proof!”

The bottom line is, this lark affects the disbursement of trillions of dollars per year, just in the US. Moreover, because the stakes are so high, a lot of people have hung their asses out there, doing serious shit that could destroy the rest of their lives if things were to head in the wrong direction. And those people have usually spent the last few decades immersed in an endless orgy of cocktail parties, staff-asses, and essentially free money, as they have learned they can get away with anything.

They do not have the amygdala to stoically endure any adverse consequences for their actions. Which means when there are adverse consequences to be had, expect they will try to foist them on anyone but themselves, and they will do anything to make that happen. I’ve been saying we have cause to be worried, and I am sure many of you think I am crazy. But here, even Brazile recognizes this, and says so openly in her book. She is a public figure at the top of the food chain who knew everyone in the media, and even she felt her ticket could have been punched at a moment’s notice by a machine unseen and unheard of by anyone, without the slightest fear of repercussions. Even she has no idea who they are, and she was practically a right hand to someone who could have been President had Donald Trump not run. Think about that.

For now my read is 99.9% of the alt-right is safe. This is the phase where there are still enough resources that killing off the alt-right is not a cost effective measure in the risk to reward calculus. But have no doubt, when the time comes, and political stability may be unstable, don’t think that such an unstable world will be a safe little bastion where the Marquis of Queensbury rules still prevail. It won’t. It is going to be an adventure in moving boundaries, at least for those who survive.

In that world, the ones who definitely survive will be the ones who do the killing, and if you aren’t killing (and I expect none of us will be when the collapse goes down, simply due to psychological stasis), then you will run the risk of being the one getting killed, unless you can make yourself unseen and/or totally unpredictable.

Have a plan to be real unpredictable relative to past behavior when the SHTF, and execute it. Because things will happen fast and they will be well formulated by then.

That is about the best advice I can give you.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because when times change, times will change fast

This entry was posted in Conspiracy, Decline, Economic Collapse, ITZ, Liberals, Politics, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

Solid advice. Becoming a functional paranoid will be crucial to have a non-zero chance of survival when the political and social instability really hits the West. Interesting times ahead.

Other basic crucial components of survival in the near/medium term future:
1)Fitness – get your cardio and strength in order.
2)Preparation knowledge – so you don’t die from diarrhea dehydration or from a paper cut infection.
3)Psychological preparation – read about past SHTF situations to have an idea of what shit will look like.
4)Logistical preparation – learn about the material side of prepping.

Good luck everyone, let the best side win.

Veritas Quaerite
Veritas Quaerite
6 years ago

It as amazing to watch the left eat itself. I have seen at least 2 articles where Democratic operatives were throwing Brazile under the bus instead of facing the reality around HRC.

6 years ago
6 years ago

Alt-right is a bad name when you think about it. I’d go simpler- the new right are simply “reality describers”. We see what is actually happening in the world around us and act accordingly – the way any non-gaslit, non-pozzed, non-tweeked person would.

6 years ago

[…] I have been saying all this for some time, and I am sure some have thought I was crazy, but when Donna Brazile realized the machine might have it in for her, and she consulted with a spoo… […]