Generation Z Is Going K-selected

No mistaking the signs:

Last year was the first presidential election in which Generation Z voted, according to Brauer, “yet there was virtually no attention paid to this demographic…”

Brauer explains that, from 2012 to 2016, Democratic candidates lost 5 percent of the youth vote nationally (down from 60 percent to 55 percent). In Florida, Democrats’ margin of victory among the young dropped 16 percentage points. In both Ohio and Pennsylvania, the drop was 19 points. In Wisconsin, 20 points.

“It is unlikely that such significant drops were simply due to the more liberal millennial generation changing their minds from one election to the next,” said Brauer.

“It is much more likely the precipitous drops were due to the more conservative Generation Z being able, for the first time, to express their political inclinations, especially in the economically hard-hit swing states.”

Therefore, Generation Z possibly had a major, yet completely overlooked, impact in this historic election. “Generation Z voters were likely attracted to Trump because of his strong stances on national security and economic recovery — the main concerns of that generation,” said Brauer.

“This generation is different, and they are about to have a profound impact on commerce, politics and trends,” Brauer concludes. “If politicians and business leaders aren’t paying attention yet, they better, because they are about to change the world.”

Studies a few years back had shown a reduced drive to promiscuity and later age at first mating among the younger generation. Now they are voting, and their issues are national defense and economic competitiveness, and they love Donald Trump.

There was more shortage under Obama than the official numbers were letting on. This is K-ificiation, produced by resource shortage.

This is minor shortage though, and it has already produced enough K to provoke a psychology that will grow up to view leftists as imbeciles. When the economic collapse hits, I expect the generations that grow up under the fallout from that to view leftists as an inhuman scourge that needs to be hunted down and killed wherever it is found.

Assuming a pandemic even leaves any leftists to hunt down.

Spread r/K Theory, because the tides of r and K are shifting, and this is our time

This entry was posted in Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

[…] Generation Z Is Going K-selected […]

6 years ago

There’s a reason the goats on voat refer to them as Generation Zyklon.

Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood
6 years ago

About eight years ago two of my grandsons, then in their mid-teens, came to me for a chat. They were concerned that the global warming propaganda they were receiving at school might be unsound.

I gave them a talk on what I remembered of climate history, then a few pointers on how to check their lessons for themselves. They did some research, and were not pleased.

Both those lads are bright and practical, and are making a point of smelling out bulldust whenever they can.

If they were USians, they would have voted – their first election – for Trump, especially after another wee chat with Grandpa.

6 years ago

You should look at Rich Kids of Instagram, I await the coming Apocalypse with delight because of those brats, some of whom I am/have been acquainted with – they really are like that. Worse, actually.
I think you should look into the insula as another brain region that differentiates for r/K, it seems to have a key role in sexual selection, including arousal of lust and fear/disgust.

6 years ago

Those voter stats for Gen Z also have to be viewed through the context that less of them are White than X’ers and millennials. That’s probably approaching 80% republican among younger Whites. White people are becoming block voters for the right. I suspect genetics at play- since r-selected whites have either out-bred or had few/no children for so long.

Duke Norfolk
6 years ago

We need to drop the voting age to 13, ASAP. LOL

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

That’s true. The early silent generation was amazingly conservative (peak electoral impact with Nixon 72′ and Reagan 84′). Great Depression epigenetics in action (average DOB early 1930’s). Just in time too, to control the destruction wrought by the cowards children that were hippies. The summer of love people’s average DOB was probably 1944. Most of the beat generations followers were fathered by dudes avoiding WWII combat.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

The cucked Republicans are complete idiots. They are the minority very soon. If they change a few things they could continue to win. While they have power they should be pushing mightily to stop alt immigration and change it back to European immigration to address the White – other race balance. They should be clamping down on the cities where voter fraud is rampant. After all many cities with lots of fraud are in Republican controlled State houses. They should be forced to use tamper proof voting with valid ID. They should get rid of ALL affirmative action except those Blacks that had relatives that were slaves and they should limit that to another 20 years or less then that’s it. They should build tons, hoards, masses of public housing in Democrat voting areas. High rise style and pack all the diversity they can into areas where they say it’s so important. All the rapeugees should go there too. This would help the working class as Blacks keep destroying housing and neighborhoods every time they move into section 8. They should pass laws making voter qualification legal. Like literacy laws or poll taxes and impeach any judge that disagrees and makes new rights that don’t exist. They should impeach every judge that ruled that immigration and refugees can’t be stopped…